Systematic Astrology 3



1. Introduction
Universal and genethlialogical prognostication have the one and the same power both practically and theoretically, for the change in the subjects precisely correspond to the parallel movement of the heavenly bodies through the surrounding heavens except that universal conditions are greater and independent, and particular conditions not similarly so. However, the two divisions employ different starting-points, since we have no single one for the universe, and since these that we use are not always taken from the subjects themselves, but also from the elements that attend them and that carry with them the causes, while in predictions related to individual men, we have both one and many starting-points. The first is the beginning of the temperament itself, and many are the successive of the ambients which are relative to the beginning, though to be sure the single starting-point is naturally in this case of greatest importance because it produces the others. And as this is so, the general characteristics of the temperament are determined from the first starting point, while by means of others we predict the events that will come about at specific times and that vary in degree, following the ages of life. Because the chronological starting-point of human individuals is naturally the time of conception but potentially and accidentally the moment of the birth, in the cases in which the first is known either by chance or by observation, it is more fitting that we should follow it to determine body and mind, examining the effective power of the stars and their configuration at that time. For to the seed is given once and for all at the beginning such and such qualities by the endowment of the genetic mixture of the parents, which is in turn also controlled by the ambient, and such biological determinism dependent on physical reductionism is easily comprehended. But when people do not know the time of conception, which is usually the case, we must follow the starting-point furnished by the moment of birth, and give to this our attention, since it too is of great importance and falls short of the former only in this respect, that by the former it is possible to have foreknowledge of events preceding the birth. The conception is the source, the birth is the beginning and the nativities are equal or rather even more perfect in potentiality. For the child at birth takes on many additional attributes which it does not have in the womb, and even if it seems that the ambient at the time of birth contributes nothing towards its quality, at least its very coming forth into light under the appropriate confirmation of the stars does contribute, since nature, after the child is perfectly formed, gives impulse to a birth under a configuration of similar type to that which governs the formation of the child in detail in the first place. Accordingly, one may with good reason believe that the positions of the planets at the time of birth is significant of things of this sort, not, however, for the reason that it is causative in the full sense, but that by necessity and nature it has potentially very similar causative power. Details about parents, siblings or children can be ascertained through influence of particular inheritance.

With all natural and possible predictions, one division concerns solely events preceding the birth, such as the account of parents, another deals with events both before and after the birth, such as the account of brethren, another, with events at the very time of the birth, and finally that which treats of post-natal matters, which is more complex in theoretical development. Among subjects contemporary with the birth are those of sex, multiple births, monsters, and children that cannot be reared, second, that of bodily form and temperament, and bodily injuries and diseases, next, that of the quality of the mind, and diseases of the mind, then that which concerns fortune, both in the matter of possessions and in that of dignities, after this comes the account of the quality of action, then marriage, then the begetting of children, next associations, agreements, and friends, following comes the account of foreign travel, and finally that of the quality of death, which is in order reasonably placed at the end of all these subjects, though it is related to the length of life.

2. Hour-Marker
Take the five methods of predomination over the preceding new moon or the luminary above the earth at preceding full moon, at the time of birth, and with the method of ascensions discover the degree of the Hour-Marker or the Midheaven, for in all nativities, the degree of one angle has the same number as the predominator, and in case we do not know the nearest hour of birth, we shall establish it through the combination of accidental qualities.

3. Method
In the first place, we examine the places which are pertinent to the specific inquiry, for example, the Midheaven for actions, or the Sun for the father, then we observe the predominators with the five methods of predomination, house, trigon, elevation, term and aspect, and when there is one lord in all ways, we assign to him the rulership of that prediction, if two or three, we assign it to those that have more claims. Next, to determine the quality of the prediction, we have to consider the natures of the predominators themselves and the places in which they happen to be, and also the places familiar to them. After this, for the magnitude of the event, we examine the power and see whether they are actively situated both in the universe itself and in the nativity or the reverse, for they are most effective when they are in their own or in the familiar places with respect to the universe, when they are morning and additive, and whether they are ascending or post-ascending with respect to the nativity, particularly with the principal of these, by which we mean the places rising and culminating. They are weakest with respect to the universe when they are with places belonging to others with the opposite sect, when they are evening and retreating, and when they are pre-ascending with respect to the nativity. And for the time of the predicted events we must observe whether they are eastern or western with respect to the Sun and the horizon, and whether they are ascending or post-ascending, for if they are eastern and angular, they are more effective at the beginning, and they are slower to take action if they are western or in the following places.

4. Parents
Sun and Phainon predominate the father
Moon and Phosphoros predominate the mother
Sun and Moon favourably placed and attended with planets indicate that the circumstances of the parents will be conspicuously brilliant, especially if morning planets attend the Sun and evening planets attend the Moon. And if both Phainon and Phosphoros happen to be favourably placed in the way described, we must understand it to be a prediction of conspicuous happiness, with what is proper and fitting for each parent. If the luminaries are unfavourably placed without attendants they are indicative of low station and obscurity for the parents, particularly whenever Phosphoros or Phainon are not favourably placed. And if the luminaries are attended, but not by planets with the same sect, as when Pyroeis is attending the Sun, or Phainon the Moon, or if they are attended by unfavourably placed beneficent planets with opposite sect, we must understand that moderate station and changing fortunes in life are predicted for them. If the Lot of Fortune is in agreement with the favourable attending planets, the children will receive the patrimony intact, if, however, it is disjunct or in opposition, and when no planet is attending, or when the maleficent planets are attending, the estate of the parents will be useless to the children and even harmful.

Sun and Phainon aspected by Phaethon and Phosphoros, or if Phainon is in assembly, hexagon or trigon with the Sun, both being in power indicate long life for the father, when they are weak, the significance is not the same, though it does not indicate short life. If, however, this condition is not present, but Pyroeis overcomes Sun or Phainon, or is post-ascending them, or when Phainon is not in accord with the Sun, but in tetragon or in diameter, when they are declining, they merely make the fathers weak, but if they are in the powerful places, they make them short-lived, and if they are with the moderated places, they make them liable to injury. Pyroeis afflicting the Sun in the way described, destroys the father suddenly or causes injury to his sight, with Phainon, it puts him in peril of death or of chills and fever or of injury by cutting and burning. Phainon itself with unfavourable aspect with the Sun brings about the death of the father with disease, and illnesses.

Moon and Phosphoros aspected by Phaethon, or if Phosphoros is in assembly, hexagon or trigon to the Moon, both being power indicate long life for the mother. But if Pyroeis is post-ascending, or in tetragon or in diameter with the Moon or Phosphoros, or if Phainon is similarly placed with the Moon, decreasing and declining, they merely threaten with misfortune or sickness, but when they are increasing or angular, they make them short-lived with the powerful places, and liable to injury with the moderated places. Pyroeis afflicting the increasing Moon brings about the sudden death or injury of the eyesight for the mothers, if the Moon is decreasing, death from abortions or the like, or injury from cutting and burning, if it afflicts Phosphoros, death by fever, mysterious and obscure illnesses, and sudden attacks of disease. Phainon afflicting the Moon causes death and illnesses, and uterine ulcers and cancers when the Moon is eastern. Sun and Phosphoros by day, Moon and Phainon by night indicate injuries, diseases and deaths, by their nature indicating the Hour-Marker of the father, and the Hour-Marker of the mother.

5. Siblings
The Midheaven relative to Phosphoros by day, and Moon by night, indicates the children of the mother, which is the place of blood-brethren. When beneficent planets are with the Midheaven or its post-ascension, or with the Anti-Midheaven or its post-ascension, or even if they are applying to the Midheaven with some aspect, thus, we shall predict an abundance of brethren, basing our conjecture upon the number of the planets and whether they are in simple or dual places. Phainon and Pyroeis overcoming them or opposing them, indicate a dearth of brethren, particularly if they have the Sun among them. If the diameter is with angles, and particularly with the Hour-Marker, in the case of Phainon, they are first-born or the first to be reared, and in the case of Pyroeis there is small number of brethren by reason of the death of others. Favourably placed donative planets give elegant and distinguished siblings, if the reverse is the case, humble and inconspicuous. The maleficent planets overcoming or post-ascending the donative planets make short-lived brethren. Masculine planets give males, feminine planets give females, eastern planets make first-born, the western planets make later-born. Donative planets with harmonious aspect with the predominator of the Midheaven will make the brethren friendly, and will also make them live together, if they are in harmonious aspect with the Lot of Fortune, but if they are disjunct or in diameter, they will produce quarrelsome, jealous, and for the most part, scheming brethren. For the investigation of particular details, we must take the donative planet as the Hour-Marker, and the rest of nativities.

6. Sex
Hour-Marker, Sun and Moon masculine and predominated by masculine planets indicate males, and whenever they are feminine and predominated by feminine planets, they indicate females.

7. Multiple Births
Likewise with regard to multiple births it is fitting to observe the same places and predominators, for when they are in dual places, either most or all of them, they produce multiple births, with the number indicated by the predomination of dual placements, and the sex by the donative planets.

8. Monsters
The subject of teratology is not foreign to the present inquiry, for when the luminaries are turned away from the Hour-Marker with the maleficent planets separating the angles, they make humble and unlucky nativities and when the predominators of the preceding syzygy are disjunct from the preceding New or Full Moon itself, they are afflicted by teratogens. If Phaethon and Phosphoros aspect the luminaries, they make them honoured, prophets with Stilbon, but when alone, it makes them toothless, deaf and dumb, though otherwise clever and cunning, and when they are disjunct, the nativities are entirely irrational. In such cases, one must conjecture the intensity of affliction with the proximate fixed stars, whether beneficent or maleficent.

9. Children That Cannot Be Reared
Sun or Moon angular with maleficent planet with complete assembly or diameter without aspect of beneficent planet, with the predominator of the luminaries found in the place of the maleficent planet signify that the children born will not be reared. If this comes without equality of distance, but the rays of the maleficent planets succeed closely upon the luminaries, and when they afflict either one or both of the luminaries either by post-ascending them or by diameter, and when one afflicts one luminary and the other the other in turn, and if one afflicts by post-ascension, and the other by diameter, in this way too the children born will not live, Pyroeis particularly afflicts Sun with post-ascension, Phainon the Moon, but conversely in superior quartile or diameter, Phainon afflicts the Sun, and Pyroeis the Moon, most of all if they predominate the Hour-Marker, the Sun and the Moon. If there chance to be two diameters, with the angular luminaries with the complete configuration of the maleficent planets, then the infants are born dead or half-dead. And in such circumstances, whenever the luminaries should chance to be separating from assembly or aspect with one of the beneficent planets, the child that is born will live a number of months, or days, or even hours, equal to the number of degrees between the prorogator and the nearest destruction, in proportion to the greatness of the affliction, and the power of the planets ruling the cause. But if the maleficent rays fall before the luminaries and the beneficent behind them, the children will be taken up and will live. If the maleficent planets overcome the beneficent that bear an aspect, they will live to affliction and subjection, but if the beneficent planets overcome the maleficent, they will live but as supposititious children of other parents, and whenever they are rising or applying to Moon, while one of the maleficent planets is setting, they will be reared by their own parents.

10. Length of Life
The Midheaven, Hour-Marker, post-ascension of the Midheaven, Setting, with the pre-ascension of the Midheaven are prorogative places, in that order with reference to the power of domination. We must consider the four places of greatest authority, the Sun, Moon, Lot of Fortune, the Hour-Marker, and the predominators of them. Of these, by day we prefer the Sun, next the Moon, third the planet that has most relations of domination to the Sun, the preceding new moon, and to the Hour-Marker, when it has three or more relations of predomination over one of the them, but if this cannot be, finally we give preference to the Hour-Marker. By night we prefer the Moon, next the Sun, next the planet has most relations of domination to the Moon, the preceding full moon, and to the Lot of Fortune, when it has three or more methods of predomination over one of them, but if this cannot be, we give preference to the Lot of Fortune, if the preceding syzygy was full moon, then finally we give preference to the Hour-Marker. But if both luminaries or the planet of the proper sect should be in prorogative places, we must take one of the luminaries that is in the place of the greatest authority, and we should prefer predominating planets to both the luminaries only if they occupy position of greater authority and bear relation of predomination to both sects. When the prorogator has been distinguished we adopt two methods of prorogation, one following the order of the following places, and the method following the order of the leading places when prorogators is with places from the Midheaven to the Setting.

With the prorogation that follows the order of leading places only the Setting destroys, because it causes the lord of life to vanish, and the degrees of the planets that thus approach or bear witness merely take away and add years with the sum of those as far as the setting of the prorogator, and they do not destroy because they do not move toward the prorogative place, but it moves towards them. The beneficent planets add, the maleficent planets subtract, Stilbon again, is reckoned with the group to which it bears an aspect. The number of the addition or subtraction is calculated by means of the location in degrees in each case. For the entire number of years is the same as the number of hourly periods of each degree, hours of the day when it is day, and hours of the night when it is night, this must be our reckoning when they are with the east, and subtraction must be made in proportion to their departure therefrom, until at their setting it becomes zero.

With the prorogation which follows the order of following places, Phainon and Pyroeis destroy with bodily conjunction, tetragon and diameter, and hexagon in slowly ascending or equal power places and with trigon in rapidly ascending places. When the Moon is the prorogator, the place of the Sun also destroys. The tetragon of the prorogator destroys. However, it must not be thought that these places always inevitably destroy, but only when they are afflicted. They are prevented both if they fall within the term of beneficent planet and if one of the beneficent planets projects its ray from tetragon, trigon, or diameter, either upon the destructive degree or upon the parts that follow it, in the case of Phaethon, not more than 12°, and in that of Phosphoros, not over 8°, or when bodily conjunctions have different latitude with the prorogator. Thus when there are two or more on each side assisting and vice versa, destroying, we must consider which of them prevails, both by the number of those that cooperate and by power, with number whenever one group is perceptibly more numerous than the other, and with regard to power when some of the assisting or the destroying planets are in their own proper places, and some are not, and particularly when some are rising and others setting. For in general, no planet aids or destroys under the rays of the Sun, except the Sun itself destroys the Moon, whenever it is changed about by the association of a maleficent planet and is not released by any of the beneficent planets.

With the method of temporal intervals and solar years, determine the destructive, climacteric and transitional meetings, and by means of the particular significance of the predictions made from the temporal ingresses of the meeting, death, dangerous crises, sluggishness, injuries or transitory disasters. In these matters the special quality is ascertained from the familiarity of the occurrent places with the circumstances of the nativity. Sometimes, when it is doubtful which ought to take over the destroying power, there is nothing to prevent us from observing those which agree most with past events, or as having equal power, determining as before the question of their degree.

11. Bodily Form and Temperament
We must observe the Hour-Marker with the planets that are upon it or assume predomination and in particular the Moon as well, for it is through the formative power of these two places and with their predominators, through the mixture of the two kinds, and furthermore through the power of the fixed stars, according to their brilliance and colours, that the confirmation of the body has to be ascertained. Predominators have the most power in this matter and the twelve places aid them.

Phainon morning produces them dark-skinned, robust, black-haired, curly-haired, hairy-chested, with eyes of moderate size, of middling stature, temperament having an excess of moist and cold. Phainon evening produces them dark, slender, small, straight-haired, with little hair on the body, rather graceful, and black-eyed, temperament having an excess of cold and dry.

Phaethon morning produces them light of skin, but in such a way as to have a good colour, with moderately curling hair and large eyes, tall, commanding respect, temperament having an excess of hot and moist. Phaethon evening produces them light, to be sure, but not as before, in such a way as to give them good colour, and with lank hair or even bald in front and on the crown, and of average stature, temperament having an excess of moist.

Pyroeis morning produces them red and white of complexion, tall, robust, gray-eyed, with thick hair, somewhat curly, temperament having an excess of hot and dry. Pyroeis evening produces them simply ruddy, of middle height, with small eyes, not much hair on the body, straight yellow hair, temperament having an excess of dry.

Phosphoros has effects similar to Phaethon, but is apt to produce subjects more shapely, graceful, womanish, effeminate in figure, plump, and luxurious, with eyes bright as well as beautiful.

Stilbon morning produces them sallow, of moderate height, graceful, small eyes and moderately curling hair, temperament having an excess of hot. Stilbon evening produces them light but not of good colouring, with straight hair and olive complexion, lean and spare, and glancing, brilliant eyes, and somewhat ruddy, temperament having an excess of dry.

The luminaries assist each of these when they bear an aspect to them, the Sun tending to a more impressive and robust effect, and the Moon toward better proportion and greater slenderness, and a more moist temperament, proportionally to the special qualities of the illumination.

Morning planets making an appearance make the body large, planets with first station, powerful and muscular, planets moving forward, not well-proportioned, planets with second station, rather weak, and setting planets, entirely without repute but able to bear hardship and oppression. With the twelve places, 1, 2, 3 make them well-favoured in complexion, stature, robustness, and eyes, exceeding in moist and hot. 4, 5, 6 make them with moderately good complexion and moderate height, robust, with large eyes and thick and curly hair, exceeding in hot and dry. 7, 8, 9 produce them sallow, spare, slender, sickly, with moderately curling hair and good eyes, exceeding in dry and cold. 10, 11, 12 produce individuals of dark complexion, moderate height, straight hair, with little hair on their bodies, somewhat graceful, exceeding in cold and moist. And we must take the heating power with high extraversion, and drying power with high neuroticism.

12. Bodily Injuries and Diseases
To gain a general comprehension, it is necessary to look at the two angles with the horizon, that is the Hour-Marker and the Setting, especially the latter, for the moist exhalations about the earth most influence bodies. We must also observe what aspect the maleficent planets bear to them, for if they, one or both of them are stationed against the angular degrees, with conjunction, tetragon or diameter, the subjects born will suffer bodily injuries and disease, especially when either one or both of the luminaries as well chance to be angular in the manner described for in that case not only one of the maleficent planets is post-ascending the luminaries but even if it is pre-ascending them while angular, they have power to produce injuries or diseases of such kind as the place of the horizon and ecliptic may indicate, likewise what is indicated by the natures of the afflicting and afflicted planets, and moreover by those that bear some aspect to them. For the most part, the eastern maleficent planets produce injuries, and the western maleficent planets cause disease that bears upon the patient either continuously or in sudden attacks. Bodily injuries and diseases are also indicated by afflicted planets occupying the pre-ascensions of the aforementioned angles, or by those that are post-ascending, in which case, the general time is discovered from their risings.

Phainon is lord of the right ear, the spleen, the bladder, the phlegm, and the bones, Phaethon is lord of touch, the lungs, arteries, and semen, Pyroeis of the left ear, kidneys, veins, and genitals, the Sun of the sight, the brain, heart, sinews and all the right-hand parts, Phosphoros of smell, the liver, and the flesh, Stilbon of speech and thought, the tongue, the bile, and the buttocks, and the Moon of taste and drinking, the stomach, belly, womb, and all the left-hand parts.

Hermes Trismegistus and the philosopher observed various configurations related to this topic.*.html#12

13. Quality of the Mind
We are in full agreement with the investigation of the mind from Moon and Stilbon as done with the detailed methods described by the philosopher.*.html#13

14. Diseases of the Mind
We are mostly in agreement in investigation of diseases of the mind, indicated from the positions of the Moon and Stilbon relative to each other, and to the Hour-Marker, for if they turned away, while overcome, enclosed, or in opposition with maleficent planets in injurious aspects, they give various diseases which affect the character of the mind, the interpretation of which, is calculated from the previously described qualities of the planets.

In most cases those are epileptic in whose nativities the Moon and Stilbon are, as we said before, unrelated to each other or the Hour-Marker, while Phainon by day or Pyroeis by night is angular and in the aspect previously described. And they are violently insane when, again under the same conditions, Phainon by night and Pyroeis by day rules the position. And they are most afflicted if maleficent planets are in this place and control the New or Full Moon, Phainon with new moon, Pyroeis with full moon and especially with dual places. We are in agreement with the remaining investigations done by the philosopher and the ancients.*.html#13

Robbins, F. E. (1940). Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos. William Heinmann, London. Retrieved from
Schmidt, R. Hephaistio of Thebes Apotelesmatics Book II. Project Hindsight.


1. This is the nativity of John McCain according to astrodatabank (AA) -,_John
2. Since I find the preceding new moon at 25 Leo, I investigate the predominators of that degree at the nativity, and I find the Sun close to the Setting angle. I make the corresponding adjustment of adding 1 minute and 30 seconds to the given hour of birth.
3. I investigate the nativity with this natural method, avoiding numbers, lots and places for which no reasonable explanation can be given.
4. It is obvious that the circumstances of his father were brilliant, since the Sun is exactly angular and attended by Venus and Mercury, while Saturn is rising, and to less extent also of the mother, since the Moon is attended by Saturn, and though Venus is in fall, it is angular.

And since the Sun was applying to Saturn, while Venus separating from the opposition, the father lived less because of illness and heart attack at 70, which is indicated by the ascension of the Sun to the square of Mars (and we direct by ascensional times, since the Sun is the Ascendant of the father by day). And because the waxing Moon was applying to culminating Jupiter, and it in turn aspecting Venus, the mother is long-lived (107+). The morning appearance of Mars portends the occupation of both the father and his son.

5. Since the Midheaven relative to Venus is at 25 Gemini, and since the feminine Moon is eastern and moving towards it by opposition, he had an older sister, and since western Mercury, in masculine place and aspected by Jupiter, was moving towards it by square, he had an younger brother.
6. Since the Moon was masculine and predominated by masculine planets, while the other planets having admixture of both masculine and feminine influence, by the principle of prevalence, the nativity was of a male.
7. And since the Moon was not in a dual place, nor were Mars and Mercury which aspects it and predominates the Sun, the nativity did not involve multiple births.
8. And since the Sun was angular with Jupiter, Mars and Moon aspecting the syzygy, the nativity did not involve congenital defects.
9. Likewise, there was no particular affliction of either luminary, so that the nativity lives according to the vitality corresponding to the solar years.
10. Since the prorogator, the Sun, completed its square at the 82th year, he lived that many years.
11. Since Saturn and Venus predominated the Hour-Marker and the Moon with the aspect of the Sun, they produced effects according to their nature and the bodily form of his heredity.
12. He died from brain cancer since the Sun was both setting and related to the cause of death. But eastern Saturn was related to his injuries during the war. And setting Venus opposing Saturn was related to diseases of the flesh.
13. Moon is in solid place, Mercury in equinoctial, both in trine and favorably placed, and since the predominator, Saturn, was rising, with the testimony of the Sun, and the Moon increasing, they all produced their effects related to the mind, particularly those related to liberality, dignity, success and the like.
14. And he did not suffer mental disease, on the contrary his intelligence was good because of the placement of angular Mercury in proper face and in aspect with Jupiter, and his affections and relations were natural and modest, since the feminine Sun and the masculine Moon produce temperate nature, as do feminine Venus and masculine Mars.

Thus, one may marvel at the directions of divine nature and the natural parsimonious methods of the philosopher.

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Well-known member
1. This is the nativity of John McCain according to astrodatabank (AA) -,_John
2. Since I find the preceding new moon at 25 Leo, I investigate the predominators of that degree at the nativity, and I find the Sun close to the Setting angle. I make the corresponding adjustment of adding 1 minute and 30 seconds to the given hour of birth.
3. I investigate the nativity with this natural method, avoiding numbers, lots and places for which no reasonable explanation can be given.
so the use of this natural method
either/or :smile:
both Tropical and Sidereal


so the use of this natural method
either/or :smile:
both Tropical and Sidereal

Not really, since the houses, triangles, exaltations, terms and aspects based on the tropics are more scientific. :smile:

''The following, however, upon which it is worth while to dwell, we shall not pass by, namely, that it is reasonable to reckon the beginnings of the signs also from the equinoxes and solstices, partly because the writers make this quite clear, and particularly because from our previous demonstrations we observe that their natures, powers, and familiarities take their cause from the solstitial and equinoctial starting-places, and from no other source. For if other starting-places are assumed, we shall either be compelled no longer to use the natures of the signs for prognostications or, if we use them, to be in error, since the spaces of the zodiac which implant their powers in the planets would then pass over to others and become alienated.*.html#22''