Will I make Astrology into a side profession


Moon is VOC, and is telling you the next aspect (in orb and on a cusp), is with retro Mercury, holding back from entering the $$ 8th, hidden under the Sun's beams until eventually going direct = delays.

Sun, Mercury will make the conjunction with Neptune the daddy of Charity eventually to show some headway, but Sun moving to Combusting Neptune will weaken the effect of contributons along psychic or occult lines at first. Be careful you don't drain your energy putting all you have into your efforts at first, the lights are hesitant right now. After Mercury moves away from being under the Sun's beams, a regrouping will come about and you will be better able to contribute your efforts to make good. As you know, Mercury retro means returning to consider stop gates if there should be some, you will be doing things over and reorganizing yourself, a rethink is in order. Your telephone, communications, computer, writing related to work will experience some halt or be in need of adjustments.

I think there is some rule that considers Moon even at the end of her sign and considered technically VOC, if aspecting a planet close to the cusp and in orb, is not really VOC. She functions as if given the last aspect. It is a square to Mercury so yes you are right, there will be a struggle at first to get things moving in the right direction.

Have you thought of looking at the mutual reception betw. Uranus and Jupiter. They both stand to benefit by exchanging values in a very unusual way, Astrology is that venue, but it won't be an easy haul. The lord of the 2nd house (money 8th H.C. is the 2nd from the 7th, (Astrology in general) by the turned house from the Astrologer is the typical acknowledged house of the Astrologer as consultant. Aquarius (dealing in advertising with the public) as consultant w/ Uranus as lord of the sign and on the 8th H.C. (resonance) is strong testimony that you don't give up or give in very easily once you have something you've sunk you're teeth into to direct towards your hopes and wishes for success. Uranus makes a mutual reception with Jupiter the great benefic in the 6th house, you have a lot to give, but the opportunity will as you say be very slow to get off the ground. The mutual reception speaks about your dreams of contributing by Utopian ideals, but the square that connects them in the mutual reception is significant to speak of the struggle you expect. Uranus is in his fall in Taurus ($$), they are both in not so good of shape to be able to help each other out of their predicaments right away. Uranus will be in cadent 6th H.C. slow to actuate (Aquarius on the house of other people's money) matters of Utopian charity work right away.

I don't like the square as last aspect to Mercury answering your question for a yes or no answer about your charity work. I see a lot of struggle at first, but you won't give in or give up your dreams, Neptune in the 8th, Sun going to Neptune speaks a lot for your sensitive, psychic nature.

Good luck in the future
Student of Astrology


Well-known member
Thanks, Student of Astrology.

That is quite detailed and I appreciate it. I did see the Moon in the 29th and aspect-less, but since it rules me as the querent, and agreed I am a bit directionless as to how to get this thing really going. What I want to do and why I want to do is very clear in my head. Perhaps the Moon to change signs soon and enter into Gemini could mean I need to communicate and advertise more. Thank you again.