Are cardinal signs the strongest?


Well-known member
Yes, of course, why even asking? :))

Ah, well, kidding aside, cardinal signs do have an active factor and will about them that makes them aim for an ideal, but this quality can be shared by non cardinal suns as well.
I also really believe that strength lies in different places not only in one thing (obviously not refering to the muscles part). You can be strong in dealing with mentally unstable people (good psychiatrists), strong in dealing with the family problems you were born in, strong in running a place and being a good boss and with stress-management, strong in having such a special connexion with nature that seeing the forests around your house being illegally cut down and realising that so little realise what it's happening that nature and weather react to these man made changes in everyone's detriment (see sea level acidity, east american hurricanes that tripled in numbers, dissapearance of species such as tigers from the wilderness) and yet managing to grow up and friggin become a pillar of reference in this domain and help alleviate the situation and stuff...

There is a main trait shared by the example.. It's all about exaltation and detriment, like with planets, but applied. Many people can find something they are good at/strong in. The key is to follow your guts, heart and so on, instead of listening to what society tells you it's more important, and having a kind of inner richness/compass. As someone with 4 planets, Sun + Asc in Capricorn I can tell that I would run away if I'd hear I was offered a job in which I have to negociate or talk with people all day long :)) So i would just waste it if i were not to have more lone time with my stuff. And yet, i love horse riding and i am not afraid of trying to calm down agitated and bucking horses (from soil as in the saddle I've never experienced it yet : p). So, yeah, different affinities... before when I was younger and thinking about different traits and characters and drawing parallels I used to consider Leos strong because of their hearts and openess. I could never be so loud, make a fool of myself and then laugh it off xD (ah, high school memories). But I am a" little resilient creature' that goes by it s own ticking clock as well and I also tend to attract/like people who prefer a 'freer' mind or talking about various subject and can accept a not so cool reality as it is, and yet go away with it unscarred deeply, knowing you will work to improve it.

Poor pisces dominants have to deal with all the subconscious things and live with those called by others "skeletons in the closet". Can't they also be called strong when you think that not many venture in the 12th (or 8th) House realms to work their energies out?
If I were to describe what I understand and respect as strength, I'd say resilience. Strength in the long run, some kind of consistency and ability to remain true to yourself, but also, you know, so that evolution occurs. Those people that remained good and managed to survive and re-build their livea after war. Those that countered ill intents and frenzy at the price of their own lives. Or i like moral characters. Not every cardinal sign has this...
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