Rising from Capricorn to Aries


Well-known member
I recently went on vacation to my birth hometown....have not been there for 20+ years, and although I was only there for a short trip, I really felt a shift. My birthplace sits on my Mars-ASC line, and it was amazing!

My current location has a Capricorn ASC conj south node. I feel as though I’m stuck in the past, not really going anywhere. Moving here as a child was as if the sparkle was sapped out of me. It's cold, it doesn't feel "fancy" and glamorous like my birthplace, it's always felt dark and serious and dreary. A place where you put your head down and work until you retire and die:ninja: I tell you, for the first time I felt more like an Aries Ascendant! It was nice. I will definitely be moving there permanently soon I hope!!

Is such a dramatic "shift" normal when the Asc changes?


Well-known member
I loved visiting Japan to visit expo '70! it's an exciting place if you like crowds of people everywhere...The change of ascendant can have an exceptional affect on the sense of identity and persona...as does the progressed Sun...I began experiencing quite a change when my Asc progressed out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius...previously I was rather inhibited and shy, and not very sociable at all, but that definitely changed for me and I became much more open, adventurous and 'out for fun'...thanks to Jupiter in my chart, I have had opportunities to travel to Japan, then England and later, a driving tour through Cental America...that definitely helps to change your perspectives!:smile: