Does he know


Account Closed
did you ask the question on January 4th at 7:30 PM?
if you asked recently then modify the chart date and time, to the date and time you asked the question "does he know"
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Well-known member
Interesting question which requires unusual approach.

The question is: "Does he know?" which is the same as "Does he have information?"

I would left out Sun and Moon from this question since you are not important for the outcome. Key players are:

He - 7th house - Saturn

Information - 3rd house - Venus

Since this is something that may already happened, we must look if there was a past aspect between Venus and Saturn. And there was an aspect on 16 CAP, Venus was in sextile with Saturn.

So, yes he knows.


Well-known member
Hey, thank you for having a go. Even after reading my feedback, do you still stick to your answer? xo

Yes, I stand behind my delineation. I've answered your original question.

So my question is, DOES HE KNOW (that I looked on his facebook etc)?

In your original question you didn't distinguish the specific way of how the knowledge was acquired. So yes, that includes ALL possible ways of getting the information, including the possibility that he was told by the girls. In the end, different ways of acquiring the information wouldn't make him more or less knowing of the situation.

The question is bolded in post #1, after the background information. The question is also the title. I am unsure the reason for confusion, but I will state the question again.

Did anyone tell him that I looked on his facebook and saw his personal photos (Did anyone tell him that I had a crush on him)Does He Know?

Later you changed the question asking specifically if he was told by anyone. When you say anyone, this means one of the 7 billion people on Earth. My answer includes the 2nd question also as well as the 1st.

Turning the chart implies some kind of "belonging to". There is no such thing as your, mine or his information. Information is always radical 3rd.

E.g. (from Frawley's book): If the question is "How will my brother get on his new job?" look at the 10th from 3rd. But if it were "Will my brother win Olympic gold?" look to the radical not turned 10th. It is still 10th house matter but the victory does not belong to the brother the same way that his job does.

In your last post you changed the question for the 3rd time.

But the question remains: was he told (by the girls).

Now you are asking specifically if he was told by the girls. This is completely different question because now you are excluding all other possible ways of acquiring the information.

Anyway, this was my take on the question. Someone else may have different approach.

All the best,


Well-known member
No problem! As I said, someone else may have different approach.

IMO, the main difference between "Does he know" and "Was he told by the girls?" is that in 2nd case we should look at 11th house (girls, your friends) and contact between Mercury and Saturn. But since that wasn't your original question we don't have prime suspect (even if he was told by the girls) and we are looking at "Does he know?" on the premise that

he knows = he has the information about that

also, he was told by anyone = he knows = he has the information
(so again there is no need to introduce the 11th house)

at least, this is my logic behind this question.


Thank you for clarifying. I dont know horary, so I was confused in distiguishing between sources of information. Also, you cant blame for me wanting a differnt answer, hey. ;)

Thanks a lot for contributing twice! xo

Kaiousei no Senshi

Premium Member
Hi Tessie,

I have a few concerns I'd like to address for a moment. At first I was really confused about the timeframe involved, because it seemed like you were talking about a situation that happened a long time ago, but now I realize the impetus has returned to this question because you're trying to go back to that school where he is. So that sorted itself out.

Another thing I wondered was if this was really the question you were trying to find the answer to. I notice the hour lord and the Ascendant don't agree, and with the Moon in the Seventh it could show a focus on relationships.

Please forgive me if I'm speaking out of turn, and I know you probably don't need some stranger on the internet to tell you what you're thinking, but is it possible what you're really trying to figure out is if your relationship with this person will be repaired or sort of back to normal, or at least not awkward?

Again, sorry if that offends or upsets you. Just trying to make things make sense. :)

Kaiousei no Senshi

Premium Member
Tessie said:
If he does know, I know that any working relationship I would have with him, upon possible return, would be dead calm seas, as opposed to dymanic and collegial, which is a bonus from the student's perspective. He would not sink to the level of questioning me [if he knew] about stalking his facebook, so there would be no overt expression of disapproval. But, if he does know, he would effortfully limit any friendliness in conversation so "not to give me the wrong idea" (as he did in the car #1, 3rd paragraph from bottom). If I knew that, through his lens, he saw only an eager student in me, that is good. If he saw a bunny stalking psycho, that is bad. The latter could only happen "if he knew." "If he knows," therefore, it would affect my work, and my attendence, as an outcome of my working [perceived] relationship to him. To be clear, however, I no longer like him in that way at all.

Right, this was my point, sorry if I didn't make it very clear. Essentially you're asking the question "Does he know?" to try to gauge his personal interactions with you based on how you think he's reacted to the information. The easier way would have been to just ask what that relationship is going to be like.

So, I'm going to take my spin on it for a bit and see where that takes us.

I really like the wording you used "dead calm seas" because I actually think that sums it up pretty well. Mostly because he's Saturn in Scorpio, and that is not the liveliest of fellows. Calm, stoic, stolid, aloof, you get the drift. This seems a pretty stark change from how you described him in your initial postings. However, there is that Trine to Jupiter which might soften him up.

Anyway, the important thing I'm focusing on is that the Sun is applying a Sextile to Saturn who receives the Sun into his domicile. So, that looks really solid and I don't think there are going to be any real issues within the working relationship. He won't be upset with you or anything, he'll work with you just fine. But his demeanor has changed to something that he probably considers more professional (since he's in his own Tenth house).

However, before that can happen you're going to have to make a decision to deal with this anxiety you have about the situation, and here's why. Before this sextile with Saturn can happen, the Sun is going to have to oppose Jupiter who is the ruler of the Eighth of Fear, Anxiety, Grief, and Loss. We see that Jupiter is retrograde (because we're dealing with a situation in the past that has resurfaced), but also in his own exaltation. Planets in their exaltation carry a sense of being inflated or consider themselves to be much more important than they are. This is really important, because it's telling us that this is a situation that you've blown out of proportion and is holding you back from what you want (by being in the Eleventh). To make it a bit worse, this opposition is with rejection, with the Sun applying to Jupiter from Jupiter's fall, so you're basically trying to work up some courage here to do what you want, but your anxiety over the situation is keeping you stunlocked.

The Moon's next aspect is to apply to the Sun by a Sextile, so it's really your move now to decide. You can either get past this and go back to that school with the understanding that your relationship with him is going to be amicable, but not the same as it was, or you can decide not to and choose to go somewhere else.

I think you should go for it, but that's a decision that only you can make. So, you need to do what you think is right.

Sorry for getting preachy. :)


Premium Member
However, before that can happen you're going to have to make a decision to deal with this anxiety you have about the situation, and here's why. Before this sextile with Saturn can happen, the Sun is going to have to oppose Jupiter who is the ruler of the Eighth of Fear, Anxiety, Grief, and Loss. We see that Jupiter is retrograde (because we're dealing with a situation in the past that has resurfaced), but also in his own exaltation. Planets in their exaltation carry a sense of being inflated or consider themselves to be much more important than they are. This is really important, because it's telling us that this is a situation that you've blown out of proportion and is holding you back from what you want (by being in the Eleventh). To make it a bit worse, this opposition is with rejection, with the Sun applying to Jupiter from Jupiter's fall, so you're basically trying to work up some courage here to do what you want, but your anxiety over the situation is keeping you stunlocked.

This is strictly academic, but I wonder if I might ask a technical question here. I appreciate your bringing up the delineation of Sun's aspect to Jupiter before it perfects with Saturn.

As a matter of course, would you see merit in examining Sun's conjunction with retrograde Mercury as well, since it also occurs prior to Sun's perfection with Saturn but subsequent to Sun's opposition to Jupiter?


Well-known member
I just wanted to know if he was told by anyone about the facebook issue, in the end, or if I am worrying for nothing. That is really the bottom line for me.

Hi Tessie

I'm a fairly newish astrologer, and you're getting much more comprehensive advice here than I can give, as you noted. So if it's okay, I used my own intuitive divination method that I have relied on for a long time. I just felt so bad for you!!

Q: Does he know?
A: Yes

Q: Did one of the girls tell him/leak it?
A: Yes

Q: What is the best way for her to resolve it?
A: Recognize that it is a compliment to be desired, and everyone desires someone. Imagine how flattered she would feel if the situation were reversed. As soon as she lets it go, it's over.

On a personal note, it seems to me that if he had no chemistry at all, he wouldn't have gone so far over the top with it -- the lady doth protest too much, know what I mean? Like if he were repulsed by you, I would expect him to simply tell you short and sweet -- while at school. Miss X, can I have a word before you go? I just wanted to be clear that I have to maintain professional boundaries blah blah blah. Know what I mean?

I hope that helps. And I hope you find someone who totally gets you and wants you madly.


Well-known member
It is a pride issue, thus a Leo AC, and Sun already com-"busted" Mercury, his L5.
His words to you (his L3), in the car, are Uranus/Aries (a surprise for you) and what is behind his words is Mars (honesty), in detriment in Libra (where the balance got lost, by you actions or him being told/found out).

Mars, as coRuler of your 3rd, speaks of not meaning wrong within your actions, yet in detriment because of Libra. The opposition would emphasize the element of surprise, in bounds of honesty, covered in awkwardness due to the detriment..

L3, Venus, is retro (keeping mouth shut) in 6th, (hidding) in Capricorn. 6th would show the ride being acually a chore, while hoping to swing things back to where you were, in 5th.

His L12th stands exposed in his 10th, in applying sextile from Venus, ruler of his 12th Cusp, Lord of your actions/3rd..
He had this comming, how I see it, since
--Saturn, ruler of his 10th are in mutual reception to ruler of your 5th, Pluto, messing "socials" with work, leading to his undoing, and,
--Mercury, ruler of his 5th of flirting/having fun, in combustion by his L7 (his partner, yourself)

L5th in L11th and vv. He liked you as much as you did but he was hidding in cazimi..

I don't find anything wrong with you wanting checking him out, Tessie. As the matter of fact, it would be he the one to set the "grounds", if he wanted that, that is, by stating his engaged status earlier...



Well-known member
He liked you as much as you did but he was hidding in cazimi..

I don't find anything wrong with you wanting checking him out, Tessie. As the matter of fact, it would be he the one to set the "grounds", if he wanted that, that is, by stating his engaged status earlier...

That's what I said!


Well-known member
Oh I see its an old chart. But I'd say this guy does not know.

Mercury, ruler of messages communication is combust by Sun, querent. You've hidden the information yourself. Mercury is also ruler of the friends, again combust. Mercury cannot perform, debilitated.

There is an aspect, a future aspect from Mercury to Saturn, but being debilitated, it can't perform. Venus, 3rd ruler is retrograde, again debilitated and moving towards combustion. Angles fixed there is no change. And notice Moon conjunct Neptune - I think you are worrying too much and getting yourself all confused.