Karma is not what we think it is!

Bee Awareness

New member
I truly feel that karma is simply past energy carried forward, sometimes from other lifetimes, in order to be healed with Awareness or Unconditional Love!

And once we become Aware of this stuck energy, and are able to remain Present and as Awareness Itself or Unconditional Love for whatever circumstance and whoever is involved, it is cleared from our vibrational field forever!

God is Unconditional Love, therefore never ‘held’ anything against us in the first place! The energy only got stuck in our vibrational field through our inability to remain Present and experience it with Unconditional Love or Awareness.

We are here to learn and expand through our experiences, and only we judge them one way or the other. Once we become Aware of this, we will no longer be kept in a fear about some kind of karmic punishment ultimately created by us and believed in by us. Just like we were never sinners needing to be saved, a fear based belief still held by many, we also never accrued karma in the way it is believed by those who live in fear of having to now pay for past actions. Both of these false beliefs only serve to keep humanity in a state of fear, and because we CoCreate our own unique realities with our thoughts and emotions (through the vibrations that we are projecting!) we must turn away from all fear and choose Love, or in other words remain Present or as Awareness Itself where all fears are naturally transmuted back into Love/Light... it’s all energy and energy is never destroyed, it can only be transformed ❤️