will i get to marry my soulmate?


Active member
will i be able to meet my soulmate/twinflame in this birth and marry her?


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Well-known member
You do know that a soulmate or twin flame are vestiges from a past life, and it may be that you do already know them, but in this life you are not meant to be marriage partners?
These are not necessarily love connections.


Active member
but novels/websites/books on mythologies state twin flames are your mirror soul and its the most auspicious connection of all...
anyway i meant will i get a partner who will love me by all her heart?


Active member
My natal chart also has Scorpio rising though...but sun sign is Scorpio not leo
...I can read natal charts upto an extent(Vedic not Western) but I have problem deciphering the horary or as we call it prashn jyotish in Vedic...


Well-known member
You are Mars and your soul mate is Venus (ruler of H7).

You are very close (and applying) to each other but Moon from H7 squares you.

So it's Yes, but there are some obstacles to work through....

Early ASC... You are at the beginning of the road.


Well-known member
"My natal chart also has Scorpio rising though...but sun sign is Scorpio not leo"

It isn't necessary that the horary reflect your natal chart, but a zero degree on the ascendent would normally indicate the chart shouldn't be read, probably because it is too early to judge. The exception is when it corresponds to the querent's natal chart.
For the reading, I agree with helike13.