Was he just trying to get a reaction?


Well-known member
Sorry, I do not usually post so close together, but to be fair the last one I posted about this person was actually from July. :rolleyes: I guess 3 months isn't so bad...

He is the guy I have been involved with as friends / lovers (only when he was separated) for almost 3 years. really pushed my buttons today, though, and I am trying to figure out if the reaction I had to his comment was just me being over-sensitive (thanks a lot Venus Rx through my 4th house :mad:), or if he really was trying to get a reaction. I haven't responded yet.

He just got through with a nasty divorce and is under a lot of stress. He is undergoing therapy for some of the BS his ex put him through. However, after knowing me for 3 years he should know which type of comments push my buttons by now?!!

Saturn is in the 7th, so it may not be radical. Figures. EVERY chart I have done on him in the last 6 months has been either not radical or had a stricture.

In the chart, I am Jupiter Rx and he is Mercury. I'm in my own sign in my first house, so maybe I am being overly-sensitive and self-centered here. He is in his 1st house. Thinking about himself. The Moon is in the friendly 11th house.

The Moon is about to perfect a partile square with Saturn, ruler of his 5th house. Saturn is conjunct the fixed star Vindemiatrix, which rules depression, melancholoy, widowhood. This would match with the statement he made. He was expressing his belief that he can't attract nice women (I thought- 'what am I-chopped liver??'). However, with that info maybe it is more likely that he is simply in despair over the future of his love life and ability to maintain a healthy relationship, and was not meant as a slight towards me.

The Moon and Mercury are both Peregrine. I think the answer is "no" he was not trying to hurt me or get a reaction from me. He was simply feeling despair and depression. Not uncommon after a nasty divorce. So, in effect, I am being self-centered and over-sensitive, I believe.

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Well-known member
Answer is no. Don't think it has much to do with you. He's moving away from a conjunction with Saturn and although Saturn is dignified at the moment it's still the greater malefic, a superior. And now he's moving right to the Sun and is combust.
Moon is in detriment. I've yet to see something really come out of a chart where the moon is debilitated.


Well-known member
Thanks for the confirmation Serendipity. I think this is one of the few times I'm glad my chart is a "no." :) However, I think it does reconfirm that he needs to be left alone right now to mourn and heal. We have a pattern of saying he needs time, then getting too close again, pulling apart, then back again... this time I am stopping that cycle. I'm not getting involved again until he can give me 100%. Of course, that is another effect of Venus Rx in my 4th- evaluating what I'm giving vs. what I get back. Interesting.
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