Mars at 0 degrees Scorpio

chei star

Well-known member
I have Mars at 0 Sco 11'17".

I heard most Astrologers don't recognize sign 'cusps', is this true?

Do you think I could have some Mars in Libra traits with it being at such an early degree of Scorpio?

Does anyone else have any experience with early or late degree planets in their own chart?

I'm unsure about this and think it's important because Mars is my chart's ruler. I think I would struggle to recognize any Mars in Libra influence as Mars is conjunct Sun and Mercury which are also in Scorpio.

dr. farr

Well-known member
1) actually most astrologers do give importance to cusps especially planets conjunct those cusps; however, if 0 of a sign is NOT the cusp, but only the BORDER of the sign, most astrologers (except whole signers like me) would NOT give it much attention: in the common use of the term "cusp" the CUSP OF A HOUSE (not of a sign) is meant
2) personally I consider when a planet is in a sign it reflects the influences of that sign almost entirely-however the SIGN Libra might have an influence FROM MARS, since the last degree of Libra is within the orb of Mars (Mars @ 0 Scorpio)
3) in the example given I would not consider that MARS has any Libra influence upon its expression in the chart.

chei star

Well-known member
1) actually most astrologers do give importance to cusps especially planets conjunct those cusps; however, if 0 of a sign is NOT the cusp, but only the BORDER of the sign, most astrologers (except whole signers like me) would NOT give it much attention: in the common use of the term "cusp" the CUSP OF A HOUSE (not of a sign) is meant
2) personally I consider when a planet is in a sign it reflects the influences of that sign almost entirely-however the SIGN Libra might have an influence FROM MARS, since the last degree of Libra is within the orb of Mars (Mars @ 0 Scorpio)
3) in the example given I would not consider that MARS has any Libra influence upon its expression in the chart.

Thank you :)