How would people view me?


Active member
How would people view me based on my natal chart (see attachment)? Like people who are not that close to me, like a aquaintance or a classmate. :biggrin::biggrin:


Kik: Ms_Saturn


  • Lara's Natal Chart.gif
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Account Closed
IMO, at age 13, you are still in the process of manifesting just the beginning of your life. While chart work for very young people can be done, its only a process of you growing into it.


Account Closed
Oh. So you can't tell me anything about my chart?

I'm sorry. Ethically, as a professional astrologer, I don't do chart work for children. And in the USA(where I live), you are a child until you reach the age of 18. My experience has also shown that people don't really begin to use astrology until they have reached the time of their first Saturn Return at about 29-30.

So no, I cannot assist you because of your youth.


Staff member
I'm sorry. Ethically, as a professional astrologer, I don't do chart work for children. And in the USA(where I live), you are a child until you reach the age of 18. My experience has also shown that people don't really begin to use astrology until they have reached the time of their first Saturn Return at about 29-30.

So no, I cannot assist you because of your youth.
That's Zarathu's opinion, and he's welcome to it. I, however, work a little differently. I'm not a professional astrologer, just a beginner, so I know something about chart interpretation but still have plenty more to learn. If I were a professional astrologer, I think I would go along with my current take on reading for children, which is....

I have qualms about reading a chart for anyone who doesn't request it of their own free will and/or doesn't have the capability to even begin to understand what astrology is really about. If a parent requests a reading for their two-year-old's chart, or their four-year-old's, or even their thirteen-year-old's, I wouldn't be willing to do that because it's the parent doing something that should be left up to the child when he/she is old enough to make that decision. But for a teenager who requests astrological advice of their own free will, it's different. And you have already been trying to understand astrological aspects on your own, so obviously, you're ready to learn and work with astrology, at least at the level that I can work with it.

Please keep in mind, whatever responses you get when you make a request like you just did, may or may not be true. Every possible birth chart configuration can manifest itself in many different ways. And since this forum includes everything from professional astrologers with decades of experience to new beginners, and even the professionals may be coming from different schools of thought on astrology, people might throw very different types of interpretations at you. Finally, your birth chart doesn't show what you're like at one particular time in your life, it shows what you have the potential for over the course of your lifetime. The younger you are, the more of that potential is yet to manifest. And then there's the simple fact that people can change a lot over the course of their lifetimes, and the same person may be seen in many different ways even at one time in their life. Adults see you one way, your peers see you another, younger kids see you another way, etc.

That said, here's what I would say based on looking at your chart. If your experience is different, please say so... you know yourself much better than I do.

To see how you present to the world, the first places to look are your AC (ascendant, or rising sign) and your MC (midheaven, another name for the tenth house cusp). Your rising sign is the face you present to the world. It's what people are likely to see first when they meet you, and what people who know you only slightly are likely to know of you. That would include classmates who you may be friendly with but not particular friends with, acquaintances, and so on.

You have Leo rising, so in one way or another, the personality you present to the world is Leo-like. The classic description of Leo is an outgoing personality, great potential for leadership, loves to be the center of attention, but also very kind and generous, likely to be seen as lots of fun. That may or may not apply to you well--it's also possible for Leo to be expressed more quietly. A quieter Leo personality would still have plenty of desire for positive attention from others, but that could be as simple as one person quietly appreciating them. Maybe you have lots of friends, or maybe you only have a few close friends, but you really shed your light on them.

I would gather from Leo rising that you have some noticeable sparkle to you. People probably think of you as a nice person, and likely as the fun one. Your sun sign also suggests some sparkle. You're a Scorpio--that's the sign of the sorcerer/sorceress or the hypnotist. And you're a cusp baby, almost a Sagittarius but not quite. Sagittarius is the sign of the free spirited gypsy and lifelong learner. With your sun on the cusp... sun in astrology represents your core personality... it has some of the energies and motivations of both of those signs.

Contrary to popular belief, sun sign doesn't indicate personality traits, it indicates what the personality needs in order to grow and develop to the fullest. That can result in people with the same sun sign developing some similar personality traits, because those traits develop in response to the energies presented by the sun's sign, but how those personality traits manifest depends on many other factors: their rising sign (another Scorpio/Sag cusp baby's personality would look very, very different from yours if their rising sign is, say, Capricorn or Pisces or Gemini), the house placement of their sun, their moon sign, aspects, other planetary concentrations, and then how they themselves respond to all those energies.

Scorpio's growth takes place in the realm of things just outside the boundaries of personality. The occult, and spiritual experiences, are associated with Scorpio. You might feel a strong draw towards those kinds of things at this time in your life, and throughout your life. Other things in Scorpio's realm include death, sexuality, and shared resources--those are also transpersonal experiences, but those are very adult things, not necessarily on your radar yet. And Sagittarius's growth takes place in the realm of learning, specifically, of learning by experiencing things. Going on a trip, trying something new, getting to know someone very different from you... those are all Sagittarian experiences. People whose growth is motivated by Scorpio or Sagittarius, let alone by both of those signs, are likely to have some sparkle to them... otherworldly sparkle in the case of Scorpio, enthusiastic sparkle in the case of Sagittarius. Put a Leo mask on that combination, and those sparks combine and the personality shines.

While the AC shows how we appear to people who know us slightly, the MC shows how we appear to people who don't know us personally at all. Your MC messages might not be up and running yet because of your age. It takes time to develop a reputation in your own right. Right now, you're likely to be seen as one of the crowd: to your teachers, you're one of their students; to adults who know your family, you're so-and-so's daughter; to your peers who don't know you, you're that kid at school, or so-and-so's friend, to younger kids, you're one of those big kids, and so on.

But some people do establish public reputations at a young age. Ever heard of Tavi Gevinson? She started her famous fashion blog when she was your age. Anne Frank was writing the diary that made her reputation when she was your age. Young Wolfgang Mozart was composing and performing before he was adolescent. In cases like that, the kind of reputation established is in keeping with the MC's message. Even for the majority of us who never become world famous, we do become known for something, whether it's being a radical feminist or being the town drunk or being a crazy hippie artist. What we're known for may change over the course of our lives, but it always stays in keeping with the sign of the MC.

You have yours in Taurus. So whatever you become known for, it will be a Taurean message. Taurus is a deeply peaceful sign. He's not an angry bull charging the matador, he's Ferdinand, who just wants to sit under the cork tree and smell the flowers. (If you don't know what I mean, look up "The Story of Ferdinand" by Robert Lawson--classic children's story.) Taurus's messages include artistry (all kinds, whether it's creating something to hang on the wall or performing or writing or just putting a creative flair on something), music, nature, ecology, peacefulness... just to start the list. Perhaps you can think of other ways you might work with a Taurean message. And since it's in that part of your birth chart, you don't necessarily have to think about it, it will come to you naturally over time.

Hope that answers your question!


Account Closed
That's Zarathu's opinion, and he's welcome to it. I, however, work a little differently. I'm not a professional astrologer, just a beginner, so I know something about chart interpretation but still have plenty more to learn. If I were a professional astrologer, I think I would go along with my current take on reading for children, which is....


Zarathu does not wish to demand that others choose to use his style of interaction or his ethics. However, it is very unlikely that Osamenor has worked with children in a professional counseling capacity for 40 years(as he did before he retired). The ethics were developed by knowing very very first hand how small things said by adults in a horoscope or in other non astrological ways, can impact children in a very large and exponentially expanding way. My sister in law was told things about her future by an astrologer when she was 12, and it took her getting to around 35 before she recovered from that sharing of that astrologer. A person of even 18 years of age would have simply tossed the comments away. Children cannot do that. They have completely different attitudes toward life.

Osamenor and anyone else is perfectly welcome to interact with anyone who posts here whether they are 6 years old, or 12 years old, or 17 years old. But at least, professional astrologers have a greater potential to be correct in their designations than rank beginners, and this can be a significant thing when telling a child about their future life. Of course, if Osamenor is also him or herself, a child, then I suppose it won't make a difference, as long as the OP knows it too.

The OP though should please realize that astrology is an art that takes a very long time to learn, and that information shared by those who admit to being rank beginners especially should be taken with a grain of salt, or maybe even a half a can.


Staff member
Zarathu does not wish to demand that others choose to use his style of interaction or his ethics.
If that's true, Osamenor wonders why Zarathu insists on posting in every single thread started by a teenager just to say he won't read for them because of their age, when none of those teenagers ever requested a reading specifically from Zarathu. If Zarathu is unwilling to read for teenagers but does not wish to demand that others adopt his style of interaction or ethics, Osamenor thinks it would make much more sense for Zarathu to simply not post in those threads, and just let those who are willing post in them.

However, this thread is not about Osamenor or Zarathu, it's about LaraGOLD, and it's up to Lara to determine how the rest of this discussion should proceed. Zarathu may privately message Osamenor if he wishes to discuss further, but must respect Osamenor's right to decide if and when she wishes to respond!


Active member
That's Zarathu's opinion, and he's welcome to it. I, however, work a little differently. I'm not a professional astrologer, just a beginner, so I know something about chart interpretation but still have plenty more to learn. If I were a professional astrologer, I think I would go along with my current take on reading for children, which is....


Zarathu does not wish to demand that others choose to use his style of interaction or his ethics. However, it is very unlikely that Osamenor has worked with children in a professional counseling capacity for 40 years(as he did before he retired). The ethics were developed by knowing very very first hand how small things said by adults in a horoscope or in other non astrological ways, can impact children in a very large and exponentially expanding way. My sister in law was told things about her future by an astrologer when she was 12, and it took her getting to around 35 before she recovered from that sharing of that astrologer. A person of even 18 years of age would have simply tossed the comments away. Children cannot do that. They have completely different attitudes toward life.

Osamenor and anyone else is perfectly welcome to interact with anyone who posts here whether they are 6 years old, or 12 years old, or 17 years old. But at least, professional astrologers have a greater potential to be correct in their designations than rank beginners, and this can be a significant thing when telling a child about their future life. Of course, if Osamenor is also him or herself, a child, then I suppose it won't make a difference, as long as the OP knows it too.

The OP though should please realize that astrology is an art that takes a very long time to learn, and that information shared by those who admit to being rank beginners especially should be taken with a grain of salt, or maybe even a half a can.

I agree to be a pro at astrology must take years of experience. I understand you may have a lot of experience. I do not try to fit into my natal chart because astrology to me is just another belief. I compare astrology to real life to see how accurate astrology is, not the other way round.

So it does not matter to me if I know more about my natal chart. I'm not going to based my life and actions off a natal chart. I'm just comparing how accurate it is to real life.


Active member
That's Zarathu's opinion, and he's welcome to it. I, however, work a little differently. I'm not a professional astrologer, just a beginner, so I know something about chart interpretation but still have plenty more to learn. If I were a professional astrologer, I think I would go along with my current take on reading for children, which is....

I have qualms about reading a chart for anyone who doesn't request it of their own free will and/or doesn't have the capability to even begin to understand what astrology is really about. If a parent requests a reading for their two-year-old's chart, or their four-year-old's, or even their thirteen-year-old's, I wouldn't be willing to do that because it's the parent doing something that should be left up to the child when he/she is old enough to make that decision. But for a teenager who requests astrological advice of their own free will, it's different. And you have already been trying to understand astrological aspects on your own, so obviously, you're ready to learn and work with astrology, at least at the level that I can work with it.

Please keep in mind, whatever responses you get when you make a request like you just did, may or may not be true. Every possible birth chart configuration can manifest itself in many different ways. And since this forum includes everything from professional astrologers with decades of experience to new beginners, and even the professionals may be coming from different schools of thought on astrology, people might throw very different types of interpretations at you. Finally, your birth chart doesn't show what you're like at one particular time in your life, it shows what you have the potential for over the course of your lifetime. The younger you are, the more of that potential is yet to manifest. And then there's the simple fact that people can change a lot over the course of their lifetimes, and the same person may be seen in many different ways even at one time in their life. Adults see you one way, your peers see you another, younger kids see you another way, etc.

That said, here's what I would say based on looking at your chart. If your experience is different, please say so... you know yourself much better than I do.

To see how you present to the world, the first places to look are your AC (ascendant, or rising sign) and your MC (midheaven, another name for the tenth house cusp). Your rising sign is the face you present to the world. It's what people are likely to see first when they meet you, and what people who know you only slightly are likely to know of you. That would include classmates who you may be friendly with but not particular friends with, acquaintances, and so on.

You have Leo rising, so in one way or another, the personality you present to the world is Leo-like. The classic description of Leo is an outgoing personality, great potential for leadership, loves to be the center of attention, but also very kind and generous, likely to be seen as lots of fun. That may or may not apply to you well--it's also possible for Leo to be expressed more quietly. A quieter Leo personality would still have plenty of desire for positive attention from others, but that could be as simple as one person quietly appreciating them. Maybe you have lots of friends, or maybe you only have a few close friends, but you really shed your light on them.

I would gather from Leo rising that you have some noticeable sparkle to you. People probably think of you as a nice person, and likely as the fun one. Your sun sign also suggests some sparkle. You're a Scorpio--that's the sign of the sorcerer/sorceress or the hypnotist. And you're a cusp baby, almost a Sagittarius but not quite. Sagittarius is the sign of the free spirited gypsy and lifelong learner. With your sun on the cusp... sun in astrology represents your core personality... it has some of the energies and motivations of both of those signs.

Contrary to popular belief, sun sign doesn't indicate personality traits, it indicates what the personality needs in order to grow and develop to the fullest. That can result in people with the same sun sign developing some similar personality traits, because those traits develop in response to the energies presented by the sun's sign, but how those personality traits manifest depends on many other factors: their rising sign (another Scorpio/Sag cusp baby's personality would look very, very different from yours if their rising sign is, say, Capricorn or Pisces or Gemini), the house placement of their sun, their moon sign, aspects, other planetary concentrations, and then how they themselves respond to all those energies.

Scorpio's growth takes place in the realm of things just outside the boundaries of personality. The occult, and spiritual experiences, are associated with Scorpio. You might feel a strong draw towards those kinds of things at this time in your life, and throughout your life. Other things in Scorpio's realm include death, sexuality, and shared resources--those are also transpersonal experiences, but those are very adult things, not necessarily on your radar yet. And Sagittarius's growth takes place in the realm of learning, specifically, of learning by experiencing things. Going on a trip, trying something new, getting to know someone very different from you... those are all Sagittarian experiences. People whose growth is motivated by Scorpio or Sagittarius, let alone by both of those signs, are likely to have some sparkle to them... otherworldly sparkle in the case of Scorpio, enthusiastic sparkle in the case of Sagittarius. Put a Leo mask on that combination, and those sparks combine and the personality shines.

While the AC shows how we appear to people who know us slightly, the MC shows how we appear to people who don't know us personally at all. Your MC messages might not be up and running yet because of your age. It takes time to develop a reputation in your own right. Right now, you're likely to be seen as one of the crowd: to your teachers, you're one of their students; to adults who know your family, you're so-and-so's daughter; to your peers who don't know you, you're that kid at school, or so-and-so's friend, to younger kids, you're one of those big kids, and so on.

But some people do establish public reputations at a young age. Ever heard of Tavi Gevinson? She started her famous fashion blog when she was your age. Anne Frank was writing the diary that made her reputation when she was your age. Young Wolfgang Mozart was composing and performing before he was adolescent. In cases like that, the kind of reputation established is in keeping with the MC's message. Even for the majority of us who never become world famous, we do become known for something, whether it's being a radical feminist or being the town drunk or being a crazy hippie artist. What we're known for may change over the course of our lives, but it always stays in keeping with the sign of the MC.

You have yours in Taurus. So whatever you become known for, it will be a Taurean message. Taurus is a deeply peaceful sign. He's not an angry bull charging the matador, he's Ferdinand, who just wants to sit under the cork tree and smell the flowers. (If you don't know what I mean, look up "The Story of Ferdinand" by Robert Lawson--classic children's story.) Taurus's messages include artistry (all kinds, whether it's creating something to hang on the wall or performing or writing or just putting a creative flair on something), music, nature, ecology, peacefulness... just to start the list. Perhaps you can think of other ways you might work with a Taurean message. And since it's in that part of your birth chart, you don't necessarily have to think about it, it will come to you naturally over time.

Hope that answers your question!

Yes, it answers my questions. Thanks! Would aspects to the ascendant or IC, MC and DC be important to my question?
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Staff member
Yes, it answers my questions. Thanks! Would aspects to the ascendant or IC, MC and DC be important to this question?
Probably, but I don't know how to interpret those kinds of aspects. Like I said, I'm a newbie.

I can tell you a couple of things, though, from my own personal experience: I have Uranus conjunct my MC in Libra. When I was first exploring astrology, a few years ago, someone read my chart and told me that with that configuration, people see me as an oddball, but an oddball who gets along with people. Uranus is the planet of oddballs--of thinking outside the box, going against the grain, being unique and different--and Libra is the sign of harmony and balance, including getting along. Put that together, and it makes sense. But I didn't need an astrologer to tell me that, because I already had thirty-something years of being seen that way!

When I was a kid, other kids always thought of me as weird. That didn't necessarily mean they didn't like me, although I spent years feeling way down deep that people didn't like me, because I experienced extreme bullying early on. The bullying was a life experience, and life experiences aren't written into birth charts (although risk factors for certain things to happen may be... I've heard astrologers say that certain configurations are linked with being abused, being abandoned by parents, etc., although I have a configuration that they say is linked with unstable childhood homes, and I didn't have that kind of childhood experience at all). But how you're seen is in your birth chart to some degree. So, perhaps kids seeing me as weird led to the bullying, but it also means that I get liked for being unique. And as an adult, it's easy for me to make friends. It gets much easier when you can choose your peer group and it includes people decades older or younger than you! All my friends tend to be unique and interesting people, though, and I wonder why....:innocent:

And then there's a thread on here about a configuration that another poster and I share: we both have Pluto square our ascendants, and we both have a certain "intimidation factor." Read that, especially page two, and you'll see what I mean:

But I didn't try to interpret your aspects because I don't know that part of astrology well enough to feel I'm saying something valid. I did notice after I posted, though, that you have a trine between your sun and your AC. I was in a previous discussion here where someone had a trine between her moon and her AC, and I could see how the energies were working together in her case. With your sun and AC in trine, I would guess that your sun sign qualities are probably quite evident to people when they first get to know you, even though your sun is in the fourth house, and what's in the fourth house usually represents a hidden, not so obvious part of the personality. Again, that sparkle!


Premium Member
venus-ketu the separative node cap 6th, artistic aptitudes, practical, event management etc, undemonstrative in expression though could win over opponents through charm of the personality when required, prone to pain-injury-surgery knees, intestine, etc, prone to job separations.

rahu cancer 12th seeking-learning sensitivity, tending to foreign lands.

retro saturn towards aries 9th, inclined to spirituality through service of mankind, settling life late at 36+ as thumb rule.

moon-mars libra and sat aries opp, volatile emotions-initiatives, melancholy, worried perhaps, struggled life, entrepreneurial aptitude.

asc lord sun highest planetary deg, flair of personality, sun-mer scorpio 4th, research and occult aptitudes, secretive, sentimental. leo asc brilliant, high self-pride, individualistic, sensitive, sudden decisions.

retro saturn aries 9th 2nd highest planetary deg, factor for vocation, aptitude for economic studies, dairy engg, etc,

mars aspecting own aries 9th protective of luck-higher education but may not be good for health of father perhaps.

retro saturn aspect own acq 7th protective of career-vocation, but may not be good for health of spouse perhaps.

mars elevated aspect capricorn 6th, methodical, disciplined work ethics, event management etc, and wealth thereby.

sat taurus and jupiter retro towards taurus 10th, inclined towards hotel management, food processing, etc, conceptual and admin leadership,

mer-sat opp calculative, tactical, good at negotiation skills, statistics, etc

sun-saturn opp scorpio-taurus 4/10 axis stress over home and career matters, impacting domestic comforts and parental relationships,
and impacting marriage relationships lords 1/7 sun-sat opp in conflict.

retro jup-sat delayed career, rewards/gains.

thus proud, secretive, reserved profile, volatile emotions and finances, stress-struggled life, health issues, property matters and career under stress, service of mankind, diplomatic charm, jup-sat taurus creative aptitudes, methodical and disciplined, negotiation skills, may be a diplomatic career, foreign relations, prone to job separations, delays in career and rewards.

jup 11th gemini gains from analytical, advisory-training skills gains through elders, teachers, gurus, consultants, but delayed. may be international NGO research and leadership roles in service of mankind, involving food processing and economics, event management, international relations-facilitation, etc

hope generic observations enable reflect further, pick clues as relevant,

could care to share specific feedbacks in agreement-disagreements, which could be interesting!

wishing well,

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Active member
venus-ketu the separative node cap 6th, artistic aptitudes, practical, event management etc, undemonstrative in expression though could win over opponents through charm of the personality when required, prone to pain-injury-surgery knees, intestine, etc, prone to job separations.

rahu cancer 12th seeking-learning sensitivity, tending to foreign lands.

retro saturn towards aries 9th, inclined to spirituality through service of mankind, settling life late at 36+ as thumb rule.

moon-mars libra and sat aries opp, volatile emotions-initiatives, melancholy, worried perhaps, struggled life, entrepreneurial aptitude.

asc lord sun highest planetary deg, flair of personality, sun-mer scorpio 4th, research and occult aptitudes, secretive, sentimental. leo asc brilliant, high self-pride, individualistic, sensitive, sudden decisions.

retro saturn aries 9th 2nd highest planetary deg, factor for vocation, aptitude for economic studies, dairy engg, etc,

mars aspecting own aries 9th protective of luck-higher education but may not be good for health of father perhaps.

retro saturn aspect own acq 7th protective of career-vocation, but may not be good for health of spouse perhaps.

mars elevated aspect capricorn 6th, methodical, disciplined work ethics, event management etc, and wealth thereby.

sat taurus and jupiter retro towards taurus 10th, inclined towards hotel management, food processing, etc, conceptual and admin leadership,

mer-sat opp calculative, tactical, good at negotiation skills, statistics, etc

sun-saturn opp scorpio-taurus 4/10 axis stress over home and career matters, impacting domestic comforts and parental relationships,
and impacting marriage relationships lords 1/7 sun-sat opp in conflict.

retro jup-sat delayed career, rewards/gains.

thus proud, secretive, reserved profile, volatile emotions and finances, stress-struggled life, health issues, property matters and career under stress, service of mankind, diplomatic charm, jup-sat taurus creative aptitudes, methodical and disciplined, negotiation skills, may be a diplomatic career, foreign relations, prone to job separations, delays in career and rewards.

jup 11th gemini gains from analytical, advisory-training skills gains through elders, teachers, gurus, consultants, but delayed. may be international NGO research and leadership roles in service of mankind, involving food processing and economics, event management, international relations-facilitation, etc

hope generic observations enable reflect further, pick clues as relevant,

could care to share specific feedbacks in agreement-disagreements, which could be interesting!

wishing well,


Thanks for the detailed analysis! Wishing you well too :)