Astrology Day (Feb 19? Mar 20? whenever)


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Astrology day has two unofficial dates: Feb. 19th or March 20th, noting the dates are when the sun enters Pisces (the last sign of the zodiac) or leaves Pisces into Aries (first sign). The signs Aquarius and Pisces are said to have the strongest fascination and interest in astrology for scientific and paranormal reasons. Also the age of Pisces changed over to Aquarius around the year 2000, so this can be the right day to celebrate astrology. :joyful:


Well-known member
On second thought, this is the "correct" day for Astrology Day, along with a total solar eclipse tomorrow (March 20). The Sun/Moon conjunction in Pisces entering Aries and Neptune the ruler planet of Pisces can be seen by the right telescope. Astrology has been around for ages, but since the 1960s was there increased interest in astrology by the general public.


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Happy International Astrology Day!

Happy Spring!

International Astrology Day (most often observed on either March 20 or March 21) is an annual observance/holiday celebrated by astrologers and astrology enthusiasts. It is seen by astrologers as the beginning (first day) of the astrological year. It is the first full day of the astrological sign of Aries and thus marks the beginning of the tropical Zodiac.

International Astrology Day is celebrated/observed depending on the exact day that the Northward equinox actually occurs. This varies year to year between March 19–22, though it usually falls on March 20 or March 21.

The date of the holiday occurs at the same time of the Iranian new year (Norouz), which is celebrated in many places throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. It also corresponds with the beginning of the Bahá'í calendar, which is celebrated as Bahá'í Naw-Rúz. Other holidays occurring around this time include Ostara (amongst neopagans), Chunfen in China, and Vernal Equinox Day(a public holiday in Japan), among others