How dangerous is it?


Well-known member
Last night I witness a horrible bike crash, the woman went flying on the air, I still can't believe how cars send you flying like that, she landed on the top of the car
then flew to the ground far away. Thankfully landed sitting and she was safe.
I had done this chart because when I asked Tarot I got the TOWER card! for this month. Pretty sure this was it.
So I will be working as a bike courier and I have to admit I am still afraid of riding among cars.
I have been practicing control of my bike, studying routes and everything.
I am not able to ride only within bike lanes so I will need to get
into traffic.
I need to be fast but safe and need to just take up google routes since working around maps and bike lanes takes a considerable amount of time.

My rule of thumb is
ride my bike like a car (take the lane when needed) and follow all traffic rules (red lights, etc)

Still... how dangerous will it be for me?
(not sure what awaits me, how many mean vehicles I will encounter, how many will get upset that I take the lane, or other things of sort)

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Well-known member
I don't like it for you

Have you any experience riding a bicycle in this city regularly, let alone for work?

Moon, Saturn, Pluto are all in the 12th from the 3rd

I have already (work) very carefully using the best bike routes and getting off and on my bike but I am not efficient this way at all (late to orders, don't take them, low rating, etc)
while not through work I have but only though bike lanes.

Tarot showed a very negative card for the near future, like an accident of some sort, nothing that would physically hurt me and that I would be okay but something about a man going too fast (knight of wands) but an event nonetheless.

How bad does it look for you? It's okay to be as honest and predictive as you sense, I understand about this being difficult and also
about perhaps some people feeling that through a prediction they might predispose me to expecting such but I"m aware of this and
I will also work some energies (magic, talismans) to work it around then forecast again.

Just need to know if something major is showing
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