Bad Saturn- extremely negative

Can you explain why you construe your personality and life as a series of problems? I'm sure there's a reasonable, factually based answer. Without knowing what you see as your problems, it's hard to locate an astrological explanation. I sometimes quip that we're astrologers, not mind-readers.

But honestly, in "my" choice centered astrology, each horoscope placement has the potential for empowering and disempowering interpretations. These will all be consistent with the core meanings of the planets, signs, houses, &c; but those core meanings give a lot of latitude within which we can pick and choose.

I don't view astrology in any rigorous fatalistic way.

Actually, the more I look at your chart, the more I see parallels with mine. I'm 68 years old and conclude that my life turned out OK, not withstanding the fact that every planet in my chart is involved in a square or an opposition.

I have moon opposite Venus, and haven't found it to be particularly troubling. I have sun, Mercury, Venus in Aquarius. You might find that square from Uranus to be difficult. It can express itself in one of two ways. (1) a lifelong identity quest. Just when you think you know who you are, Uranus upsets your apple cart. Events or people change quickly, leaving you to wonder if you really understood yourself so well. (2) a variant on this is the person who embodies Uranian disruption, challenges to authority, and rebellion.

But, my goodness! You've got those nice trines and sextiles all over the place. I'd be curious to learn how you manifest those.

The ruler of your 7th house, Jupiter, is kind of a wild child. It's retrograde and makes no major aspects to your other planets or angles. It is like a loner, who is thereby free to be unsocialized. In Leo, in your house of money and values, maybe this reinforces your Aquarian/Uranian mistrust of authority.

I think you are almost an inch closer to deciphering and completing the puzzle. With authority figures, they always impose on me, and I accuse myself sometimes with lack of humility. I believe that whatever life throws at us, it is our reactions to it that paves the path to our future. Problem is that I am just learning to get to know myself better. Before, I just react to my emotions. I do not even think how people would perceive me. That is why I believe learning astrology will help me get to know myself better.

My ideals and beliefs are my own, and can never be shaken. It help me define who I want to be. Problem with my ideals, is that I would not settle for less than my ideals. This is an annoying aspect about myself in regards to relationships and marriage.


Well-known member
Since you asked about Saturn it prompted me to go back and get out my Liz Green Saturn book. an few excerpts about Saturn in H4:

"the inner reaction is generally the same; the sense of security , the feeling of protection generally needed by a developing child .... is denied or frustrated and the natural expression of feeling which seeks to find unity with family and a sense of heritage is blocked....can effectively cripple an individual's emotional nature for the remainder of his life if it is not understood. The mistrust of any emotional intimacy, particularly the kind that revolves around a domestic situation, is usually pronounced; at the same time a craving for something secure and permanent and tangible in the emotional life is also pronounced... It is a rare individual who is aware of this polarity existing within him; he will see one end or the other..."
This is typical for Saturn complexes for the person to feel thefear or frustration or to be in denial and compensate and go to what appears outwardly to act in the opposite extreme.

she goes on " With a fourth house Saturn he must understand the vulnerability... which underlies his apparent coldness toward all family and domestic matters to an end which will be worth the pain and the effort since the pain is relative to the dependency on others in the first place. ..."

On the positive side she says " the solid inner psychic structure cannot be shaken or destroyed by circumstance...Saturns' influence forces the individual to create that missing component himself" (she means the sense of emotional security that many rely on others for.)

I would recommend reading her stuff . Two books that could help you might be the Saturn book and also her text where she explains the signs by elements entitled Relating.

I think that this emotional self-sufficient personae she describes is also reinforced in your chart by the Sun/mars trine the Moon. Sun Moon trine implies a person whose subconscious seems to be in harmony with his conscious self, so she is comfortable in her own skin and does not question her own motives too often- very self-accepting.
I think that this emotional self-sufficient personae she describes is also reinforced in your chart by the Sun/mars trine the Moon. Sun Moon trine implies a person whose subconscious seems to be in harmony with his conscious self, so she is comfortable in her own skin and does not question her own motives too often- very self-accepting.

The problem is that I am so comfortable being alone (philosophy, that I find it better for me than to be with someone who is not my "soul mate" aka ideal) that I sometime ask myself if this is normal. Again, comparing to society's standard the answer would be that I am ridiculous. Because society is all about practical matters and never about the spiritual aspect of life.

I have to ask, SKY: what do you know about Partial Grand Sextile - some sites stated (not sure about the geometrical angles of my own chart) but it seems that I have a Grant Trine - a Partial Grand Sextile - and a KITE?

They all talk about fate/destiny with the KITE and power?

Power as in energy? What does Neptune personifies?

I was contemplating about going to a novice (nunnery) until I decided that I would only make the other nuns miserable with my company (my personality is so strong I still have difficulty learning the virtues that I should have - humility and all that). <--- is this Neptunian ideals? I know I would be happy if I dedicate my life to a spiritual cause, but my personality would clash with the spiritual status quo of the Catholic institution?

Sorry, and thank you. I am on my 45 minute break. :rightful:
Moderator to Senior members: has this ever happened to you?

Sorry I am new in this forum, and I have sent private messages but there was none on the sent folder - does that mean that the messages were not received by the recipient? Thanks .....


Well-known member
I received your PM yesterday. I too have not been able to find a tab for "sent messages."

Sun conjunct Mars people do not take direction from others easily, and I as I pointed out above, that Conjunction makes a trine to Pluto and involves the chart ruler. Pluto adds intensity and fixity and it squares Uranus also so there is wilfulness and rebelliousness added to an already rebellious Aquarius Mars. Not surprised any communal type lifestyle ora rigid dogmatic philosophy will be hard for you. Your chart lacks the signs and aspects that make for compromise, submission, softness and sweetness. No Pisces, or Cancer. No Venus-Moon or Sun-Venus aspects.

I am certain there are many ways to dedicate your self to a spiritual cause or ideal without being part of an organized religion. Actually according to the wisdom of Eastern spirituality one can do small things with great love and that fills the bill. Anything can be a spiritual practice when done with integrity, love and a spirit of service.
I consider my astrology practice a form of spiritual education and counseling. I believe the natal chart is a map of one's unique spiritual journey or assignment for this current incarnation. And that can be true whether or not one accepts the premise that there is another incarnation coming or there was another previous. Astrology is remarkably accurate in revealing the spiritual and psychological issues that a person will encounter through life. Of course I am not speaking about "mundane astrology" that tries to predict events with precision or astrology used as a parlor game.
I received your PM yesterday. I too have not been able to find a tab for "sent messages."

Sun conjunct Mars people do not take direction from others easily, and I as I pointed out above, that Conjunction makes a trine to Pluto and involves the chart ruler. Pluto adds intensity and fixity and it squares Uranus also so there is wilfulness and rebelliousness added to an already rebellious Aquarius Mars. Not surprised any communal type lifestyle ora rigid dogmatic philosophy will be hard for you. Your chart lacks the signs and aspects that make for compromise, submission, softness and sweetness. No Pisces, or Cancer. No Venus-Moon or Sun-Venus aspects.

So how do I tame the Uranus? I have moon on my 1st house which opposes venus and neptune in the 7th?

Thank you!