Lonely Chiron


Well-known member
I woke up this morning with my thoughts rushing about my past. I looked up my transits and noticed moon and venus squaring my chiron (Venus aspect being its strongest today). I also started thinking more about chiron; He is alone in the 12th house. Not just that, but also alone on the top of the chart. Is there any special meanings to this? Does this make him prominent in my chart? Every step I have taken so far leaves some regret on the table. Maybe it is chiron that has been f*cking me this whole time. Just need some clarification. It would be also nice to know when my mind will be blessed with peace. Past year has been filled with pain, forming and shaping me. I know that the shaping of myself is still in progress, I'm just really hoping its nearing its end. I just don't want to be alone anymore.

EDIT: Added a more exact time. I've almost got it!
Also, I have figured out that it was Pluto passing my IC which caused my madness. Or at least, i think so.
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Well-known member
Does anyone notice anything interesting in this chart? Using sidereel one would see that All the planets, with jupiter as an exception, are in conjunct with house cusps.
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