Why are we influenced by the planets


Well-known member
I think the punch of it goes beyond electromagnetism. In reality, there is no separation between people and planets, people and other people, people and particles, et cetera. Everything communicates with everything else as a function of natural law. This can be proven. The world we experience is a conceptualised perception of events that can only be implied through our senses. Nothing that meets the carnal senses is "real." Your eyes show you photons. Your ears tell you about vibrations. Your nose and tongue elicit experiences of quality based on the structure of molecules to which they are exposed. This tells you about information you are receiving, but not the reality that hosts this information. Every perception you've ever had has been a projection from your own mind. Reality is internal.

P.S. To put it bluntly, you can't see the "Matrix" because you are the "Matrix." You need a mirror.
I don't believe that we are influenced by the planets anymore than we reflect them. The planets also reflects us.
As science dictates, everything within existence is energy. Energy simply is.
Everything within existence shares an inherently bonded or "one" based on this scientific(or meta-scientific) fact.

So based on our perception of time the planets were "born" first or came into a physical form before us( humans). Although we were purely energy without a body or brain, to remember the experience of being pure energy, we still existed as one with all,including the planets.

Although our essences intertwined with that of all the planets it was through the Sun's "influence" that we were born or have life. Perhaps this is the reason the Sun is looked upon as being such an important factor in the astrological chart.

The Sun, thus, reflects or stands as a celestial symbol for life essence. It also marks the day of our birth( not the moment of birth like the ascendant).
The Sun also represents why we are here on earth or our life purpose, what's important or vital for us to do within our world.

So from this perspective you can see that the Sun( and other astrological planets) doesn't necessarily influence us anymore than it reflects who we are, why we exist,etc.


Well-known member
And people would call me dramatic when I would save bugs from being hurt and defend plants from being ripped up! Even though they are delicious, the plants I mean. I didn't need science to tell me what is so obvious as this geez some people are so into mainstream thought and something called "common sense" or my favorite "logic" which constantly changes. Our minds are malleable organs which are connect yet all have different perceptions and are shaped accordingly. Though I used to cry when people ate meat, as a kid. Now I keep my vegetarianism to myself, cuz I was getting pretty intense about it. I just really love animals and am severely phobic of food freshness, quality. The air is full of energy that penetrates us so deep regardless of realizing it or not.
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Well-known member
Good point, I have thought about this as well, I always hear this in response; "in a similar fashion to why the sun and moon affects the tides etc.." It will be interesting to find out more!


Well-known member
Your keyboard is made of atoms, but you don't see the atoms. You see photons transmitted by them. The keyboard itself is effectively invisible to you. You don't hear the atoms. You hear vibrations carried by them. What I'm saying is that there is not now, nor has there ever been, a direct correlation between your perceptions and what actually exists. Your perceptions are ripples in a soup bowl. You can sense the ripples, but the soup is invisible because all you can sense is ripples. There has never been even one good reason for you to believe that anything you've ever seen is real. Every thought you've ever had was based on necessary assumption. Forget every Newtonian conception. Matter and energy are not different. There is no such thing as two separate objects touching. Every person you've ever met has been you. Every sight you've seen is you. You've never seen anything that isn't you.

Bring this simultaneously ancient and modern perspective into astrology and things finally start to make sense. How does a planet effect a person? It doesn't. Planets are like hands on a clock, indicating what time it is. We do not depend on the planets for our expressions. The planets depend on us for their expressions. If you forget the planets are there, they become nothing more than scenery along your path. They can indicate times to you, but once you get familiar with the process of living you should be able to recognise the times right away without knowing any planetary positions.

Knowing that reality is internal, we can begin to understand why the planets depend on us for their expressions, rather than the other way around. It also explains those folks who seem hell-bent on not manifesting any of the qualities you would expect from their charts. Some people defy their Sun sign and ascendant, or they manifest them in such unusual ways that an astrologer would be unable to recognise them. What allows so much variability in an Universe that we assume is perfectly predictable? I say that we are living components of a living Universe, thus we have the ability to utilise natural law. At the risk of bringing religion into the discussion, Jesus himself said, "Know ye not that ye are gods?" When a planet takes a certain position, that only means that it is time for a certain perspective on your personality to be expressed (rather like a hologram, naturally rotating an image according to the angle of viewing). Everything that gets expressed is still dependent first and foremost on you.


Well-known member
I think you are right, dr. farr. What you gave is how I would describe that hologram I referred to previously. Light itself is capable of storing information of immeasurable complexity and in ways that we might find counter-intuitive. The relationship of DNA to light comes into this as well. Considering that everything we know to be matter is effectively "made of light," we can know ourselves to be individual atoms of a greater consciousness, subjectively experiencing ourselves as woven into a sea of light. (See: Unified Field Theory; Zero-Point Theory)

P.S. When you are not here, you're everywhere. :lol:

P.P.S. Newton once said that information can travel faster than light. I never quite figured out what he meant by that.


Well-known member
This isn't the spiritual section guys/girls, I'm looking for a better understanding of the mechanics of astrology, here on planet earth.

I grew up in a religious culture and reading the bible and even though I am not part of a lot of those beliefs any more, in retrospect, there are a lot of beautiful references to the stars in the sky and their symbolical meanings for us, that I like. I think the bible talks eloquently about the meaning of the stars for us.

I feel the stars are there to guide us, to know ourselves and know the dynamics of the universe, to unravels it's patterns. Hundreds of years ago astrologers went through great trouble to read and follow these patterns. The knowledge was sacred and only available to the rich and privileged. Many and most did not have this privilidge.

We are now at the end of the pinnacle of time of overusing our logical minds. It has become so common-place that we fail to see how sacred astrology really is. To be able to know the times, what is to come and to prepare for it is sacred knowledge.

Astrology is a symbolical language to reveal to us the dynamics of the divine. Perhaps the intuitive brain is better equipped to understand the revelations that the logical. :whistling:

But then, this thread seem to be for the intellectuals, so my comments may not be appreciated. And that is fine too...


Well-known member
I like to think this way: 'if moon can influence tides why can't it also influence the brain cells of our nervous system?'

It is scientific proved that planets form our solar system affects earth in many process... so why couldn't they also affect your brain and your beeing?

That's my opinion,
Fragoso :biggrin:


Well-known member
Every tool you can't use is useless to you. :wink:

What if I were to say that I have reason to believe that human activity influences and, at times, even causes solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and sun spots? Heliocentric astrology works because our collective self, on a solar-system-sized scale, is centred in the Sun. On an Earth-sized scale, our collective self is centred in the Earth. On a Moon's-orbit-sized scale, we are centred at the Earth-Moon barycentre. On an human-sized scale, we are centred in the energetic plexus in our chests (heart chakra). We exist as energy, even though we identify ourselves with the dead mass that organises itself around our multidimensional energy structures (atoms). You are constantly touching everything in the Universe. We live in a veritable soup of relationships. Is this beginning to sound more like astrology?


Well-known member
My natal Mercury is also in Virgo, along with my ascendant. There are several things that need to be said here. Firstly, the things I've already stated are so because of the process of identification. How do you identify yourself? At the human scale, you identify yourself as an human due to the qualities that you perceive (topocentric astrology). At the planetary scale, how do you identify yourself? At the planetary scale, you are the collective consciousness of Earth, therefore you are centred in the Earth (geocentric astrology). At the solar scale, how do we identify ourselves? On this scale, we are the collective consciousness of the entire solar system (heliocentric astrology). Every time we move up or down in scale, we must re-identify what we are. Each of these three kinds of astrology can tell you the same things, but each one works in a different context due to the fact that you're measuring different collective consciousnesses at different scales. As long as you know what you're analysing, you can get useful information in the right context.

There are some people who seem to reject their charts entirely. Some people just demand to define their own lives and I think they may be the most informative cases of all. Besides that, however, most people shouldn't try to avoid their suffering. In fact, avoiding suffering is what got them such a nasty chart in the first place. I'm thinking from a Universe in which reincarnation is fact. No one is where they are by accident. Most people tend to seek pleasure, avoid pain, and measure themselves more forgivingly than others. This is the kind of behaviour that acquires karmic debt wholesale. Someone will end up with a tough chart when they need it. It's not punishment. It is the Universal presentation of what every individual needs to grow.


Well-known member
Life is meant to be very very good, why do you peddle suffering as the best way to learn?

I'm aware you're looking for practical, even tangible explanations; but I have to ask: why do you view suffering negatively in your search for answers? Does the suffering not aid in guiding you to the very clarity you seek? There are many wrong ways to do something, only one truly right way, and maybe, maybe a handful of functional but not perfect ways. If you don't have awareness of the possibilities, how can you possibly know what you've concluded is 'good' or 'right'?


Well-known member
Caprising said:
Life is meant to be very very good, why do you peddle suffering as the best way to learn?
Whoa, when did I say that? Suffering is the least efficient way to learn. If a person is capable of accepting the Truth (learning their "lessons") with less suffering, then the path of less suffering will be used. There are many better ways of learning than suffering. The problem is that all those other ways can be denied. When a person demands to have subjective reality (my reality is what I choose it to be) and demands to listen only to themselves, and not anyone else in existence (absolute hubris), then the only avenue of learning that can still grab that person is subjective suffering.

If you were to look at a flame and honestly believe that it cannot cause you harm nor pain, you might do something like stick your hand in the flame. After you get finished cursing and screaming because of the pain it caused you, you will have the opportunity to realise that there is a reality that governs the flame and it does not care that you didn't believe in it. Reality is not subjective and you don't get what you want just because you want it. Reality is reality. What you believe is a choice that usually has little to do with reality.

This was the foundation for the tower of Babel. Those sons of plunder built for themselves a system of protection. They did not try to end suffering. They tried to end suffering for themselves only. They wanted to raise themselves above the floods, above the retribution for the acts they perpetrated against the rest of humanity. In short, they wanted to get all of what they want and none of what they don't want, and they didn't care at all what anyone else got. It was all about winning and losing. We see this same thing being built today. It isn't a literal tower, but a system of protection to allow the most affluent of people to have all the control in the world without any responsibility or liability. The tower shall fall once again. Demanding subjectivism to be just as good as reality is a crime as old as humanity. People play God by refusing to see that they are a part of a living system and cannot be separated from it.

Further, it's not my view that is Saturnian. The cycle is Saturnian. Those who do not learn from suffering will never rise above it. Those who never rise above suffering will be "lost" (perhaps better said "reformulated") and reintroduced into the system to start over. That is, of course, until this finite system finishes itself. Saturn is the recycling plant of this solar system. It is the furnace that burns away impurity. If you are made mostly of impurities, then most of you will be lost. If you have pure portions, then those portions shall survive the fire. By going through this system over and over (living and growing, burning away the dross, and starting over), we grow to become better reflections of our true self, the God in us. This process has little to do with what we choose to believe.

P.S. A very old saying: "God loves those who are willing to start over."
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Well-known member
Have you ever suffered Stained blue?
Suffering doesn't necessarily make ones path clear in my opinion, it tends to leave people confused, scared and unable to find a way out of their personal hell. I suppose it depends on the level of suffering too! Life is meant to be very good, unfortunately we have been brainwashed into believing that life is meant to be tough by those who seek to steal our life energy.

I've known suffering and sorrow better than any of the other feelings, so perhaps that has colored my view of pain. If you heed the message inherent in the pain, you will find the joy and happiness it's trying to guide you toward, and you'll come out with some degree of appreciation. I do agree with you that life is meant to be good, that certainly isn't being debated here by me. But I do find it hard to even define good without the bad to contrast it. If life were good in every way no matter what, there would be zero appreciation for it, and therefore no real value could be had in a 'good' life.

Let's use a real world example: Your eyes work, I assume. That would be considered good and fortunate. Do you truly appreciate the ability of your eyes to see, though? How could you possibly know until you've spent time without them? How could you possible know without contrast? I do realize there are other means of having appreciation in life without contrast, but for the vast majority of people on this planet that contrast, in my opinion, is necessary for them to obtain a 'good' life.
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Well-known member
Wow, I love this thread. All of you have such fascinating perspectives, just beautiful.

I think that some may take exception to your view, Caprising, because to accept it as an individual who has experienced much suffering and is perhaps in its hot hands just now, (that is to an extent above the everyday variety), it is conceding that much of one's life has been lived in vain, pointlessly. The only way one can endure suffering (which I do believe is sometimes necessary with respect to circumstances that are truly beyond our control), is to create meaning from it.

Personally, looking back at aspects of my own life with some distance, I can see that there was much self-inflicted and apparently needless suffering. I however know that I needed to go through the flames, so to speak, in order to refine certain aspects of my persona that were just clinging too vehemently to their own agenda. I sort of see it as a sloughing off of bits and pieces of my ego to reveal some true substance beneath. Don't get me wrong, I still have a looooong way to go, but I was a hell of a lot more demented before... Anyhow, Mark's description of the process was one of the best I've come across yet.