Lunar eclipse conjunct north node - dream about eclipse

Neptune Rising

Well-known member
I was wondering how a lunar eclipse affects a north node in conjunction. My node is also conjunct natal Neptune. It was square my natal Moon.

I had a dream about the lunar eclipse last night, just as it was happening. I saw the Sun going just on the horizon, then the Moon appeared (it wasn't as it usually happens but I knew it was a lunar eclipse). It was beautiful and reflected in the calm water of what I thought was a lake, in twilight. Colours were blue, turquoise and a midnight blue colour. I was confused at first, wondering which was the sun and which was the Moon, then it became clear in my mind.

The lunar eclipse conjuncts my north node/Neptune and falls in my 12th house, but within orb of the ascendant. I found it funny that the eclipse in my dream fell across the horizon, just as Sun was setting and Moon was rising, and the actual eclipse falls across my ascendant/descedant axis. I currently have progressed Sun conjunct natal Moon (6 Pisces in the 3rd house) and transiting Neptune is conjuncting them both. This lunar eclipse was square my natal Moon. It also formed two sextiles, making a minor talent triangle with my Mercury/Venus and Pluto.

From the symbols of the dream, I think its saying that my intuitive, feminine, receptive side is becoming more important at this time. with the calm waters, I am comfortable with my inner emotions, even the more hidden ones . I guess that coincides with the Neptune to my Moon transit, being aspected by the eclipse, which is making me face my inner self again rather than look externally for any sort of emotional validation.

Its a weird transit!

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