The Zombie Zodiac


Well-known member
lol right? It's very clever :) I would've c&p'd everything but it's just too much info :pinched:

I like how at the bottom of each sign's origin it gives info on how each sign would act as a survivor or zombie :lol:


lol right? It's very clever :) I would've c&p'd everything but it's just too much info :pinched:

I like how at the bottom of each sign's origin it gives info on how each sign would act as a survivor or zombie :lol:

I think you would've gotten in trouble for a copy-paste anyway.

I love it though because it's funny, but not in a mean-spirited way, not at anyone's expense. Sure, it exploits a few astrological stereotypes but it does so in the most amusing way possible.


Well-known member
"Patience is the Taurean Zombie's virtue. They will stand under a tree that a survivor is hiding in long after the other zombies have shuffled off, and they'll wait till the survivor falls out."

LOL I love Taureans


Well-known member
XD you gotta love their determination MSO.

They're also very vain, and will keep themselves unusually clean for a zombie. In fact, they can often be found standing in front of anything reflective, swaying and moaning happily to themselves, as if admiring their reflection.

^part of the Leo zombie description :lol: if I was a zombie I just know I'd probably still try an keep myself well-groomed.


Well-known member
I can identify with that Leo one too, I always manage to find a reflective surface to peer into when I'm off on my journeys. I can see myself as a zombie, walking by some tall glass and realizing, hey, there's someone sexy there! XD