Will I Get a Job Before the end of August? (interp. incl.)


Well-known member
Hi all!

I hope you're keeping strong and safe wherever you are during these crazy times! :whistling:

So...I made a job horary recently and I'm a bit stuck with interpretation. Do you see anything?

So essentially, I changed jobs back in March and by the end of the month, I lost it due to the coronav. cuts. I generally work in government positions, mostly in analysis, communications and research (natal Mercury on MC, loaded 10th).

My interpretation:

As it's about me, I take the 1st house. Pisces rising = ruler is Jupiter. Noting that this question is a career horary, where Sagittarius is on the 10th, whose ruler is Jupiter, I get evicted to the Moon as my primary ruler.


1st ruler - not Jupiter, but the Moon, in 2nd house of Taurus. So in terms of strength the Moon is dignified by exaltation and in the 2nd, thinking about material possessions and income? Unafflicted.

10th ruler - Jupiter, in the 11th of Capricorn. Jupiter is in fall in Capricorn. Might that refer to the state of the jobs market? Bad prospects? Jupiter is also retrograde. I've seen that to mean either of two things - it's a worse condition of the planet or something 'done' gets 'undone' e.g a decision. Not sure about the 11th meaning in this case.

Extra detail - there is a planet in the 1st house, relating to me. Mars is in Pisces.

So the main thing is a positive, perfecting aspect between me and the job. The Moon is in trine aspect with Jupiter, and Jupiter is retrograde, so it is applying to me as much as the Moon is to it.

Mars is in an applying, mutual sextile with Jupiter. But, the Moon is far swifter and reaches Jupiter first, Mars follows much later. Both significators for me perfect their application unempeded. Jupiter being retrograde comes closer too.

The Moon aspecting Jupiter in Capricorn - the fall of the Moon - does that mean it's not a good workplace for me? Or that the workplace is not keen on having me? Or maybe that I wouldn't be playing to my strengths?

Mars ... so I believe this can be a secondary significator for me or a 3rd party. I can't tell which.

If it's a secondary or even a primary significator for me, that's good, as Mars is in Pisces mutual sextile with Jupiter in Capricorn - where Mars exalts, therefore, mutual reception.

If this is a 3rd party, then that might mean they this person, or agent as a mutual positive relationship with an employer in question. If it is a 3rd party, they are very keen on me, as they are in my house.

I note that I've secured most of my professional jobs through recruitment agencies and they have often showed up in charts just like this. One new recruiter has been in touch a few times during the lockdown, promising me good things come to those who are patient...But perhaps Mars is me? I'm not sure.

I don't see any other planets intervening these three planets perfecting, and most imporantly, is the Moon with Jupiter. Although, reception is mixed. The Moon is reasonably strong - so capable, wanted but may not be very happy with an offer?

If you see something yourself, want to add or perhaps steer me if I'm off, please do! :biggrin:

Hour Ruler - Jupiter
So that's the 10th lord right there.

Something I didn't realise also is that my natal ASC is Cancer, so with the Moon ruling me here, I closely identify. Sometimes I see these things referred to in relation to better confidence in radicality.

In the first house of Aries, disposed by Mars in the 1st.


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Well-known member
The lot of employers falls at 24'50 Taurus in the cadent third house and posited in a pitted degree. You, Jupiter, retrograde towards a trine with the lot and moon applies to conjunct.

I'm getting a yes too, but it will come with difficulties and setbacks.


Well-known member
Thanks kindly for everyone's time. I'll keep you all updated.

The market outlook is tough and uncertain now but I won't stop! You keep going! :biggrin:

As I've been studying more horaries to refresh on key factors, I decided to add the following info.:

Hour Ruler - Jupiter
So that's the 10th lord right there.

In the first house of Aries, disposed by Mars in the 1st
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Well-known member
Update - well I'm surprised to say that I didn't get new work. There were a few calls, I'm currently passing through slow stages of a permanent role which will not have an outcome until mid-late September.

But sadly, despite good energies in the chart, it's a no.