Relocation/love....will it ever happen?


Active member
So....I'm dying to move. To just go far particular I really loved South Korean and would love to go back. I also am constantly heartbroken. I just wonder why it doesn't work out in the love department. I wonder if I'll ever marry...Is foreign settlement a thing for me, or love?

Also, I attached a relocations chart for Seoul - what is the heavy 12th house mean?

I would love anyone to chat with or help. I attached many things.


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Staff member
Relocation charts don't mean much in and of themselves. No matter where in the world you are, your original birth chart is still the outline for your life. Relocating might alter the shading of it slightly, but it doesn't change the big picture.

A packed house in a relocation chart speaks to your experience of living in that other place. If you are American (as your birthplace implies) and you move to South Korea, you will be living there as a foreigner. The twelfth house is a house of foreigners, in a sense--more accurately, house of exile. Immigrating is an exile experience, even if you do it voluntarily. That twelfth house suggests that the part of your experience that would get emphasized most, if you moved there permanently, would be that of being the foreigner, the other.

As for why love hasn't been working out for you, that would take a whole conversation to sort out. I'm not volunteering to have that whole conversation here in this forum, but I will say that it depends on many factors. How has love not been working out? What happens when you date someone or pursue a relationship? Or are you not doing those things, in which case, what prevents you?

It might be that the way you're going about relationships isn't consistent with the real needs you have, and those needs would correlate with your chart. It might be that the way you're living your chart is setting you up for a particular challenge in having relationships.

What it's definitely not is your chart preventing you from having a relationship at all, ever. Your chart might indicate challenges, but it would also indicate what it takes to work out those challenges. But it's impossible for another person to identify your actual relationship hindrances without input from you. Only you know the details of how your relationships have not been working out.

Edited to add: To qualify for permanent residence in South Korea, let alone citizenship, at least one of your parents has to be Korean, or you have to be married to a South Korean citizen or invest at least $500,000 in South Korea's economy. If none of those apply to you, all you ever can be in South Korea is a temporary guest worker. That would reflect the twelfth house right there: permanent outsider. And even if you do have Korean parentage, if you grew up outside Korea, they'll still always regard you as an outsider. Even more so if you're only half Korean or not ethnically Korean at all. Korean culture is (I've heard this from Koreans) very insular and not really accepting of racial diversity. Visitors from other countries and other races might be welcome while they're visiting, but they're never going to be accepted as anything more than that.
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