Best friend leaving

Summery Joy

Well-known member

I've always been horrible interpreting my own horaries, so I'd like some help here.

OK. Some background. My best friend just got a job in an Arab country. He'll be leaving in a month and he's expecting to stay there for a couple of years at least. He first told me about this by showing me the visa on his passport at around 5:30pm,Cairo, Egypt, GMT +2 on Febraury 28th, 2006. This is an approximate time so unfortunately the event chart will not be very accurate.

If it's important to know, we are officially best friends, but I've always thought of our relationship as a one-on-one thing. It never seemed to be like one in a group of relationships like the rest of my friends. Also, we had both admitted to each other that we had confused feelings for one another. We were together for like a day and then changed our minds about it. We continued to ask the "what if" questions though. Anyway, it's all gone and we've dated other people since then. He's still my best friend although sometimes I felt he was still asking the "what if" question secretly. I admit that sometimes I do it myself. They're not very romantic what if's anymore though. I sort of ask them because everyone around me tell me how me and my best friend are so compatible.

Anyway, I want him to go on that job because it will be very good for his career. But I'm still gonna miss him a lot and I feel I won't have a similar friendship any time soon. Also, and I know that this is silly and selfish on my part, I can't imagine meeting someone and maybe even getting married without my best friend here by my side (not that there are any prospects now, but I can't help but think of things like that). So I asked this question:

When will he come back?
on February 28th 2006 at 6:08 pm Cairo, Egypt GMT +2

Then later I asked:
What will bring him back when he does come back? (meaning will he come back to another job here or because of trouble there or because he will have had enough experience etc..)
That was on Febraury 28, 2006 at 8:41 pm Cairo, Egypt GMT +2

Obviously I asked that question when I got less selfish and started thinking of his future, not mine :oops:

Alright. I know this is too much but I was hoping I'd get interpretations of the charts cast by the times of my questions *and* by frawly's method (hint, hint Draco ;) )

Thanks in advance.


Staff member

I think there're chances for your friend to come home earlier than expected.

He's represented by the Moon (11th house ruler) in conjunction with Mercury (you, 1st house ruler) - also the last lunar aspect - so chances are that he'll be back in 7-8 months (7.5 degrees apart).

The country he's going to is his turned 9th house - radical 7th house - in Pisces, ruler Jupiter.
Jupiter is in Moon's fall sign, so he's not going to enjoy his staying there. Even more, Jupiter is stationary, preparing to go retrograde. The Moon (him) is separating from the trine with Jupiter (the other country) - it's like the positive energy that made him decide go there is now little by little fading away, so the whole thing will not last.

The Moon (him) isn't in a fixd sign (which would mean permanence, continuity) but in a mutable one (changing one's mind about sth).

Saturn in your friend's first house may also represent restrictions and problems - that might have determined him to go and work abroad, for instance OR that are currently imposed on him.

Using this wacky technique of the Sabian Symbols for questions in correlation with Numerology - The letters in WHAT WILL BRING HIM BACK WHEN HE DOES COME BACK? sum up to 175.
The Sabian Symbol asociated with this number is:
This may also point out disappointment for this job abroad, as a reason for returning home.

So, my conclusion is that this experience will not last as it will be quite disappointing and he'll be back sooner than expected, around 7-8 months from now.

May I inquire if your friend is going to work in the oil industry - there're several indications -turned 9th in Pisces, ruler Jupiter square Neptune...


Well-known member
Hi Nora,

You said that you would like an interpretation based upon the question asked charts, as well as the Frawley method, so here goes with the time and place that I received the question:

I decided to encapsulate both of your questions into this chart, i.e. 'Will my friend come back, and if so, what is it that will bring him back?'.

The benefit of using the Frawley method in this case is that we can answer both questions at once.

I received and understood what was being asked at 17:45, 3rd March in St Annes, England, here's the chart:

I haven't yet read Radu's interpretation, so as that nothing influences what I might say, so it will be interesting to see what Radu wrote when I have finished.

I will be using the 7th house to signify your friend rather than the 11th, as you say:

I've always thought of our relationship as a one-on-one thing. It never seemed to be like one in a group of relationships like the rest of my friends.

Your friend is Jupiter in the 3rd, because Pisces is upon the Descendant. We notice that the 3rd is the house of your friends foreign travels, because the 3rd is the 9th from the 7th. Therefore, this Jupiter shows your friend in the foreign land, or that his thoughts are upon this journey, but Jupiter is peregrine here in Scorpio, so is a wanderer in this foreign land, with little power to act, made worse by the fact that Jupiter has just entered it's first station and is about to turn retrograde. This would seem to describe your friend going abroad, stopping in his tracks before procceding any further, reconsidering, and returning home. Jupiters station is emphasised by it's placement in a fixed sign, it may be that your friend find himself stuck in a rut. So this would seem to show him coming back.

It might also show that he will not go at all, but I think it would indicate, going and then reconsidering due to an inabilty to move, or proceed with his plans, a stalemate situation, before coming back.

Also if we consider the co-significator of your friends journey, the Moon, we see it is waxing, so your friend is increasing in momentum preparing for his foreign journey, however, it's next aspect is to Saturn retrograde which would seem to push him right back again, rebuffing the aspect that the Moon makes.

You are shown by Mercury retrograde, in it's detriment and fall and combust in the 7th. This shows how your primary concern in relation to this question is with your friend, and if he will return from his travels. Mercury is in Jupiter's sign, and Jupiter as your friend reinforces this idea.

Mercury is also an accidental significator of your friend, so being retrograde, this is yet another indication of his return, yet it seems he will return due to bad circumstances, somehow as if he will encounter a dead end when he gets where he is going, because Mercury is in Jupiters sign.

I am sure that there is a much more succinct and precise way to round this chart up than the things I have pointed out, but this is about as much as I can do with this one.

In short, yes your friend will return, and it seems he will swifter than you thought, because somehow he encounters a stalemate where he is set to go, it is as if he is somehow rebuffed or rebounded.

I hope that this will do as an interpretation. :?

Draco ;)


Staff member
Different ways to approach (even different charts), yet the same conclusion.
Congrats, Draco, good interpretation!


Well-known member
Cheers Radu,

I was intrigued to read after I posted, that although we used different data, my chart seemed to echo the themes which you identified in yours.

Strange how astrology works like this.

On account of our findings Nora, perhaps you should indicate to your friend what these charts have said, and maybe persuade him it's not a good idea to go. At least, warn him that he will soon turn tail and come back when he finds himself in an unsatisfactory 'stuck' situation, then at least you can say 'I told you so!' :razz:

Draco ;)

Summery Joy

Well-known member
First of all, thank you guys so much for the interpretations.

Now I don't know whether to feel bad that he won't get what he wants or feel relieved that he won't be gone for long.

Unfortunately, I cannot warn this particular friend of the astrological interpretations of these charts because he is the most astrology-phobic of my friends. It'll just make him stubborn. I guess all I can say to him is to keep his mind open about coming back at any time or something to that effect.

Again, thank you so much.


Well-known member
lol sore, that's almost manipulative :D

My best friend (I'm a male, he's a male) also went back to London, he's working there for the past 5 months and I miss him a lot. I know him since 5 years old! So he came to spent my birthday and went back again to London...

argh... friends should always be around :(


Well-known member
I understand :)

Don't worry sore, as you can see, he won't spend much time there.

Maybe when he comes back, u two, "what if" :p

Be strong! In the end we'll all be together.


Well-known member
Aw, that's the guy you were telling me about, huh?

Since kidnapping is out of the question (just kidding :D ) I don't see the harm in warning him just a little. After all, he is your buddy.

You'll be fine!

Summery Joy

Well-known member
jenluvsblackcat said:
Aw, that's the guy you were telling me about, huh?

Yeah, I think so. I have many similar stories (a new one is actually taking place right now!) and I don't remember which one I told you about, but that was the one that affected me the most. So, yeah. How's yours going?

OK. Back to my question. Something very unexpected happened a few days ago. Just after he accepted that Arab country offer, he now has reasons to expect another good offer from a European country. If that offer comes, he expects to stay in Europe a lot longer than he expected to stay in the Arab country.

Now, I don't know if that new possibility appears in the charts of Radu and Draco and I don't know if that offer will come at all.

I asked this question a few days ago and I don't remember the data so I guess Frawley would do,

"Is he gonna go to that European country for that job? When is he gonna come back?"

I realize that this question is exactly like the last question. If you guys think that the previous charts would do, then I'll take your word for it. But I figure maybe a new chart could help compare between the two offers (if he gets the new one) and figure out which one he's likely to choose.

Work with me here, please. If you guys get it right, I'm gonna ask you a whole lot of questions about the future of my love life ;) Just kidding. Thanks for the help.

Summery Joy

Well-known member

His trip was postponed for one week because he was considering that other job in Europe. The Europe thing didn't work out so he traveled 8 days later than he was supposed to.

And.. he came back 4 days after his depature. He did encounter a number of stalemates and knew he couldn't take it.

Incredible. Thank you guys.


Well-known member
The Moon (him) isn't in a fixd sign (which would mean permanence, continuity) but in a mutable one (changing one's mind about sth).

Radu's notice about Moon in this chart is very interesting and it proved that he was correct.
Interesting too, in chart for question for my daughter about her staying in foreigner country
Moon is in fix sign and she plan to stay 2 years so probably it will be as she planed.