Fake thoughts


Well-known member
Lol....you guys are so funny together. You're cracking me up. Gotta run....paying these movers overtime! Limited brain capacity right now.....

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Oh hell no,
You know how I go
Its a solo show
Pho pho
So you two have your little dance,
Even go down in your pants,
While my mind is at a glance
Om is my trance
No homo, no tranny.
Send y'all back down to this planet
My temple, my handset, it's simple, I demand that.


Well-known member
Pv I know how you on that solo dolo
I respect that though
Stay In your temple.
I present to you dear apologies
For this misunderstanding
Your mind soo outstanding
Namaste my friend
See you soon again

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
To truly raise the serpent that zone becomes a no go. Sort of new to me though so we'll see how it goes. (I'm sexually oriented so its gonna be tough but gandhi was heavy in scorpio too and he did it, so...) Call me a prude all u like but I call it dedication to raising the vibes and making calculations towards a higher denomination. ;)
Mmmm imagine that having a girl next door who i fall in love with.. do my thing... find we are meant for each other.. move somewhere.... start a life.

Perhaps have our own kids.. kids grow up, i work hard enough that i saved some money, we go abroad, buy a cheap place.. holiday home.

So simple yet not so simple.. lol :crying:

Now to find a girl nextdoor :whistling: :cool: