PLUTO transits: Pluto conjuct Mars, then square natal Moon


PLUTO transits: Pluto conjuct Mars, then square natal Moon. A ROCKY RIDE!!!

Hi everybody, this is my first post actually.:smile:

The past 4-5 years Pluto and Saturn has been wreaking havoc in my life - I therefore thought to give those of you in the same or similar situation a little insight into how this could affect things - at least, which themes could come up and how they can affect you.:sad:

This is a long post, so you are excused if you give up underway. Life has been... rocky, to say the least, the past 3-4 years!

First some dates and positions to get a clear picture:
I have my natal moon in Libra 8th house, squaring Mars in 11th house.
My Mars is within orb of the South Node too
My moon, Saturn and Pluto all lives in the 8th house/Libra.
I’m a Scorpio Sun, with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter taking up residence in the 8th/9th house
(See enclosed chart in the bottom of this post)

Involved transits from 2010 – now
1st Saturn return in Libra 2010-2012: depression, isolation and difficulty with women (including my mom)
Saturn entered Scorpio in 2012 and hit my natal Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter too in the 8th/9th. No stone was left unturned! Truth bombs galore! (9th house)
Pluto entered Capricorn and soon came into orb of Natal Mars in 2012 => conjuct
Pluto started squaring my natal moon in December 2013, affecting the natal moon/mars square also.
The Pluto/Uranus transits caused squares galore with my natal moon/mars square involved.
Pluto will be out of the square with my Moon around January 2016.


PLUTO PHASE 1 – conjuct natal Mars (2012 – 2013)
In the summer of 2012 my whole life was turned upside down. This was, mind you, after a heavy period of depression and dealing with childhood traumas when Saturn was in Libra in the years of 2010 – 2012.
In September/October 2012 Saturn shifted signs, while also hitting my natal Saturn = 1st Saturn return :eek:
When Saturn was exact – and with the hit of the 2nd Pluto/Uranus square, my boyfriend whom I’d lived with for 6 years, broke up with me.

Abuse behavior all over the place!
I was thrown out of the apartment, and I was forced to move away to a small town, far away from the city I’d lived in for 10 years. Around that time, Pluto was hitting my natal mars.
Isolation, fear (Saturn), immense sorrow and pain (Pluto-mars conjuct), going through the break-up was HARD! :crying::sad: But it was so very hard and harsh because the relationship had been immensely abusive and it’s fair to say my healing phase had some elements of PTSD trauma afterwards. When I slept it was like turning a contact: Off - “Now I sleep”. On: “Now I’m awake”. It was like I just “blacked out” these nights in the first 3 or 4 months afterwards, remembering very little of my dreams.

Truth is a b*tch best served cold
Around spring 2013 - the 3rd Pluto/Uranus Square , and I think – Saturn going into the 9th house, I was forced to realize very harsh truths about the relationship: Sexual abuse of my body, my ex boyfriend cheating with other women, verbal abuse and just plain out – abuse of all kinds. And most importantly: how I had closed my eyes from realizing these things because the pain had been too severe. (8th house Libra). :sick:
All this changed my outlook and my view on life – and relationships in general – forever. You can call this the “death”-phase of Pluto/Saturn in Scorpio. Accepting that it’s better to be aware of the harsh truths and be honest than close your eyes for the truths. My life as I knew it came to an end, and so was “I”. I was forever changed by these truths and realizations in this period of time.

Saying I was angry is putting it mildly! :devil: Pluto played with my Mars, and so did the P/U squares – my anger knew no bounds!!! When I discovered the cheating game, imagine the A-bomb in Japan (Pluto rules nuclear power by the way) and the sponge-sized cloud afterwards. :eek: That is how I felt. It nearly destroyed me. Soon after came the realization about the rape, the abuse and my own behavioral patterns that led to it followed.

Opening of a spiritual path
At the same time I was doing great at my job, finding a kind of peace at the work place, even when feeling like a mashed potato emotionally.
I was – probably because of Pluto in the 12th and Neptune traveling Pisces, becoming very spiritual: guardian angels, voices, and the power of healing through crystals… all that kind of stuff. Looking back, I realize it was another way of coping with the pain, because it was so, so severe. I couldn’t accept all that had happened to me, and most of all: that I had let it happen, because I was so afraid of seeing the truths right in front of me.

I swore to myself that my next relationship would be something completely different in all the ways I had missed in my last. And boy oh boy, was it…


PLUTO PHASE 2 – square natal moon/ Saturn in Scorpio (2013 – now)
In late November 2013, around the solar eclipse in Libra (and Pluto/Uranus Square no. ?), I met a new boyfriend. At the same time, in December, Pluto started squaring my natal moon in 8th house.
Some astrologers call Pluto squaring Moon for a period with severe emotional purging. Others call it one of the harshest transits you can experience in life. I call it: No stone of your emotional landscape will be left unturned!

Pluto square moon/Saturn in Scorpio THEME 1: Fear of intimacy
The first Pluto hit: With my new boyfriend I experienced a HUGE amount of FEAR concerning intimacy both physically and emotionally. (Traditional 8th house issues).
I didn’t expect Saturn and Pluto to hit this place, but that is how Pluto works. He finds your blind spots and smashes them into your face. I was sooo anxious, while my boyfriend (with a packed 12th house) insisted on intimacy in every way. I’ve read somewhere that this transit often brings a “helper” into your life, to assist you with the journey into the Underworld. Well, my boyfriend has certainly assisted my journey until this day… :andy:

Pluto square moon/Saturn in Scorpio THEME 2: death and rebirth – starting a new life in the middle of the Grand Cross
Around December 2013, my work environment was becoming more and more controlling and manipulating. My 6th house is ruled by cancer (= moon) so also my work place was affected by this Pluto transit. At the same time my new boyfriend pleaded for me to leave my job and move in with him. After 4 months of dating, I finally quit my job and left, leaving my birth area for good. This was spring 2014.

But things weren’t all rosy and good. April 2014 brought massive inner pressure from the Grand Cross sat smack down on my moon in libra, at 13 degrees (my moon is at 12,55 degrees). I was paralyzed by fear, anger, emotional distancing myself from my partner and wondering if this had been the right thing to do. I was in doubt; my feelings were numb, cold… I hungered for freedom and started to doubt my decision about moving in with a new boyfriend so soon after the previous break-up. I told my boyfriend I didn’t know if I really wanted him as a boyfriend. The Grand Cross touched my natal moon as you see, which again touched my natal moon/mars square. It was squares galore that spring… And it took us a whole year to remedy the stuff that went awry in that period. But it also made us stronger I guess - trial by fire. Sink or swim!

Pluto square moon/Saturn in Scorpio THEME 3: Sex/violence/abuse
In the aftermath of my previous break-up I hadn’t seen any therapist; being spiritual I thought it unnecessary. Now I was forced to realize that I needed help regarding sex and my own sex life, so I joined a center for rape victims. (Hello, Pluto!).

Pluto square moon/Saturn in Scorpio THEME 4: Manipulation games, emotional blackmailing, controlling behavior
As previously mentioned, things weren’t that rosy between my new boyfriend and me. While I struggled with the remnants of my break-up still (inside), my boyfriend and I were having trouble in Paradise. I was still trying to work through my anxiety and fears about sex and intimacy, while at the same time our relationship suffered massively. It came close to ending a couple of times, and in that time period, my boyfriend told me he was at a point where he would start being emotionally cheating if we didn’t solve our problems. Naturally this was not a great start for solving our problems. :whistling:

At the same time I was all alone in the apartment while he went to work every day, and I felt lonely and isolated at home, at a new place, without any friends. Another effect of this was that I tried to control and reduce the time he spent out with his friends. I have a lot of abandonment issues - hello childhood with an alcoholic abusive father! Naturally this cause a lot of "marital strife" and a lot of compromises were needed. I felt powerless, and not being able to "control him"... I was fearful and like a wounded dog I bit him. Many times, because of my own fear and anger. I can't believe he still ended up forgiving me... Jupiter in my 7th house was still a month or so away.

Pluto square moon/Saturn in Scorpio THEME 5: Jealousy
In autumn/winter 2014 I had lived with my boyfriend for half a year, and suddenly I became VERY jealous of his relationship with a lot of different people: Female co-workers, his popularity with his friends, his big circle of social friends and… everything in between. :sick:
In the past I hadn’t really thought of myself as jealous, and I was able to work through it, but I find myself a little more prone to jealousy now. I was really becoming a true Scorpio!

Pluto square moon/Saturn in Scorpio THEME 6: Death and distance
In late autumn 2014, at the 6th P/U square, my mom was diagnosed with Parkinsons’ Disease. Fear of her death, losing my grip on myself, estrangement in my relationship with her… The Christmas was an emotional rollercoaster. These issues continued into spring 2015 but some of our relationship issues were finally resolved this summer (July 2015, around the Capricorn full moon) – they’d been there for a whole year. :sad:


This September I’m starting on a new job… And I don’t know what Pluto will be up to in the last throes of the moon square. But know he will make it memorable!

At the same time, I've felt Saturn in Scorpio as a rather strengthening/grounding experience actually. Like I was coming into myself, grounding into myself, and really becoming myself, through and through. I can't do any superficial contact or communications these days, and the material world have taken a step back for a 100% genuine approach. I can't take superficial people or values right now! This is typical Pluto/moon in 12th house stuff.

I also know that Pluto will be squaring my natal Pluto/Saturn as he goes along in Capricorn – but at the same time he is trining my Scorpio packed 9th house. Things could be worse I guess.... Or???

If you’ve read all of this, I thank you!
And you have any comments to what I’ve written I’d much appreciate it!


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Well-known member
Re: PLUTO transits: Pluto conjuct Mars, then square natal Moon. A ROCKY RIDE!!!

That chart you show is BAD for reading. There are no degrees of planets and house cusps or transits on it.
Go to and join (free) and then they ask you for your birth info, and you can go to "extended chart selection" and select 'natal chart with transits'.....then right click to "save as" and then it will be available for you to choose IT to post here.
Look for the process to post a chart on this site.

The are other sites which allow you to post a fully formed chart but I always use
What I thinik is good is that you have tried to process all the different phases of this particulary Pluto transit. And you seem to be able to be objective enough to feel it and intellectualize it at the same time.
Most people can't do that.


Re: PLUTO transits: Pluto conjuct Mars, then square natal Moon. A ROCKY RIDE!!!

That chart you show is BAD for reading. There are no degrees of planets and house cusps or transits on it.
Go to and join (free) and then they ask you for your birth info, and you can go to "extended chart selection" and select 'natal chart with transits'.....then right click to "save as" and then it will be available for you to choose IT to post here.
Look for the process to post a chart on this site.

The are other sites which allow you to post a fully formed chart but I always use
What I thinik is good is that you have tried to process all the different phases of this particulary Pluto transit. And you seem to be able to be objective enough to feel it and intellectualize it at the same time.
Most people can't do that.

Hi Lin

thank you for the reply and for taking the time to advise me on how to get the most out of :smile:

I have enclosed the requested chart from here. The start transit date is 1st of December 2013, since Pluto started squaring my moon around that time. I am not a professional astrologer myself, but I've read a lot about transits the past year or two.

I am very much a thinker - so yes, I've tried to gain some kind of sense out of all the pain I've endured, simply to understand myself better and also HOW things went so far out of proportions for the past... 5 years or so.
That's the beauty of astrology in my eyes - there are so many layers to it, and I've been studying them in depth these past couple of years, and gained a much better understanding of life, of the transits (and their impacts) - and possibly of myself too.



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Re: PLUTO transits: Pluto conjuct Mars, then square natal Moon. A ROCKY RIDE!!!


Well, after the time of the transit you posted, Uranus had to oppose your IT has to take some of the heat. It changes the character of the Plutonian issue.
Also.....this past year Jupiter has squared your Scorpio about that?
How do you think that transit affected your life?

You have a VERY tight bundle chart. Having a bundle myself (tho within a trine and not a square) I have always felt that I had so few 'choices' in my life....that things just "happened" and I had to respond and act upon that which "showed up." I had several careers which just "came to me" and then Astrology.....which was the last and most powerful force ....which has been my main focus of learning for 35 years.

Have you have several types of jobs? Did you have to go grasp them or did they come to you?
What is the job you are beginning in September? Did you study for it? - as in 'a degree program'....?
PS: I notice that the astro site did not give you credit for the Moon sextile Uranus. Because Uranus is on the MC it is very powerful and absolutely does sextile your moon.

I will comment on the Pluto when I have time to read what you have written. If the answers to my questions above are in your original post excuse the fact that I haven't read it yet.

Just one more thing: you say you were 'forced to move away to a small town, far away from the city I'd lived in for 10 years."

How exactly were you forced to do this?

Also: what is your relationship status now?
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Re: PLUTO transits: Pluto conjuct Mars, then square natal Moon. A ROCKY RIDE!!!

Hi Lin,

Thank you for taking time to look into the chart too. There is so many layers to astrology that it can be hard to grasp it all in one go and one must focus on one aspect at a time to fully understand that before moving on to the next ;-)

I will answer your questions as best as I can


Well, after the time of the transit you posted, Uranus had to oppose your IT has to take some of the heat. It changes the character of the Plutonian issue.
Also.....this past year Jupiter has squared your Scorpio about that?
How do you think that transit affected your life?

I looked up the Uranus/moon opposition and I can say a huge YES! It changed a lot of things for me. The reckless nature of this aspect came into play a lot of ways – from my roommate disapproving of my new BF and telling me she didn’t think I should date him or move in with him to rebel against any resistance I met at work. It was rather exhausting to be “in battlestance” the whole time. The more resistance I met, the more I rebelled! The truth/issues which Pluto/Saturn digged up were changing ME and my core values one after another in these months.

My new BF was an outward manifestation of those new values in me. Up until now I had been the “corporate woman” in a successful position/company and with strong conservative values (Probably 12th house Capricorn...). Suddenly I found myself changing my outlook on a LOT of things. Probably because of all of what had happened to me in the previous relationship, all the hardships I’d endured, and I realized the saying about “the strongest survive” was a bucket of bullsh*t. Sometimes the strongest people are crushed too. And those who “appear” strong, is really the weakest. Only they hide behind their big fancy cars/houses/money and so on. So – I changed, and therefore I moved away, basing my life on my new values.
At the exact same time I moved away, Uranus crossed the threshold to my 2nd house…

When Jupiter changed into Leo and my 7th house, I felt a huge shift in my outlook. And my relationship ofc :smile: Yes, I was more “lucky” in the way that my BF went out of his way to make me happy.
But I was also challenged regarding my own will and ability to exert that will successfully in the relationship (the square I guess).
Leo is all about “ego” and will – I was very egoistical in the beginning of the transit. We had some MAJOR clashes, both of us wanting to have “my way or the highway”. Manipulation, fights, ego clashes… a lot of that. Until both of us realized we had to be more generous with each other.
But at the same time my creativity soared and bloomed in the way I’d longed for in a very long time. I also started up a freelance business for a period, since my job hunt was not very successful. And the new job I just found… yes, that was through partnering… All in all, I would say I’ve learned how to be generous, even if I wasn't able to exert my will very well. My BF also had his sun, moon and mercury challenged by this Jupiter transit, so yeah… fights galore :whistling:

You have a VERY tight bundle chart. Having a bundle myself (tho within a trine and not a square) I have always felt that I had so few 'choices' in my life....that things just "happened" and I had to respond and act upon that which "showed up." I had several careers which just "came to me" and then Astrology.....which was the last and most powerful force ....which has been my main focus of learning for 35 years.

Have you have several types of jobs? Did you have to go grasp them or did they come to you?
What is the job you are beginning in September? Did you study for it? - as in 'a degree program'....?

Yes, I’ve felt myself being VERY narrow minded in some ways. Almost too black and white at times. I’m very focused and determined, at least when I find the overall mission worthwhile. That’s the problem for me. I’m working with marketing, and I simply can’t work at a place which primary mission is to sell – and sell a lot of some mindless product. There needs to be a higher purpose, a really great mission and a really great product. Otherwise I simply can’t bother. So – that’s the challenge of this bundle I think. Plus – a lot of my focus/energy is about the topics/houses/signs… 8th house matters, scorpio matters are a huge thing in my life. Of course – but it can really be a pain in the butt sometimes! I need to turn every stone until “The whole truth and nothing but the whole truth” are revealed, analyzed and put into the right “boxes”:andy:

Regarding my career, I think I’ve in some ways have chosen the path – and at other times it has just been “forced” upon me. I chose my educational field, and mostly my career has had elements from this but in very different forms. I have chosen a very “META” oriented education though (communications) – so a lot of jobs can be related to this area. Also the one I’m starting in now. But this new job was also just “coming at me” – I didn’t actively look it up. It was more like “I like your company, maybe you could be interested in some of the things I can offer?” – and well, wham bam thank you mam, I had a new job in only 2 weeks!

But no, I haven’t really worked ONLY within my educational area. Having a strong ascendant in Aquarius I’m prone to walk the exact opposite way when too many people walk in a certain direction or I sense exactly what others expect of me. Then I turn around, refusing to do it. This streak in me also affected my moving away. With my age and situation I was expected to move to the city, become a “city single girl” with a cat and lots of dating mates and loving that lifestyle. That was what I imagined at least…
I loathe conformity, more than I care to admit. I’m a natural rebel, but the Uranus/moon opposition only added to that I guess… :tongue:

Another way the square has been playing out is regarding to friendships. I’ve had a lot of difficulty finding good friends, because my 11/12th house Capricorn is focused on what it can “get” from the relation. I have a huge network – but very few friends. I’m very helpful myself, but it doesn’t really pay off in terms of friends unfortunately. Maybe it’s because my mars-moon square get in the way. I want to be “intimate” with them too fast. And very few people can handle that. And if there is no “real” connection between me and the prospect (see? I didn't even think about this, and yet I wrote "prospect" - not "potential friend"), I’m not very interested after some time. This is an aspect I’m working with continually these days… Both regarding the "prospect thing" and the "intimate thing".

PS: I notice that the astro site did not give you credit for the Moon sextile Uranus. Because Uranus is on the MC it is very powerful and absolutely does sextile your moon.

I will comment on the Pluto when I have time to read what you have written. If the answers to my questions above are in your original post excuse the fact that I haven't read it yet.

Just one more thing: you say you were 'forced to move away to a small town, far away from the city I'd lived in for 10 years."

How exactly were you forced to do this?

Also: what is your relationship status now?

I would love to hear your take on what this aspect could mean in a bigger picture. I’ve not given a lot of analysis to the MC part… only that I have a sextile and with Uranus. Yippee! But… not much else!? :w00t:

I think I used “forced” because that’s how it felt like at the time. In hindsight I can see that even if I *could* have gotten another place to live relatively fast, I didn’t get the chance to wait for it while living in our apartment, because my ex BF wanted me OUT.

Really – I had a month. And even today I have NO idea why. I mean, I hadn’t cheated on him, I didn’t commit any crimes…? He was very emotional dysfunctional, so I guess that’s the only explanation I have. I COULD have protested but I didn’t have the power, energy or the determination… At some point I must have been finished with the relationship for a long time, and that’s why I contacted the lady I lived with so fast to get to a solution quickly, because there had been no love in the relationship for most of the years we were together.

That was really the hardest part of the healing… there was no love to remember which can at least help you heal afterwards. The thoughts about the love you’ve shared weren’t there, because I don’t think he was capable of being loved and love in return. :unsure:

Luckily my new BF was capable of love, almost to the point of me running away. But I got through it, and we’re happier than ever today, after I’ve shed a lot of my fears due to Saturn in Scorpio/Pluto 12th house transit. One of the major aspects of our composite chart is Saturn Square Venus in Libra 7th house and Capricorn 10th house. Venus is placed in the 10th and Saturn in the 7th. It is a bit tough sometimes, also with a composite moon square pluto, but I think I've learned that love requires patience!) :love:
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Oh dear me... I just looked into this Uranus sitting at the MC matter. Wow. That is so spot on that I almost fell down my chair. Now I know why you asked about my career! :whistling:

As my previous boss became too controlling I grew restless... The "You're not the boss of me!" came into play for sure. Because not long after I quit my job and moved away to live with my new BF. What was my dream job/career before, suddenly dulled in comparison to the tempting freedom I sensed I would have in the new place.
BUT - by moving away I had to leave the path which I sensed would finally lead me to true career success. That didn't sit well with me afterwards and I was very unhappy for a long time, trying desperately to find a replica of my previous workplace in the new city (which is not possible of course). But luckily, my new job has many of the elements from the old position and so I feel very blessed and ready to take on a new adventure for good!

I thrive in an environment where I can be the boss of my own area. And for the most part, I've been lucky to find those kind of jobs. My CV consist of a variety of jobs with many holes in between. I had to try different fields before I found my own niche.

When I'm caught between a rock and a hard place the only way to get free is by placing a bomb in the crevice and blow it all apart. Freedom is the the most important thing in my life and relationships and yes - it have caused me trouble. I am happy that I know about this aspect now as this will help me control the urge to run and instead working on my goals. And yes - my career has evolved around ONLINE business (the web) :biggrin:

Also, the aspect to the IC is spot on for my upbringing in so many ways... Although it was not the most happy of childhoods though, as one or both of my parents didn't really want the extended responsibility of having children I think. My mom does things, even today, that shows this trait, leaving me disappointed in her. Because, after all, you still need your parent, right? (I cut off the connection to my dad some years ago - alcoholic abuse and mental illness...).

My best friend is the embodiment of the Uranus at MC/IC aspect and my BF is a real geek too. Our home is... unusual, although I sometimes feel the inner conflict between "normal" and "weird" and how to balance these two. We are still debating whether to have children or not at all. So far our cat has proven to be the perfect child for us :tongue:

Thank you for pointing this aspect out for me - I've learned so much already!
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Well-known member
Hi Anette,
me again.
This time I will 'send' the reply before it gets too long. I understand what you said about using 'word' as a document...but then I feel I can't be spontaneous about what I'm seeing at the time.

Anyway, the first thing one needs to discover is this: are you a "Plutonian?" A Plutonian is someone with Scorpio on an angle plus having some aspects involved; a conjunction or group with other planet; OR the focal point of many aspects; or, as in your case, the "dispositor" of the chart.

Your Pluto is powerful by being conjunct Saturn; then it is powerful by being the dispositor of 4 planets...Merc, Sun, Jupiter & Venus. Including being the ruler of your Sun.

So you are a Plutonian, and as such your life will be defined in many way by irrevocable change, Plutonian change, metamorphosis.

Pluto represents, at it's core, "Truth" - Just as Neptune rules "deception." Pluto is the antidote for Neptune.


Well-known member
In 2013 Pluto entered your 12th house. I had this phenomenon myself, having been born with Pluto in the 9th. Not everyone eperiences Pluto thru the 12th. Lucky us.

As it was doing that it squared your Moon. This is really "the pits." Or the PIT. Pluto changes your emotions forever ....and in the most painful way. It SHOWS you the truth about the relationship you are in (when it involves the 8th house.) And because it reveals TRUTH it is both an "ah ha" 'time' and also really disillusioning. Literally. The end of illusions.

But in evolutionary terms this is a positive thing for your personal growth. Whatever you were believing in or trusting was not worthy of your trust.

What you were attracted to before that is characterized by both Moon square Mars (bound to hurt you) and Pluto-Saturn sextile Neptune.....creating an image and wanting your relationship to 'fit' it.

Because you have Neptune on the 11th cusp you often leave out "steps" in the goal journey.

For instance, you mention "debating" about children. I think you are leaving some steps out.....don't you? For instance, planning a marriage, a future, how it will work if you aren't working for a while, who will raise your you want someone else to be the primary caregiver??

And when you definitely find you see this man and a child in your future....and can't see a future without them, THEN you "go to" that next step, and not before.

And when it's time for that you would want to do a synastry analysis (if you are going to use astrology for this) and if all is well, then find a "time" which is as near perfect as possible for the marriage.

And then find a time which is compatible to both your goals for getting pregnant...(and compatible for actually getting pregnant.)

When you 'leave out steps' you are living the Neptune on the 11th house and NOT your Sun.


Well-known member
Also at that time (2013) Saturn was conjunct both Merc and Sun by transit. With no real modifying aspects to soften it, it was rough. Saturn rules "life lessons." We always hope to see some modifying aspects this case it was all Saturn all the time for quite a while.

Jupiter was about to square Pluto and Saturn.....but of course with that transit there were modifying aspects....trines to your Scorpio planets.

NEPTUNE really sucked at that point. It squared your MC and Uranus....and it just sucked all the energy and optimism out of you. Again, there was no modifying aspects to help you with it. It lasted quite a long time and probably seemed like forever.
But of course it is over now.

AND Neptune then went on to sextile your

Jupiter in Leo must have been a pain in the butt. squares are so much more exhausting than sextiles....tho you had some of those too and they were helpful. But as you explained in your first post, having these transits on top of each other takes a long time to "recover" from.

Saturn now in your 10th house is what you are living now.

Jupiter in Virgo should smooth out the bumps in the road of relationship and with all the sextiles to your Scorpio the atmosphere is right to be able to 'get real' about the relationship and what it is and where it's going.

Of course Jupiter in Virgo IS very be careful not to nitpick.

Uranus: well, there is the 'freak' so to speak. It is aspecting nothing now except for the inconjuncts to your Sun, Jupiter and Venus.

It's REALLY important not to transfer the 'issues' you have at work and professionally to your bedroom and your relationship. Because you don't want to 'over react ' to Uranus now and ***** things up. IF the relationship is NOT to be a long term one, you need more proof than some crazy Uranian inconjuncts confusing the issues at this time.

YOu have to "compartmentalize" .....and Jupiter in Virgo should help you do this.

However, because Uranus is entering your 2nd house of values, you and your BF are going to have to actually sit down and TALK turkey as we say here in the US.
Make lists of things you need to be clear about.....understand each other's real values and long term goals and see if it all fits least relationship is perfect.


Well-known member
The important thing is to not be reactionary when emotional issues crop up. Figure out what is the CORE issue of any argument.
Often we argue about the SECOND thing that is the issue and not the PRIMARY thing.

The book, "The Dance of Intimacy" by Harriet Lerner is the perfect book to read for this issue. You can get it new or used on Amazon I'm sure. WEll worth reading.

And of course," Creative Visualization" which helps you DEFINE your true values and needs and goals. Again, Amazon. There's also a workbook, but not sure if it's still in print. Of course that you'd have to get new....if they have it.
Creative Visualization is vastly important for anyone who has Neptune on the 11th cusp (I know, I have that position.)

Being Plutonian is rough....but being Uranian, which comes in a close second, is really rough. Uranus rules your Ascendant and is on the there are those who would argue that IT is the ruler of your chart. It doesn't matter.
They are both "GOD planets"....heavy power titans. And we poor mortals get tossed around by their energy.

That is why we have to learn to compartmentalize.

If you have any additional questions once you read my posts a couple of times, please let me know.


The important thing is to not be reactionary when emotional issues crop up. Figure out what is the CORE issue of any argument.
Often we argue about the SECOND thing that is the issue and not the PRIMARY thing.

The book, "The Dance of Intimacy" by Harriet Lerner is the perfect book to read for this issue. You can get it new or used on Amazon I'm sure. WEll worth reading.

And of course," Creative Visualization" which helps you DEFINE your true values and needs and goals. Again, Amazon. There's also a workbook, but not sure if it's still in print. Of course that you'd have to get new....if they have it.
Creative Visualization is vastly important for anyone who has Neptune on the 11th cusp (I know, I have that position.)

Being Plutonian is rough....but being Uranian, which comes in a close second, is really rough. Uranus rules your Ascendant and is on the there are those who would argue that IT is the ruler of your chart. It doesn't matter.
They are both "GOD planets"....heavy power titans. And we poor mortals get tossed around by their energy.

That is why we have to learn to compartmentalize.

If you have any additional questions once you read my posts a couple of times, please let me know.

Dear Lin,

I still have a lot of stuff to think about after your many – and wise - words. Some of them went straight to the heart of me while others made me think “Huh?! I didn’t know that was the core issue here”
But that’s the great thing about astrologers, right? You make us mortals see to the core stuff of our lives, whether good or bad ;-)

But first things first. A sh*tload of your answers made a lot more sense when I thought about my life right now and not “THEN”. After Pluto, I mean. (Funny how the world is made up of “Before Pluto” and “After Pluto” sentences these years…)
Also, being plutonian - of course I looked that up and boy … (or woman, sorry) – how you are right on spot with that! I’ve always thought there was something remarkable about these 4 planets clamping together in the 9th house and you certainly showed me why. A part of me feel like my destiny came to knock on my door from the exact moment of the latest Pluto/Uranus square with all these transits. You can run but I could not hide – whether that was from the truth or myself any longer at that point. Up till then I’d been so paralyzed by fear of feeling: Feeling the sorrow of being abandoned – first by my father (which, ironically I ended up cutting out of my life for good some 10 years ago) and then discovering that also my mother had her fair share of stocks in that emotional baggage.

None of them really wanted the responsibility of a child, I think. It has left me wondering if I was just a “project” for two people who didn’t really worked together. But I do know that I was a walking abandonolic in my early youth, looking for someone who I could experience the same fear of being abandoned by. And my ex certainly delivered in that regard!
I was not afraid of being left by HIM though. I was afraid of FEELING THE SORROW of being abandoned, abused and cheated on by someone I loved.

After Pluto “had his way with my feelings in my 12th house” I could never go back. Pluto is the ultimate Truth Serum Provider as you say. But that is a great thing too, because I find myself more often than not, looking for the REAL reason behind a fight… what are we REALLY fighting about? How are the persons’ former experiences shaping this argument/fight? What are his/her deep motivations behind their actions and words?

I AM a plutonian. It’s true. You really nailed it. But I hadn’t thought about it until now. And as you say – I’m ruled by to GOD planets, and that also hit home, because sometimes I feel like I am 1 whole of 2 halves. At my right shoulder, Uranus is sitting, doing his rebel stuff, refusing to follow through when things get too mundane and everybody is walking the same way (which also influences my ability to reach my goals) – and on the other shoulder is Pluto. His dark and brooding stare affects me more than I care to admit, and he awakes so much anger in me which my moon-mars is not able (at least always) to handle very well.

So yes, it have felt like I’ve experienced a several year long period with “single tastings” of one planet or the other – first Saturn, then Pluto, then Neptune. It really *do* takes a long time to recover from, and now Saturn has entered my relationships’ composite 8th house too. Will the soul-churning-metamorphosis ever end in my life?!! Sometimes I feel like I am constantly walking in the fires of Hell, living, constantly living the Purgatory process again and again. I guess that’s Pluto squaring my moon…

…and I guess that’s the life of a plutonian, huh?

Sometimes I think my version of “normal” is so skewed that when I start to talk about things which are “normal” to me, others react as if it’s something very distraughtful. For me, it’s just “normal” thoughts and stuff. Over the years I have curbed this a little bit, so as not to scare a lot of people away who didn’t have to deal with these kinds of traumas in their lives, and I envy them sometimes. But again – wouldn’t want it any other way. Sometimes I like to shock people by telling them secrets from the past… That’s probably because I like to shock people into a reaction when everything gets too mundane and “Niceville-ish”.
I hate being too superficial – which is probably why my BF and I are such a great match. – But also a very difficult match, since he is the complete opposite of me in many ways. He is ULTRA Taurus with his Sun, moon and mercury in … the 12th house and Pluto transiting his 8th right now…
His ability to compassion and empathy is astounding though.

I have taken in your words of advice on the “turkey talk” thing. You are right. Sometimes I am completely in a haze of how to make a real solid future for myself, how “to actually do the kind of stuff that makes other couple look like a success”. So your advices are greatly appreciated here, and I will certainly keep it in mind for future talks and the book also. It seems like that living my sun will have to be the next thing I need to work at… ;-)

Right now Saturn is walking on Uranus – or soon will. The Saturn is about to enter my 10th house, and this will be a great time – and also a bit challenging time I guess. But for once, Saturn is in a great aspect to my moon here, so emotional and financial enrichment and fulfillment will probably come my way as well.
But more importantly I am learning to integrate Jupiter in Virgo in my work – checking details, ensuring all the facts are right before putting things out there and so on. You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Jupiter in Leo was a REAL pain in the rear! My oh my. I spent way too many money on hobbies and also had an ego the size of skyscraper which is a little hard when in a relationship. But it also made me “take up space” in an emotional way, which in some ways were a good thing, since I’ve had the drive for always hiding myself and my needs in a relationship for the sake of harmony (moon in libra). My needs is not something taken upon lightly now, neither in the relationship or in me. “I MATTER TOO – like my needs do”, was probably the best outcome of this transit, together with a lot of hobby related stuff done together with my BF.

You are right about the Uranus at the MC vs. the home life and relationship things as well…
It is really important with freedom for me right now, with my new life and new job starting for real. My BF and I have done a lot of adjusting, since he is right now craving intimacy and a lot of cuddling time. His biggest fear is to loose me, since all of his life he has lost the ones he loved. I know it is not primarily about ME – as I was afraid of dealing with the sorrow of being abandoned and left alone, I know he is experiencing the same kind of anxiety here as I was in my former relationship.

But how do you tell people that? Being honest is not always the best – because you can come across as uncaring about the things they’ve been through. Him being a psychologist is certainly a help, but even these people are often blind to their own spots.

So – right now I feel like I must be both his mother AND his girlfriend. And the one thing I crave MOST right now is FREEDOM. Yeah, timing is a *****. But I know he needs to look at his tragic past and sorrow of loosing people close to him. His own dad committed suicide when my BF’s Saturn transited his Sun (and moon + mercury) and his dad was also an abandoner of his family. His mother is right now estranging herself from her two children and blames them for so many things. She’s depressive and have a bad history of abandonment herself.

We understand each others’ pain, certainly we do. But sometimes it also makes us stumble as a couple.
Saturn crossing natal Uranus is the need for freedom while Saturn (my boyfriend???) will not willingly step back and provide it, instead telling me to “do my duty” (as a girlfriend) and I can’t run anywhere here because I love him like mad… I don’t know what it is he’s doing, but his Mars is within orb of my moon in 8th… So… yeah. Baby talks is needed en masse here!

I’ve read that with this aspect the key to solution is planning for the future – in details. Making long-term plans for changes and not acting impulsively even though the urge to do it is even more pronounced. I have so much need for freedom these days (and certainly after Saturn left Scorpio – thank god – and entered Sagg). So yes – I DO need to compartmentalize here and not bring my work issues with me home. I just want to feel free to experience all what my work can offer. My moon also rules 6th house so no wonder?!
I want that – AND the emotional intensity at home. The answer is somewhere between, as a new balance. That will take some time to work out I think. But with composite Saturn-Venus in a square we have our work cut out for us. Composite Venus is actually in Capricorn in 10th house – and Saturn is in Libra, 7th house. Really, it’s almost a joke…

But for now, let me just tell me how much you’ve already helped me with understanding of my chart. I can’t thank you enough, Lin, you are by far the best astrologer I’ve come across and I feel very lucky you’ve taken your time to answer my questions about this past 3 year period I’ve experienced. I am deeply grateful.

May the stars offer you a blessed life.