Are receptions enough to cause action from the other party?


Well-known member
Relationship horary
So lets say that receptions are looking good, and they are in your house. Is that enough for a yes?

Edit: It’s a communication via digital, so also a communication one.

Edit 2: I got a confirmation from a horaryist that it’s a yes (changed answer due to misunderstanding).
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Premium Member
Relationship horary
So lets say that receptions are looking good, and they are in your house. Is that enough for a yes?

Edit: It’s a communication via digital, so also a communication one.

Edit 2: I got a confirmation from a horaryist that it’s a yes (changed answer due to misunderstanding).

Okaaaaayyy. Without a chart there really isn't anyplace to go with this. :andy:


Well-known member
Lilly says, 'The use of this [mutual reception] is much; for many times when as the effecting of a matter is denyed by the Aspects, or when the significators have no Aspect to each other...yet if mutual reception happen betwixt the principal significators, the thing is brought to passe, and that without any great trouble, and suddenly to the content of both parties.'


Premium Member
Lilly says, 'The use of this [mutual reception] is much; for many times when as the effecting of a matter is denyed by the Aspects, or when the significators have no Aspect to each other...yet if mutual reception happen betwixt the principal significators, the thing is brought to passe, and that without any great trouble, and suddenly to the content of both parties.'

The problem with out of context Lilly quotes is that he often misunderstood or misrepresented the underlying principles behind them, and then went on to interpret charts contrary to the guidelines he laid out.

Classic reception requires an aspect; otherwise it isn't mutual reception but rather "generosity." As Oddity pointed out on another thread

I believe that in this quote Lilly isn't talking about what we term "mutual reception" so much as what is better described as "emplacement." For example, in a job chart, if L1 is in 10 and L10 is in 1, even better applying to the ASC, then you could tell your querent that yes, he will get the job, even if there is no aspect between significators, nor translation, et. al. to show it.