Are you a Manly-woman or a Feminine-man under The Asc Mask?


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Arnold Schwarzenegger has 5 of 7 planets, plus the Ascendant, in feminine signs. Would you dare to say to Arnold, "You are a closet queen"? But then that conjunction of Mars with Uranus in ambiguous (dualistic) and androgynous Gemini has me wondering.

I'm not surprised with this information. Simple reason for starting this thread was to bring to light the fact that we are bi-polar. It was through Astrology that Carl Jung proposed the idea of 'Anima' & Animus & therefore wanted to highlight the features of the Natal chart for our own understanding.

Arnold is OVER-COMPENSATORY male which is easy to detect from his feminine planets. (Frankly when I see too much muscle I often wonder if it's to do with compensating for their Yin side- have to research this one in planetary terms). If I saw his psychometric tests, I won't be surprised if I can detect it's his because for such men it's obvious.
Personal experience, I had a male in my class who went around beating others, acted tough & was a giant. I saw one of his tests lying on the psychologist's desk (friend) when I entered her room. Out of a university with over 400 students, when she slid that out of my sight she casually asked if I could guess whom it belonged to, on my instant guess she literally had her eyes popped out with a Loud "Wow!"

The point I'm making is simply, that there's alot of information UNDERNEATH us all. I do agree with you that men & women are biologically programmed different but to say that women Can't act/think like men or vice-versa I don't agree. The physical & psychological makeup is different but observe women in the army or even the surgeons, there's a lot of Mars energy & I personally know many women who don't have much 'femininity' to them.

Another personal example, I don't like sitting & talking like ladies do. I prefer company I could take out for sports or movies instead of gossiping. And funnily once upon a time I picked up the book 'Men are from Mars & women are from Venus', I left it mid-way feeling the author was messed up with the sexes & their thinking. I know better now. :rightful:

I'm Dominant air & Androgynous. I get along equally well with both sexes & men treat me as 'one of them' & same goes for women. We simply need to balance the polarities in our psyche. :sideways:
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Well-known member
1. I do not have a monthly period (No, Virginia, there is no such thing as PMS.)

2. I can't carry a living, growing new life within my body (But what does that have to do with bonding anyway.)

3. I have invented probably 85% of the world's important inventions and an equal share of its creative art. (Women would have done this if only men didn't hog all the glory and weren't so oppressive. Besides, who wants to ride a stinky, mean old bull anyhow? That's funny, but men do [you know, that obnoxious macho kind of man] and women don't seem so inclined. Might this same trait have something to do with exploration and creativity?)

4. I have worked with women who were "one of the boys." They chewed tobacco and could spit as far as any man. They can buck hay, ride bulls, or drive trucks full of fresh food as well as any man. But a funny thing happens when we all go out for a beer after work and the guys trickle off to their homes and families, leaving us two alone -- she is no longer "one of the boys."

5. A friend of mine used to run a large beauty salon. Now and then she would call a staff meeting and tell her folks how it was going to be. She always preferred gay men to women on her staff, because the guys (gay though they were) simply accepted the new order of things and got back to work; the women would sit and argue about what was fair. There is a very clear and pervasive distinction between a man's and a woman's mentality.

6. Nothing I have said here is meant to imply that women are somehow inferior to men. The only thing said is "we are different." We have different roles to play on the stage of life. Why I should try to change my role into your role befuddles me.

7. 95% of all territorial conquests have been effected by women. I know there have been others, but Maxine Bell is the only woman I can think of who, of her own free will, stepped off into Terra Incognita with the express intention of exploring it. Please note that when she made up her mind to do so, no man attempted to dissuade her.

8. There is one very simple yet extremely powerful difference between men and women. Women do not have to hunt. All they have to do is BE, and the rest takes care of itself. A man, in the very nature of things, must hunt. If you don't know what I'm talking about you have never driven a taxicab on the wrong side of town.


Well-known member
I am a very manly woman MENTALLY, mercury is my chart ruler and its in libra

Fire and air signs dominate ie libra sagitarius

I have sun libra square mars and also pluto conjunct ascendant

I wont tolerate any BS at all

Sometimes it plays havoc with relationships but hey big deal, ive had my share of MEN aka father brother bosses trying to tell me what to do and how to be etc before so sod them, had enough of their arrogance and so called authority and patheticness

Having said all that I am very feminine too physically and emotionally
I also am predominantly fire and air but with water ascendant and Earth moon. I have always had a real problem with men wanting to be the authority always and the deal that women get in society, although it is changing. Once I entered the workforce I was enraged at the way women got less pay for the same work, were sexually harrassed including me, and agitated against all unfairness I saw there. So I am a born feminist as I feel my mother was. However I like men and prefer them as lovers.


Well-known member
...8. There is one very simple yet extremely powerful difference between men and women. Women do not have to hunt...
Job, taxi and opportunities aside we do hunt... we just call it "dating & marriage". :wink:
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Well-known member
You obviously have not driven a taxicab on the wrong side of town.

A flower does not hunt; a bee does.
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Well-known member
A flower does not hunt; a bee does



edit: Aside from the difference of opinion, it is very poetic in its images: how does a bee and a flower hunt. I like it.
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Well-known member
Goodness.....and me a Male Chauvinist.

Where I come from, Men are Men and women tend to the chilluns.

I hate to be the one to point this out, but women do not have a penis or the hormones or the mindset of a man. They lack the overt aggression and physical strength of a man. In sum, they are biologically different and can never become a man. And vice-versa of course.

P.S. -- Give your brother a big hug for me.

At risk of being labeled a troglodyte, I cannot for the life of me figure out what is wrong with being a man (in the most primitive sense of the word). Men have, throughout history and since long before history was, protected and defended women and children. You do not accomplish this by being a nice guy and spending your days creating flower arrangements. The difference in the sexes is biological and runs very deep; it is not easily erased. Why some women want their little boys to grow up to become refined, gentle, caring women (a lie on its face) is beyond me. Such efforts can only result in deep internal conflicts on the part of the affected boy (who ends up thinking that being a man is a bad thing.)

Finally a REAL man, thank god they still exist. I thought they were all turning into effeminate wusses. I am 100% in agreement with you!


Well-known member
nah the spreading function of astrology always existed. categorizing overarching schemes is a facet of control.

this is because a population has to cover all the gaps.

it is true that men had more testesterone before because of enviornment. the enviornment is now perhaps too venusian. there is too much concentration on film and music, and less concentration on mars and movement. i prefer a society with more of a uranian/neptunian concentration.

the alien type people and the monkey type people are both still needed in society, but society is hoping for more of a bigger callustrum type visual-spatial/audio-sequential type mind. which is a holistic and particular mind. the feminine brain being more holistic and inter-hemispheric in firing because of estrogenic differentiation and the testosterone brain having more volume and reseviors of patterning for "reasoning". as well as the male brain having larger adrenal glands, etc.

in my opinion after reading the neuroscience of gender differentiation the people that are ahead of their time always have this ambidexterity.

male artists in general as a population are more "venusian" therefore more of an effeminate bunch. if we didnt have mozart for example, but only football players everyone would commit suicide.

theres jealously on both side of the "archaic man" and the "alien man"
one can talk about a "darwinian man" as well that would be inter-racial at its peak and its really stabalized genetics isntead of "implosive" genetics of archaic man or over-rationalizing "neurosis" of alien man.

the instrinsic nature of the attempts of post-categorical, inter-relational and universality are different types of projects. in this thinking does lie the functions of its ends. after overcoming the impediments. its just much easier to complete world history when not concentrating on the domination of spatiotemporalities. instead of trying to control the football game inside the football game, one goes outside of the football game to change the game.
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Well-known member
Well I don't know how to simply anwser this, my chart being what it is.
I can say this though...
I'm definetely an alpha male in some sense of it, or a natural leader perhaps is more fitting a descritpion.
Now I will look like a gothic slut and quite (to the majorities of westernerns eyes as) farily androgenous, soon least on any occasion that does not require silly rules (whom are getting less and less in Sweden in this department I believe, I'm sure you'd get away with looking something like this:

quite easily without even having to say "IM GAAAAAAAY" Even at tons of workplaces.)
I both come accross as well an alpha male at more than one time or another (Pluto in my 1st transiting sure helps, but I've had it in me) , and as very sensitive (my Cancer Moon does make me look like I constantly have just cried (almost) a lot of times) and receptive (all my earth/water).


Well-known member
I'm not a manly man. In fact I think a lot of you think I'm a woman.
Not me. :)

I find it quite hard to relate to men. My friends are mainly women.
Yeah me to, really.
I mean I can converse with anyone, and like it, but I see no ultimate point or whatever the word is (not talking about sex) in being around something that's not so attractive to me just by looks for one thing [males]. (This is why I almost always use females for my avatars for one thing.)
I do feel less stress amongst women also, (side note: I think partly because I know that they don't know how much power they have over the opposite gender).
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It all depends on how well those others know you.

If they do not know you very well than the first thing they notice about you would be your ascendant. They might very well make a mistake by assuming that your ascendant is what your personality is all about. They would not have an opportunity to notice your sun sign and all the other planetary signs.

On the other hand those who know you better but are not included into your intimate circle of friends so to say, would have had an opportunity to learn about other parts of your psyche and would know that there is more to you than your ascendant. They would definitely be able to spot the influence of your sun sign upon your attitude and behaviour.

Finally, your closest friends, your parents – basically people with whom you have spent a quality amount of time and to whom you had the courage to open up- would be able to spot your moon sign. The moon is our subconscious mind and it is the most intimate part. We do not share it with people we do not know well. We keep it hidden usually without even realizing that we do so, until we feel safe and secure to share that part of ourselves with someone else.

I am just sticking to basics – ascendant, sun and moon signs as it would take a couple of pages to explore other planetary signs, planetary strengths and aspects. However I am trying to portray the point that it all depends on who those others are and that different groups of people will have slightly different perceptions of us.


Well-known member
I think a manly man who has a strong sun aspect and position it indicator of good relationship with masculine archetype the father and He would also have a strong mars in his chart

Feminine man who has strong moon and venus aspect the moon the mother and venus female relative.

I have a lot of female of friend which I get bullied a lot of it because of my sun venus conjunct and trine part of fortune and I was raised in feminine environment 4 woman my mother and 3 sis but at the end I still loner i don't have close friend male or female


Well-known member
I'm not a manly man. In fact I think a lot of you think I'm a woman.

During my Mars dasha I got very interested in my body (Scorpio Rising) and I started getting into Martial arts and body building/fitness, so I'm not as girly as I was. And the beard seems to help. More balanced now.

When I was a kid I had long hair and was forever being mistaken for a girl.

I find it quite hard to relate to men. My friends are mainly women.
Would you be prepared to load an anonymous chart? I would just like to see it.