Everything depends of Saturn in the Birth Chart?


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Birthchart and issues.

I was born on April 25th 1989 in Chicago, IL at 1 PM.

I have noticed that I seem to have a lot of Saturn in my birth chart although Venus seems to be my dominant planet.

I have Saturn in the 5th house, Moon in the 5th house, Neptune in the 5th house, and Uranus in the 5th house.

I'm convinced that Saturn in the 5th house is literally one of the worst positions anyone can have although all my other planets in the 5th house seem like good positions.

So would Saturn be more domiant and prevelent in my life , so would the Saturn in the 5th house be more pronounced that everything else and does the size of the planets mean anything?

I know Saturn is the 2nd largest planet according to size.

Any comments, concerns, or feedback would be greatly appreacited.


three M symbols

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Re: Birthchart and issues.

I have Saturn in 5th house in my chart, and I don't think it's the worst placement.

It can be, if you have a lot of squares or oppositions, of course.
I have only 1 opposition (Sun/Saturn)


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Re: Birthchart and issues.

Do you have Moon conjunct Saturn? I’d attribute suckiness more to that than the Saturn in the 5th.

I have Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces. Is your Moon and Saturn in Capricorn?


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Re: Birthchart and issues.

I have Saturn in 5th house in my chart, and I don't think it's the worst placement.

It can be, if you have a lot of squares or oppositions, of course.
I have only 1 opposition (Sun/Saturn)

I see after Venus , Saturn is my second most domiant planet in my birth chart.

Do you have any insight or opinions on my orginal question? Would my Saturn in my 5th house be more prevelent and have more of an effect in my life then my Neptune, Moon, or Uranus in the 5th house, because I have more Saturn in my birth chart over Neptune, Moon, and Uranus?

I have also read that everything depends on the position of Saturn in the birth chart. My life isn't exactly ideal and I think it may be my Saturn in the 5th house which has lead me to this.


Well-known member
Re: Birthchart and issues.

I was born on April 25th 1989 in Chicago, IL at 1 PM.

I have noticed that I seem to have a lot of Saturn in my birth chart although Venus seems to be my dominant planet.

I have Saturn in the 5th house, Moon in the 5th house, Neptune in the 5th house, and Uranus in the 5th house.

I'm convinced that Saturn in the 5th house is literally one of the worst positions anyone can have although all my other planets in the 5th house seem like good positions.

So would Saturn be more domiant and prevelent in my life , so would the Saturn in the 5th house be more pronounced that everything else and does the size of the planets mean anything?

I know Saturn is the 2nd largest planet according to size.

Any comments, concerns, or feedback would be greatly appreacited.


I have a concern about your time -- 1:00 sounds pretty rounded to me. Anyway, in the whole sign system you have Saturn, Neptune and Uranus in the 6th house. Moon in the 5th.


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Re: Birthchart and issues.

I have a concern about your time -- 1:00 sounds pretty rounded to me. Anyway, in the whole sign system you have Saturn, Neptune and Uranus in the 6th house. Moon in the 5th.

According to Cafe Astrology, it's all in the 5th house and I have read that Saturn is everything in the birth chart, so I'm wondering if that is another factor that is weighing things down.


Active member
I have read this on Cafe Astrology, how much truth is there to this statement? The full statement is everything depends on the position of Saturn in the birth chart. I'm thinking my Saturn in the 5th house and heavy Saturn birth chart more importanly the 5th house is what has ruined my life.

I have a lot of Saturn in my birth chart and I have a Saturn in the 5th house which I personally believe has been the universal cause of my life being ruined. As I do have trouble with my reproductive organs, which from my understanding is common with Saturn in the 5th house.

I also have Neptune, Moon, and Uranus in the 5th house although I have a lot of Saturn in my chart and I have read that everything depends on Saturn in the birth chart, so I'm thinking my Saturn in the 5th house dramatically outweighs the Neptune, Moon, and Uranaus.

Any feedback or information would be greatly appreciated.
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Well-known member
Re: Birthchart and issues.

According to Cafe Astrology, it's all in the 5th house and I have read that Saturn is everything in the birth chart, so I'm wondering if that is another factor that is weighing things down.

There are different house systems so the placement will change depending on which system is used. Also - the houses will change depending on whether you have the right time or not. Did you get 1:00 from your birth certificate or from what your parents told you?

The heaviness you've felt is probably your Saturn return which happens at about 29 1/2 years old. It is a maturing transit we all go through which takes us out of early adulthood to adulthood. Saturn brings you tests and learning to get to the essence of who you are so I wouldn't think of Saturn in such negative terms. A good book on Saturn is by Liz Greene - Saturn: a new look at an old devil.


Active member
Re: Birthchart and issues.

There are different house systems so the placement will change depending on which system is used. Also - the houses will change depending on whether you have the right time or not. Did you get 1:00 from your birth certificate or from what your parents told you?

The heaviness you've felt is probably your Saturn return which happens at about 29 1/2 years old. It is a maturing transit we all go through which takes us out of early adulthood to adulthood. Saturn brings you tests and learning to get to the essence of who you are so I wouldn't think of Saturn in such negative terms. A good book on Saturn is by Liz Greene - Saturn: a new look at an old devil.

I know what you are talking about, that's what I just finished up this December. I'm asking more about my fifth house in Saturn. i have read that Saturn means everything in the birth chart although I have also read that the farther planets are away from the Sun the more profound effect they have on you and your life, not sure exactly although I have read things like this on Cafe Astrology transits reports.

To reiterate I have Moon, Saturn, Neptune, and Uraunus in the fifth house.

I'm somewhat of the belief the Saturn in my fifth house and heavy Saturn influence in my chart is what has universally hindred and harmed my life. I feek it's basically the reason why I'm in the negative postion that I'm in as of right now.


Saturn in 5th is the Worst.
I have Exalted Saturn Conjunct 7th L Mars in 5th House Libra.
I'm just a Slave and my life is miserable.


Well-known member
Re: Birthchart and issues.

I know what you are talking about, that's what I just finished up this December. I'm asking more about my fifth house in Saturn. i have read that Saturn means everything in the birth chart although I have also read that the farther planets are away from the Sun the more profound effect they have on you and your life, not sure exactly although I have read things like this on Cafe Astrology transits reports.

To reiterate I have Moon, Saturn, Neptune, and Uraunus in the fifth house.

I'm somewhat of the belief the Saturn in my fifth house and heavy Saturn influence in my chart is what has universally hindred and harmed my life. I feek it's basically the reason why I'm in the negative postion that I'm in as of right now.

One planet does not hinder or help your life as you seem to think. What exactly is going on with you and perhaps an astrological picture may emerge. As far your hypothesis about furthest away from the Sun goes, Saturn's orbit is furthest away for everyone - not counting Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

In any event you have your Sun Trine Saturn anyway - positive aspect. The aspect I would focus on is Saturn conjunct Neptune. Loss and disappointment tend to happen with that combination. I'm guessing lack of family support, perhaps and absent father, health issues, relationship issues, etc. If in the 5th house then troubles with romance, if in the 6th, trouble with health but since Saturn rules two houses anyway, health may still be an issue even if you insist its in 5.

In any event, there are good aspects to Saturn, it's dignified in Capricorn, sextiles Pluto and Trines your stellium in Taurus. It just means harder work for yourself - blaming the stars for your problems isn't the answer. They just tell the story.

three M symbols

Well-known member
Re: Birthchart and issues.

I see after Venus, Saturn is my second most domiant planet in my birth chart.

Do you have any insight or opinions on my orginal question? Would my Saturn in my 5th house be more prevelent and have more of an effect in my life then my Neptune, Moon, or Uranus in the 5th house, because I have more Saturn in my birth chart over Neptune, Moon, and Uranus?

I have also read that everything depends on the position of Saturn in the birth chart. My life isn't exactly ideal and I think it may be my Saturn in the 5th house which has lead me to this.

I don't really know. I think it's because Uranus & Neptune are more impersonal. Moon is a quick planet (that can adapt). Saturn problems doesn't move, like rocks staying on your way for a long time until you figure out the solution..

For me it plays out more in carreer and hobbies. Because Saturn oppose Sun (MC ruler.). Saturn in Pisces 5th house represent a creative gift or passion, that I need to build for a long time (saturn). With long delays, problems, obstacles, lacks, sacrifices, etc..

I also have issues with love, but more with myself (self esteem/ego) than with other people.
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Well-known member
Hello John!
First of all, Saturn is an important planet in people's chart - yes - but it isn't everything. You have to look at the whole chart to see how each planet is functioning in signs and houses and many considerations. There are a number of ways astrologers give importance to a planet. Here are some of the top reasons:

1. If a planet is on an angle - the ASC, DSC, MC or IC
2. If the planet rules the chart - the ruler of the ASC.
3. If a planet is a final dispositor.
4. If a planet is in dignity or exaltation.
5. If a planet strongly aspects Sun or Moon
6. If a planet is the handle of a bucket or the apex of a T-square or the lead planet in a locomotive pattern or bowl pattern.
7. The planet ruling north and south nodes of the moon.

Anyway, Saturn doesn't have to be difficult no matter what house it is in. It does tend to keep on focused narrowly on the sign and house it is in. If it is conjunct other planets like in your case, Saturn is influenced by those planets.

Your Saturn is strong in Capricorn but then is altered by Neptune. Uranus is a bit far from it. Some astrologers would consider it an influence if they use wide angles. Your Moon is a bit far from it and in Sagittarius, so not a factor where your Saturn is concerned. It's Neptune that is the strongest influence. It would bring a sense of spaciousness and a "letting go" quality to it than it'd have otherwise. You could say that it weakens your Saturn focus there. It could invite more creativity, more imagination, more spacing out, forgetting, or being less narrowly focused. It could be positive or negative depending on how you relate to this or use it.

The 5th house is many things. It's your creative self-expression, your sense of play and fun, your children, love affairs, your sense of who you are and the roles you are trying on in life. The Sun rules your chart, as you have a Leo rising. The Sun naturally rules the 5th house. Sun, Leo, 5th house - for you - are very important. So in that way, Saturn with the other planets in the 5th, are all important.

Saturn naturally rules Capricorn, and it's in Capricorn, while your Sun is in the 10th (3 degrees from the cusp moves it in the 10th) - Capricorn's natural house. Yes, Venus conjunct the Sun gives you a wonderful kind of charisma and it's strong in Taurus, a sign it rules. These are trine your Saturn.

Saturn itself makes you focus narrowly on the sign and house it's in - so for you - that is work. Sun conjunct Venus in the 10th house of Career - is work. Being in the 5th house, I'd say you need to have a creative profession or one in which you can exercise your creativity. Venus can be very creative. It doesn't have to be a typical artsy creativity but it can be. You're probably drawn to music or art.

But most important, because of your Leo rising, I'd say that you are here to develop a positive sense of self, to express yourself, to learn to have fun and be playful - because you are very goal-oriented with that Sag Moon and you are serious and hardworking with Capricorn planets and planets in the 10th.

With that Virgo south node, you feel a lot of responsibility - and you're a perfectionist. You're never good enough and you work hard to be better. It's a huge part of who you are. That Neptune conjunct Saturn might actually make you feel like you have more room to move.

It's Pluto in Scorpio on the IC that makes me think that you feel a lot of pressure to change yourself from the inside out - and that's a big conflict with your Leo rising. Leo rising wants to be noticed, to be seen, to be heard, to have an audience, to be enjoyed by others. But Pluto in Scorpio is ruling your most intimate private self. That can make you moody and very focused on your psychological self - your deepest sense of self - and you feel it is of the utmost importance to change and grow and become. It can make you cautious if not fearful of other people. You are quite sensitive to how others treat you.

Your Sag Moon likes the 5th house - and the 5th house is actually ruled by Jupiter. Your Saturn, Neptune and Uranus must express through Sagittarius to have any fulfillment. Your Saturn is more fluid for a reason. If you are here to truly change your inner most self (Pluto conjunct IC in scorpio) then you will need a Saturn that can change structurally. Saturn is structure - how our personality is structured. So, in my mind, this is good. Sagittarius is expansive, growth-oriented and is always setting goals and optimistic about meeting them. This is good.

Try not to get stuck on whether a planet is well-placed or not. You have the perfect chart for you. It's positive. With a Taurus Sun, Venus and Mercury, you will naturally keep busy and keep moving. You won't mind doing menial things. You will enjoy nature and the simple things in life - or if you don't, then this would be a good goal, as Pluto in Scorpio in that placement can be very intense and not all that much fun.

I would suggest doing some kind of creative work if you do not already. It will be good for you - especially music - but anything creative. Don't expect a ready-made audience. You will want to stand out as different (Uranus in Capricorn, 5th). You might have a smaller audience for what you do. Don't wait around for people to like what you do, but follow your instincts. Do what is fun and interesting - and perfect it. But then, also, let go of wanting certain outcomes. You are someone who just has to go with what comes to you from the inside out - and trust that. But you will also want feedback from others - it's a bit of a conflict. Maybe you can compromise and sometimes seek feedback from others and other times, go with your gut even when others aren't thinking it's a good idea. If you feel strongly about a project but no one around you is excited about it, seek out fresh eyes and ears. Somebody might see the genius in it when others do not.

To answer your question point blank. NO. Everything in the chart does not depend upon Saturn in the way you are thinking of it. Saturn provides a structure for everything to exist within you, including your soul - provides an interactive highway, so to speak. But, you can't just leave it at that statement you give. Online astrology only gives isolated information - bits here and there. You have to study a long time to see it as an organic whole.
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Well-known member
Isn't it time to make friends with Saturn?

The old man of the zodiac may seem to be harsh and cruel, but really what he asks for is self-discipline, hard work, frugality, deferred gratification, and similar virtues. These don't seem like a lot of fun, but they are the valuable life lessons that we all need to learn.

Saturn in the horoscope can show where and how we feel inadequate and not good-enough. But if we tackle these areas of life seriously , Saturn tends to reward his students later in life.


Well-known member
Anyone born from 1961-63 in my life is difficult to deal with and Saturn is in its ruler sign Capricorn on those years. Ironically, Saturn is in this most powerful saturnian spot this year and also the next in 2020.


Well-known member
I have read this on Cafe Astrology, how much truth is there to this statement? The full statement is everything depends on the position of Saturn in the birth chart. I'm thinking my Saturn in the 5th house and heavy Saturn birth chart more importanly the 5th house is what has ruined my life.

I have a lot of Saturn in my birth chart and I have a Saturn in the 5th house which I personally believe has been the universal cause of my life being ruined. As I do have trouble with my reproductive organs, which from my understanding is common with Saturn in the 5th house.

I also have Neptune, Moon, and Uranus in the 5th house although I have a lot of Saturn in my chart and I have read that everything depends on Saturn in the birth chart, so I'm thinking my Saturn in the 5th house dramatically outweighs the Neptune, Moon, and Uranaus.

Any feedback or information would be greatly appreciated.

I think it's mostly true. Saturn rules time, physical structure and ultimately, reality. We live in a saturnine world. Every planet that comes before it just plays the rules the planet's already established. Jupiter can give you wisdom and expansion, but it'll never be more transcendent than, well, cold hard facts. Wisdom exists because reality exists, not the other way around (unless you wanna make a case for a deep and metaphysical discussion here).

Saturn, by itself, doesn't ruin anything. It just comes down to your life and simply says "Hey, you're not gonna get any help here. You will face what every human should face. Don't expect luck. Don't get careless, otherwise you'll face the consequences. Reality isn't gonna do anything for you unless actually get up and do something. It's only fair that you learn what you need to in order to fully master and comprehend this area of life. If you do, long-lasting and well established success will come, not because of luck or privilege, but rather, a result of your own efforts and wisdom."

The deal here would then be that, as bitter as it may be at first, the rewards are just as sweet and well deserved.
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Well-known member
Vedic astrology is a science that attempts to understand the events of a person's life through the positions of the planets and their effects. Saturn has special importance in this, and it is considered an important planet in the scriptures of musical form. But is it true that our entire life depends on Saturn?

Birth chart and importance of Saturn:

A birth chart is a chart of the astronomical position at the time of a person's birth, showing the positions of the nine planets and their influence. Saturn is also an important planet in this, which is judged in the zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius.

Effects of Saturn:

Saturn is considered to be the cause of karmic results, which proves that a person's deeds are directly related to it.

Saturn transit: Saturn transit has the influence of three zodiac signs in a person's life, which can be challenging at times.

Patience and Dedication: A person associated with Saturn gets the feeling of patience and dedication. It can help a person towards success in life.

Does everything depend on Saturn?

Yes, Saturn is considered important in astrology, but it is also true that our entire life does not depend on its results. Karma, stimuli, and other planets also have an impact.

Basis of life:

If we look at overall life, the importance of Saturn is great, but it does not mean that other planets have no importance. We must maintain the proper potency and stimulation of our actions, so that we can control the direction of our own life.


The answer to this question is that yes, Saturn has special importance in astrology, but we should not see it as the only factor. We should try to keep our lives upper caste through our deeds and inspirations, so that we can live a happy life in the true sense.