How does my coworker see me?


Well-known member
How does my coworker see me / does he like me?

This is about someone different than recent horaries. Its a teacher here at school. I used to have constant contact w him but aince my student left, I got transferred so to speak and don't get to see him as much. We share personal things with each other anf he's older.

There's no reception to planets, but there is Sun / Moon and Moon / Saturn. Perhaps the rapport is there but no deeper feelings,esp. since Saturn is in the 6th house and his 12th.

I think with me being in a fixed sign fixed house means I value him a lot, whereas he's in a cadent house and mutabel sign and not receiving me at all. He likes to give advice and listen to me (he asks, I normally don't ask for advice...Aries pride lol) so his station fits his personality quite well.


dr. farr

Well-known member
Querent = 1st house = Cancer = Moon; Moon posited in the 3rd decan of Leo (the Gemini decan {Manilius decans} under Mercury); quesited = 7th house = Capricorn = Saturn; Saturn (quesited significator) posited in the 3rd decan of Sagittarius (the Gemini decan {Manilius decans} under Mercury) so Mercury (and the Gemini decans) connect querent and quesited, which makes sense since Mercury is connected with education
Quesited significator Saturn is in Sagittarius, so querent significator Moon is in the 9th whole sign house from Saturn in Sagittarius; thus quesited sees querent as co-educationalist (9th house), and since there is a trine between Moon and Saturn, quesited sees querent (as a co-educationalist) in a positive light.


Well-known member
Querent = 1st house = Cancer = Moon; Moon posited in the 3rd decan of Leo (the Gemini decan {Manilius decans} under Mercury); quesited = 7th house = Capricorn = Saturn; Saturn (quesited significator) posited in the 3rd decan of Sagittarius (the Gemini decan {Manilius decans} under Mercury) so Mercury (and the Gemini decans) connect querent and quesited, which makes sense since Mercury is connected with education
Quesited significator Saturn is in Sagittarius, so querent significator Moon is in the 9th whole sign house from Saturn in Sagittarius; thus quesited sees querent as co-educationalist (9th house), and since there is a trine between Moon and Saturn, quesited sees querent (as a co-educationalist) in a positive light.

Whew...I'm relieved I already knew what decans are but didn't know they could be used in horary. Learn something new every day. Thanks for this super helpful post! However, the Moon is in the turned 8th house, not 9th, even in whole signs so I'm confused there.

dr. farr

Well-known member
Moon posited in Leo is in the 9th whole sign house IF we take his significator Saturn (posited in Sagittarius) as HIS "first house" (which is what I did)