How can I help him find his way?


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Here we go !

My boyfriend hates his job.He feels he does not get paid enough even though his job is relatively simple.He claims that if he was paid more he wouldn't be so unhappy.He is very bored and looking for a new job,mostly money motivated.He makes the bills and can get by but he wants.Wants more..of everything.He has a penchant for purchasing.He works with self check out machines,builds them.Ten hours a day four days a week he stands there working with wires and comes home very unhappy.He has been working there for 3 years.He has no higher education other than highschool.This is what he says he wants to do:

1. musician
2. 3-d artist
3. artist in general

He also says that perhaps even if he had those things he would be unhappy with them after a while.

He is aware of my interest in astrology and asked me to guide him.I in turn ask you to guide me.I am a novice and I may not see the things the more experienced of you may.I may misinterpret things, please feel free to correct me because the last thing I want to do is misinform him.

He has his sun in Gemini in the tenth house which is ruled by Taurus.The sun conjunct mars tightly,fusing his ego drive with his aggressive nature.
This is the only major aspect the sun makes.
I'm gonna try on an astro sentence to put it in the right context.

His self-expression & ego, is combined with his being,drive forward and aggression making him very aggressive innately.This manifests in a very sarcastic manner over all. Focused in the area of life concerning career, authority, structure and restriction which he is highly ambivalent towards.
In his own words, he feels (consciously) that he shouldn't have to respect authority because at times they do not follow their own rules.
I feel that there is great potential in this placement never the less.

Onward , he has his Midheaven in Taurus conjunct his Taurean Mercury and Moon.I would think that would give him a sharp mind that may come across as stubborn (with his gem sun/mars )but would would enable him to effectively use his mental faculties to get ahead as well as his emotional drive.Since none of these things have really come to fruition in the career department, I look to see the ruler of the mc which is Venus,which is hiding in the twelfth house,squaring his Saturn.I feel that his Venus sitting in the subconscious of a non introspective mind sqaureing his Saturn , is almost unfelt or is creating conflict between the two energies to the extent of him suppressing it.

Furthermore his Jupiter in Sagittarius and Leo asc exacerbates his dogmatic ( though he is an atheist )approach to life and his ideas of what is right (for him) ,his distastes for authority and any kind of restriction -- conjuncting his Uranus both in the Fourth house ,resulting in an even more freedom loving and progressive outlook on things.

His south node is also in sag conjunting his Neptune in the 5th house , possibly giving him the illusion that the Sagittarius mode of being is the way he is , because he is comfortable there.

With all of this there is really only one option and that's to freelance but he would have to develop his artistic skills and even then he would have to bow down to someone elses ideas and I don't see how he can accomplish that currently.I really don't know where someone can be accepted and making more than $11 an hour and have a complete disregard for the higher ups and an unwillingness or inability to contain ones self without bottling things up( which he does try to control himself to a point even though it is very hard for him to do so and I personally am very proud of him ).

I picked out what I thought would be career oriented and since he's having such a hard time,the kinds of energy that have or will impede his success,materially,in the future.

Take into account geographical issues ( small town ) and job market as well.

Are the lack of aspects to some of his personal planets holding him back? I also wonder if his retrograde planets hold him back at all either.
So in the end...I ask ... how do I help him ? Can I without telling him he has to change?I love this man,I want him to succeed for himself because his title is not important to me ^^

And here's the chart !

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Well-known member
I like this chart though I can see some issues. He definitely has potential.

I am a little surprised that his education is limited, though I see 5th house ruler in 4th which is Jupiter and its retrograde.

Though I like his 9th house placement of Mars in 10th. In order to get into a different profession he may need to take a good professional certification course in these areas. Its at least good to have a job during these times. What I see is that he has potential and he knows it (leo rising, sun in 10th house) but he is not getting recognized for it. So he seems to feel disinterested as nothing's working according to his expectations.

So I tried to analyze his chart using Vedic Astrology.

Mahadasha: Mo/Su ending in Sep 2009. It started in 1999. Moon is the lord of 12th with Venus ruling 10th but is in 12th which is a difficult placement. Plus it indicates moodiness and shows his disinterest

After Sep 2009, Mahadasha of Mars till Sep 2016: Ruler of 9th and 4th in 10th. Very auspicious. Sun - Mars conjunction but Mars is combust , very close to Sun.

I believe that a better outlook will help channelize a lot of the energies in his chart. Plus after sep he should feel a lot better too with the Saturn Transit and mahadasha change.

Ninth house and 4th in 10th will indicate the need to have some professional certification atleast in order to move ahead in career as there is a lot of potential in this chart, just needs some channelization.


Well-known member
Samsum78 ,

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and give me your input :D When mars takes over in September what kind of energy will that give him,compared to now?He does feel discouraged and he does want some mark of recognition and attention from the "outer world" in one way or another :) What you mean by channeling is thinking along the lines of positive reinforcement ? The energy you put out is what is brought back to you,is that about right?


Well-known member
Mars is a fiery and aggressive planet, but that does not mean he gets the same nature. I like its placement and I think it will probably get him aggressive towards his career with a drive towards his purpose. Sun with Mars gives skill but it seems good support and channelization is the key to his success.

Ninth house is ruled by Mars and it also indicates higher learning of some sort towards profession (placement in 10th) . It could be learning on his own or taking a course towards enhancing one's career and finances.

The best way is for you to get him going with good support, which you are doing so that his energies remain channelized. I just believe from his chart that he can achieve much more provided he has that support and a channel to work it out.