The desperation to weaken Leo in modern astrology.


Well-known member
The Sun represents all things that is good and heavenly. A symbol of God.

So it makes sense that in this godless and immoral generation they hate anything associated with it. :)

They worship wh0res, s3x, and drugz & hate authority.

Ironically, Scorpio men envy Leo men because the finer things in life find the Leo while the Scorpio has to force the finer things into his life, not having the talent or charisma to attract them.


Well-known member
That makes a lot of sense honestly. I've seen it play out time and time again!

In my school that I substitute at, I see students' birthdays as its listed on their electronic documentation, so I can often tell what sun sign they are :)

There was this girl that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE had a crush on, and she was a Taurus. She was very smart (got straight A's and on honor roll) and talented (was a talented singer for the choir and did solos before school games), and befriended everyone. I think what made her popular was her honesty and ability to take no sh!t from anyone who tried to bully others. That won her many admirers. I think she was intimidating to a lot of boys because she was an amazing person with so much potential. day this Leo was brave enough and asked her out, and she said yes, and they started dating.

One day this Scorpio (male) came up to me while I was sitting down preparing paperwork for the morning class. He asked me to change the seating arrangements from the Leo dude and Taurus girl :andy:. I asked "why"? And he said something along the lines that it was inappropriate. I said I'll consider it. When class started, I observed the couple together in class they were not doing anything inappropriate but would pay attention to my lectures and get their work done. They really complemented each other in the sense that they would support each other and it was really sweet.
When I would teach, I notice the Scorpio male always glaring at the couple... It was kind of concerning. One day I called on the Scorpio, and he snapped out of the trance and he didn't even know what I was lecturing on! Other times he was difficult towards the Leo while being nice to the Taurus 2 seconds later...It was really blatant.

It wasn't just me, but other people would notice it and thought it was creepy. I think one day people caught on to the things he tried to sneakily do to break them up. He got embarrassed and backed off.

After this I imagine after this he got better at trying to manipulate people...and that scares me. Why try to break up a happy couple? :andy:


Well-known member
The Sun represents all things that is good and heavenly. A symbol of God.

So it makes sense that in this godless and immoral generation they hate anything associated with it. :)

They worship wh0res, s3x, and drugz & hate authority.

I don't think Leos like Scorpios' secretiveness, it makes the Leo feel like they're out of the loop, or that the Scorpio doesn't care about them, if it's a Leo and Scorpio relationship!

And I don't think that the Scorpio likes too much light and brightness, which Leos can provide, Scorpios like a bit of shadow and secrecy.


Well-known member
Bunraku, prototypical Scorpio male right there, I have sent his happen time and time again. They cannot compete in charm, talent, and work ethic so they try to ruin things behind the scenes. What's bad is that even if he sat next to the Taurus gal, she would have been creeped out and hung out with the Leo after school or outside of school.

Ole Scorpy would have tried to stop that and it would have easily been spotted.

These guys have school shooter written all over them so I never understand why they try to say they have any sort of magnetism at all. I cannot help but wonder if the media and other astrology content are being manipulated by these goons to make themselves appear a certain way.

Case in point, Mars in Scorpio. It is such a joke placement, all bark and no bite. Almost all of them are wimps that cower easily. Then, come to find, they envy Capricorns who just perform and fight better than they do. Mars should undoubtedly be domiciled in Leo, not Scorpio.

Yet that is what it is, these people manipulate truths and then get caught on fast. As soon as they get caught, they are toast. I do wonder what happened to that Leo man and Taurus lady.


Well-known member
Explain this quote to me:
I have a past life memory of killing a witch who was a surrogate mother to me (reincarnated as my sister who has secretly undermined and billed me my whole life) (understandable now I know I have previously murdered her). Now this life time, I have strong Lilith in my chart. I killed a witch and that made me the top witch. This time this, I will heal people.

There are numerous witches in this forum. Powerful and ready to climb to the top. :) You certainly cannot get rid of them all.


Well-known member

I notice so many Scorpios and Scorpio dominant are often staunch atheists who openly spew their hatred towards religion even in a public area with religious people such as church. If they aren't atheist, they often follow what is called the Lefthand Path practices-witchcraft, black magic, Satanism (or the equivalent of worshiping demons and the evil figures of local dominant religions such as Iblis worshippers in the MidEast or Rakshasha cults, etc). Basically Scorpio often tries to go against mainstream religion.

Yet paradoxically some of the biggest religious fanatics (and I mean sincere fanatics who not only would prefer death to apostasy but fast for months, whip themselves, donate all their bank savings to charity, etc) are also Scorpios or have strongly Scorpio charts! Martin Luther is the famous example I can think of. Before starting the reformation, Martin Luther was a priest who'd flog himself everyday, spend hours confessing minor sins such as unintentional taking of items and cursing, spend hours doing manual labor, and even go for entire nights without sleep because of paranoia of demons and fear of God. When he started the reformation, he became rigid about stuff the Bible says from refusing to have religious art initially because of the Commandment forbidding idols to vouching for laws to prevent the nobles abuse of peasants and expelling prostitutes who refuse to repent and closing brothels despite the town getting half its revenue from the sex trade.

I am curious why is Scorpio so extremist in regards to religion? Basically they either follow every verse in their holy book to a literal T and commit ISIS and Al Qaeda style terrorism or they join revolutions and try to fight (and die for secularism). Or possibly become worshipers of enemy Gods or join enemy religion such as sacrificing children to Moloch despite being an Israelite.

I think I read somewhere ISIS's head dictator has a Scorpio dominant chart and many Biblical Hebrews who broke the covenant and served Baal or other pagan Gods the Old Testament mentions tended to have very Scorpionic personality such as Jezebel!

Why is this?


Well-known member
One Scorpio sibling of mine, f**ked up my mom's car because he was vengeful towards her, needed to blame my mother for his lack of success in life, and hated himself for his sexuality issues!

The car was technically my mother's, but my mother also lent it to me, and I intuitively knew it was him (my Scorpio sibling) who f**ked with my/my mother's car!

So yeah, some Scorpios are psychopathic pieces of sh*t!

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
Scorpio bashing day I see.

I like 'em. Had good friends who were not only Scorp Suns, but had entire stelliums in the sign. Even some with the notorious Sun-Pluto conjunction. About the only woman I've ever met in my life that I would unironically call a femme fatale was a Scorpio Sun .... wonder how she's doing


Well-known member
The Sun represents all things that is good and heavenly. A symbol of God.

So it makes sense that in this godless and immoral generation they hate anything associated with it. :)

They worship wh0res, s3x, and drugz & hate authority.
The Uranians really don't like the last 2 words though, because they (including me, as an anarcho-communist) hate authority (but really love forum mods). Uranians don't like whores either, since we are the real whores, and drugs are for Neptunians, s3x is for Plutonians.

Salvator Mundi

Well-known member
In experience, I have been able to understand the essence of signs better when I moved away from pop descriptions and towards understanding elements. And elements can be understood in their pure forms when you focus on the 4 feminine asteroids. Vesta for Fire -the sanctity of our inner selves, Pallas Athena for Air- Pure intellect, Juno for Water- Honouring bonds, Ceres for earth- honouring Cycles of nature.

I also find more authentic, down to earth symbols of the zodiac in the Rider Waite Smith Tarot drawn by Pamela Colman. These are sublime symbols.

Strength card for Leo shows a calm woman in control of her passions- highest expression of Leo
Death card for Scorpio shows a (detached) skeleton exhorting a king to give up his power- Scorpio.

Most of pop astrology is due to fixation with the result rather than the process of the signs.


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Well-known member
I have my Mars there, but it caused me to regularly have tantrums, lol (If channeled correctly, I can be a warrior, but unfortunately, I'm not qualified, but I think God wants me to fight for anarchism, and not governments).
I'm not meant to be a warrior in this lifetime. I have North Node in Pisces. Being alone is my path. Blessed be!


Well-known member
The Uranians really don't like the last 2 words though, because they (including me, as an anarcho-communist) hate authority (but really love forum mods). Uranians don't like whores either, since we are the real whores, and drugs are for Neptunians, s3x is for Plutonians.
I don't understand the word hate. I don't understand broad classifications which remove all depth from meanings also.
You are a self identified leftist, anarchist and whatever else stereotype one could afford.
Would it not be wiser to see your shortcomings? You love authority if it removes what you dislike? This to me is an ego judgement, not a compassionate, forward thinking judgement at all, it is segregation and into group-think. The banning of different minds.

I don't do politics, both sides are the same beast.
The Devil tarot should be looked at here.


Authority should be an endless stream of incoming information with it's own council to correct judgements, establishments and ways as they come.

As someone who is not Uranus dominant, I am Pluto Moon and Saturn dominant in equal amounts... I do have a strong Uranus too as it is 4th strongest, then Mercury.

I tend to do things my own way but understand the need for authority.

The issue with authority is when auditing is not done and they are allowed to be left to their own agendas, this is the same as anything though.. anyone left to themselves for too long tends to become unaware and out of the loop in general, the same with group-think which is much more Aquarian than I think you are letting on.

I am a Leo South Node, I only have to speak and I capture people (Mercury conjunction to South Node). I myself am not a Leo, I am Cancer. I don't act Leo, I am not Leo, I however carry the essence and understanding of the ego though.

We all are humans, we all are born under the same star that allows us to live and the same Moon which brings the same in the dark.

Allow people to live, allow life to actually happen, conversations are messengers of the ego, be careful.

Tarot cards were used in this thread.

I have the Devil and Lovers as my birth cards.

There is a big emphasis on Mercury, Saturn and Venus through that method.

As one way as I see you are a Libra Moon.

The Lovers and devil cards are a powerful duo.


Go here for the pair explanation.

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Well-known member
If you wish to see a Leo and Scorpio in the wild and how they interact, the popular tech related people at LinusTechTips are run by founder Leo Sun, Virgo Mercury Linus Sebastian and his best friend a Scorpio named Luke, both born in the Pluto in Scorpio generation. These two however are not the later Capricorn sub generation of this Scorpio generation which I and a smaller cohort belong to, that does change things.

They get along exceptionally well and are exceptionally well met when they disagree with each other and strive to hear each other out. Linus is the more lively and louder of the two, he is "Obvious" but both are passionate about what they do together.

I think what this thread suffers from is a lack of observation and only keeping learning to your own little world.


Well-known member
I don't understand the word hate. I don't understand broad classifications which remove all depth from meanings also.
You are a self identified leftist, anarchist and whatever else stereotype one could afford.
Would it not be wiser to see your shortcomings? You love authority if it removes what you dislike? This to me is an ego judgement, not a compassionate, forward thinking judgement at all, it is segregation and into group-think. The banning of different minds.

I don't do politics, both sides are the same beast.
The Devil tarot should be looked at here.


Authority should be an endless stream of incoming information with it's own council to correct judgements, establishments and ways as they come.

As someone who is not Uranus dominant, I am Pluto Moon and Saturn dominant in equal amounts... I do have a strong Uranus too as it is 4th strongest, then Mercury.

I tend to do things my own way but understand the need for authority.

The issue with authority is when auditing is not done and they are allowed to be left to their own agendas, this is the same as anything though.. anyone left to themselves for too long tends to become unaware and out of the loop in general, the same with group-think which is much more Aquarian than I think you are letting on.

I am a Leo South Node, I only have to speak and I capture people (Mercury conjunction to South Node). I myself am not a Leo, I am Cancer. I don't act Leo, I am not Leo, I however carry the essence and understanding of the ego though.

We all are humans, we all are born under the same star that allows us to live and the same Moon which brings the same in the dark.

Allow people to live, allow life to actually happen, conversations are messengers of the ego, be careful.

Tarot cards were used in this thread.

I have the Devil and Lovers as my birth cards.

There is a big emphasis on Mercury, Saturn and Venus through that method.

As one way as I see you are a Libra Moon.

The Lovers and devil cards are a powerful duo.


Go here for the pair explanation.

I'm a Uranian anarchist, but I'm also a communist, and so I can still tolerate capitalists, authoritarians and even fascist, but not agree with them. I really don't like segregation though, as it makes people to be more divided, which I don't like either. Probably I'm more Piscean than I think though.


Well-known member
As a Sagittarius, I'm more sexually attracted to Leo, but more emotionally attracted to Scorpio, if you know what I mean. If someone has like a Sun in Scorpio with a Moon in Leo they just might melt my heart too much! Haha!


Well-known member
Same Leo - Scorpio dynamic.

Funny thing is though although John Candy was a Scorpio he had a domiciled Moon making him very Cancer - like.
And despite Steve Martin being a Leo Sun he had a Scorpio Moon and Cancer Venus, they were an art and beauty toegther, it's what made their comedic movie legendary IMO.

Here are Steve's thoughts on the late John Candy.
