Personality Question


Well-known member

I'm a very egotistical and narcissistic person and I'm obsessed with every aspect of myself and I adore everything about me even my flaws and my favorite thing to talk about is me. I have even gone so far as to getting angry when someone spoke to me because I didn't give him permission to do so. I'm unemotional and detached and I'm a very prideful person and at times I can be unbelievably cruel and I'm very blunt, insensitive, and honest. I have a talent at changing my personality to match someone else's and none of my closest friends get along with each other because of it so I have to hang out with each one separately. I'm very picky when it comes to love and I have only ever been in love with two people but once I love someone, I always love them. I only have a sex drive when I'm in love with someone. I'm not good with expressing emotion when I feel emotion and I'm not good with comforting people. Over emotional people scare me and disgust me. My worst fear is being vulnerable and my mother is the most important person to me.

One person described me as being a "monster" and several others have described me as being "evil" so what in my chart shows this?


Well-known member
If you'll post your chart you may get some replies.

There are instructions for attaching your chart to a post here on the forum.
Most folks use to cast the chart -- their charts are reliable and folks in this forum are used to the format.


Well-known member
Your link is useless....It just sat there and grinned at me when I clicked on it.

If you can't post a chart, give us birth data...also, male or female -- it matters.