Is this a good Composite Chart?


Well-known member
I met a man a while ago, but our relationship has been long distant one. He is 10 years older than me and interestingly enough, I am going to have Saturn transit my 7th house shortly, which I read signifies a serious partnership or an older partner.
There are some negative aspects in our comp
osite, mainly the 0 orb Venus square Saturn that has me worried. I read that it's a red flag for a doomed relationship. I should mention that he wants a steady partner/wife and since I have been divorced once, he warned me that he want to marry just once and keep it that way lol. He's 40 without a child and never been married, so he's looking to start a family now. I like him so far, but we haven't gone far in terms of entering a serious relationship yet because it's been long distance, but he is going to move to my city. I would be very grateful if you can take a look at our composite to give me an idea if there is a potential between us in the long run. Thank you in advance! I do feel like he is the one as strange as it might sound.

P.S. In natal, he also has Pluto in 7th while I have a descendant in Scorpio. His natal Mars and my natal Venus in Aries overlay too. His descendant is in Leo, my moon is in Leo. Wouldn't these give a meaning to our compatibility outside of the composite/synastry?


Well-known member
Just by glancing at it, no. That Mars in the 12th would make me run for the hills (I have a fear of the 12th house) . And if your Moon is conjuncting his DC in Synastry, I've heard this is a marriage aspect but you don't look as if you have a good composite chart but don't worry, I have a terrible composite chart with everyone I know (Friends, lovers, relatives) I'm starting to think it's impossible to have a good composite chart with anyone.


Well-known member
Just by glancing at it, no. That Mars in the 12th would make me run for the hills (I have a fear of the 12th house) . And if your Moon is conjuncting his DC in Synastry, I've heard this is a marriage aspect but you don't look as if you have a good composite chart but don't worry, I have a terrible composite chart with everyone I know (Friends, lovers, relatives) I'm starting to think it's impossible to have a good composite chart with anyone.

Yak! I thought about that 12th house Mars myself, but I was more worried about Venus square Saturn as I read in a couple of sites that people had problem getting together in the beginning and that's exactly what is happening to us at this point, but that day will come. He messed up the day we were going to meet and then I did the same after a while, so it's like we both want each other, but haven't met in person although he's infatuated by me a lot. So I hope that 0 degree Venus square Saturn is just that and nothing that would affect us later on assuming the relationship takes off after we get together. In both of our transit charts, there's upcoming numerous indications of new love affair at the same time, so I am thinking that it might mean something as opposite to being just a coincidence transits for both of us.
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Well-known member
I'd stick with the Synastry chart for now. Venus Square Saturn, the only experience I've had with this is other people have been in love with me and had their Venus Square my Saturn and I didn't love them in return, of course I'm so picky that it's borderline impossible for me to fall in love (it's probably my Virgo Moon in the 5th House) but I personally think it either means unrequited love or a delayed relationship. But stay away from 12th House placements especially if Venus or Mars is there...Trust me, I've had experiences with a girl having her Venus in my 12th and one with a Mars in my 12th in Synastry. The one with Venus there was the worst experience though, surprisingly. I hate the 12th House though, I have Venus in Aries there and every aspect to it is harsh. Lol. Can you post your synastry chart with him, I'd be interested in looking at that.

dr. farr

Well-known member
(From my perspective) for romantic love, yes:
-Part of Love (ascendant + 7th cusp - Venus) falls in the 5th whole sign house in Leo (18 Leo)
-ascendant lord Mars flows toward the POL = + (Mars angular in whole sign first house and in domicile)
-7th house lord Venus flows toward the POL = +
-Moon flows toward the POL = + (Moon angular in 4th whole sign house and in domicile)
-Lucky Strike North Node posits the ascendant = +
-dispositor of the POL, the Sun, flows toward the POL
So, a very + indication for a romance.
What about a marriage?? This is much more problematical:
-most importantly, Dragon's Tail posits the 7th house of marriage
-Jupiter is in its Fall at the top of the chart (in Capricorn) and squares the whole sign cusp of the 7th house
-sudden transformational Pluto occupies the 7th house
-and, as mentioned by other posters, lord of the 7th house Venus is in partile square to Saturn (Saturn-like Jupiter-often indicative of more long term relationships)

I'd say that the chart is great for a romance, but falls down to being rather problematic for a marriage...