Kate Gosselin Birth Chart


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I was just watching an episode of Jon and Kate plus 8, and it got me thinking about her chart. It says ,
"Gosselin, who knew she was unable to conceive due to polycystic ovary syndrome, began fertility treatments soon after she and Jon wed. She underwent intrauterine insemination, which resulted in the birth of her twin daughters, Cara and Madelyn, in October 2000.
Gosselin and Jon began fertility treatments once again in 2003, hoping to add a third child to their family. To the couple's surprise, Gosselin became pregnant with sextuplets. In the spring of 2004, Kate gave birth to her six younger children," (A&E).​
Gosselin was unable to concieve due to polycystic ovary syndrome. I found it interesting that her Saturn in Cancer, and the ruler of Cancer is the moon and the 4th house which relates with "fertility" ,and with "family" ,and the "home". Would Saturn in Cancer make her less fertile? Because of Saturn being in this sign? I know Saturn has to do with "restrictions" and delays and such. ( her birth time is unkown ). But I wonder of the transits that happened when she was inseminated.

Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 02 July 2014.
