Adam Lanza - Shooter of Sandy Hook School in Connecticut on 12/14/2012

Master Tsai

Well-known member
Adam Lanza
was the gunman of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14.2012. He shot her mother at home, killed six adults and 20 schoolchildren at school, then committed suicide. Most of schoolchildren were at age 6 or 7. Adam Lanza was born on April 22, 1992 according to we have his Chinese Astrology Birth Chart without birth hour in the following.​


Adam Lanza was born on the Male Earth Dragon day in the Wooden Dragon month of the Water Monkey Year. The upper row of the Day Column is called Day Master and represents the person. Therefore, Male Earth represents Adam himself.​

[edited quote over 100 words against forum rules - Moderator]

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Well-known member
Excellent example of a system of prognostics which does not use an exact birth time: thank you!
The lack of time of birth means the Chinese prognostics nevertheless are of necessity rather general because they apply to ANYONE born on that day.

Also there are plenty of similar analyses using Western methods that are similarly general because there is no known time of birth for this person:smile:

dr. farr

Well-known member
Chinese prognostics (done by masters of that art) are by NO MEANS "rather general"!! This I have directly experienced, and there is simply no way these specialty prognostics are general-they are, on the contrary, very specific especially relative to time and nature of circumstances and events: now, I am NOT a practitioner of the Chinese astro/time/space art, its way too advanced for me!! And I have devoted my studies and practices to the Western model (and to a lesser extent the Vedic) But my peripheral knowledge of the Chinese model, and some experiences with its expert practitioners, have convinced me that the approach is certainly not limited to generalizing indications!!


Well-known member
Obviously there is more than one way to create a natal chart i.e. we have sidereal, tropical, Vedic sidereal, Western sidereal, Uranian, heliocentric - the list continues :smile:

James Williams

Well-known member
Adam Lanza's BaZi chart...

Year Pillar: Yang Water Monkey
Month Pillar: Yang Wood Dragon
Day Pillar: Yang Earth Dragon
Hour Pillar: Currently Not Known

And here is his Luck Cycle...

From age 4 to 13...Yin Wood Snake
From age 14-23...Yang Fire Horse

James Williams

Well-known member
There are many things to talk about in Adam Lanza's chart, but I want to focus on just one thing in this post...his many "Friends".

A Friend star/god represents the same element of the self, with the same polarity. Thus, since Adam Lanza is a Yang Earth self, then Friends of anyone born on this day, month, and year will also contain Yang Earth. And indeed, more Yang Earth is contained in the two Dragons and the Monkey. Thus, anyone born on April 22, 1992, will contain at least 4 Yang Earth (Friend) elements in their Four Pillars of Destiny chart. It is unusual and abnormal to have so many Friends in a birth chart.

When natal charts "have the Friend and the chart is classified as strong, their personality illustrates a sense of stubbornness and they have a one-tracked mind. Once they have decided on a situation, they will not change their stance. They can be very competitive, relentless, and not willing to be flexible in their approach or to listen to others' opinions. With their competitive mindset, these people do not like to be looked down upon. These people may not care about the feelings of others. Whether it is with friends, or family members, their demands can be very extreme and unrealistic" (from page 19 in Four Pillars of Destiny: The Ten Gods Handbook, by Jerry King).

James Williams

Well-known member
Now, from the above, it may seem like everyone that was born on April 22, 1992, will have those characteristics listed in the previous paragraph...NOT SO!

For example, let's take a female born say, at 11:11 PM (23:11) in Phoenix, Arizona. Here is what her chart would look like...utilizing the lunar calendar...

Year Pillar: Yang Water Monkey
Month Pillar: Yang Wood Dragon
Day Pillar: Yang Earth Dragon
Hour Pillar: Yang Water Rat

And here is her Luck Cycle...

From age 6 to 15...Yin Water Rabbit
From age 16-25...Yang Water Tiger

Now it is true that she still would have a total of 4 Yang Earth elements in her chart--one in her Day stem, one in her day branch, one in her month branch, and one in her year branch.

However, this chart has a tremendous amount of water, and if positive things in her life has occurred during several water cycles, then most likely her flow will be towards the water element, and not the earth element.
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James Williams

Well-known member
Therefore, the female's chart may need to rely upon Friends for support. As a result, the person's characteristics are "completely different than those who are classified as strong" (ibid.).


Well-known member
Therefore, the female's chart may need to rely upon Friends for support. As a result, the person's characteristics are "completely different than those who are classified as strong" (ibid.).
Thank you for this itemization of Chinese Astrology nuances accounting for individual differences related to time of birth.

since we have no time of birth for Adam Lanza

then it's not possible to explore the necessary detail that would have been provided by a specific time of birth

James Williams

Well-known member
Thank you JUPITERASC, your reasoning was quite rational based upon people sharing the same month, day, and year of birth, but even those of the same hour of birth and same gender (that is, identical BaZi charts) will respond differently to the Four Pillars in their lives because of genes, environment, education, etc.
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Well-known member
....but even those of the same hour of birth and same gender (that is, identical BaZi charts) will respond differently to the Four Pillars in their lives because of genes, environment, education, etc.
Factors such as differences in environment, education, genes affect everyone and therefore are linked to the different responses of individuals in relation to all forms of astrological charts :smile:

James Williams

Well-known member
Exactly, JUPITERASC, and that is why it is ESSENTIAL to know when some "positive" and "negative" events occurred in each person's life. For example, for the hypothetical female chart I posted above, let's say that when she was 4 years old she received her first puppy, and also demonstrated significant language acquisition skills during the last 4 months of 1996.

Then, twelve years later in 2008 when she turned 16, she made her first honor roll which came out on the day of November 8.

These dates and events would be further evidence which suggests that the element of water is favorable for her!
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Well-known member
Exactly, JUPITERASC, and that is why it is ESSENTIAL to know when some "positive" and "negative" events occurred in each person's life. For example, for the hypothetical female chart I posted above, let's say that when she was 4 years old she received her first puppy, and also demonstrated significant language acquisition skills during the last 4 months of 1996.

Then, twelve years later in 2008 when she turned 16, she made her first honor roll which came out on the day of November 8.

These dates and events would be further evidence which suggests that the element of water is favorable for her!
Vedic, Traditional Western as well as Hellenistic Astrology are known and valued for predictive ability

- perhaps Chinese Astrology also has that capability

James Williams

Well-known member
Vedic, Traditional Western as well as Hellenistic Astrology are known and valued for predictive ability

- perhaps Chinese Astrology also has that capability

Oh yes, no doubt about it. In fact, the Luck Cycle in the Four Pillars of Destiny is similar to the utilization of dashas in Vedic astrology and Firdaria in Western astrology--they all clearly display key shifts at certain specific ages in one's life, thereby providing great clues for one's ongoing path and journey!!!


Well-known member
Vedic, Traditional Western as well as Hellenistic Astrology are known and valued for predictive ability

- perhaps Chinese Astrology also has that capability

Oh yes, no doubt about it. In fact, the Luck Cycle in the Four Pillars of Destiny is similar to the utilization of dashas in Vedic astrology and Firdaria in Western astrology--they all clearly display key shifts at certain specific ages in one's life, thereby providing great clues for one's ongoing path and journey!!!
So there are clear connections/similarities between Vedic dashas, Medieval Firdaria and the Luck Cycle of the Four Pillars of Destiny. Similarly, Hellenistic astrologers utilized a variety of 'Time Lords' :smile:

James Williams

Well-known member
Here's more compilations of what I've written on Adam Lanza at another Forum site, beginning back on December 15, 2012...

Here's what Jerry King wrote on pages 195-196 of his book, Four Pillars of Destiny: Potential, Career, and Wealth...

"Birth systems with too many Friend elements possess certain disadvantages. Their approach at work may become self-centered and lack flexibility. When they make their decisions, they may not listen to anyone else. Once they have decided upon what they want to do and how they want to accomplish their tasks, it is very difficult to change their minds. Their interpersonal skills are weak, and they can create chaotic situations within a team; this is a result of their selfish behaviour...Birth charts possessing many Friend elements...hopes that nobody would take advantage of them...They do not like to be taken advantage of..."

I would be extremely surprised if Adam Lanza did not feel taken advantage of by others...

Also please look closer at his Yang Earth Dragon Day Pillar. This is what is referred to as a "Commanding Pillar." And again, Bazi astrologer Jerry King...

People possessing a commanding pillar "tend to be authoritative [authoritarian?!] and demanding to themselves and the people around them. When these individuals enter a bad cycle, their authoritative nature may become dictatorial and oppressive. During good cycles, they would work very hard and strive for perfection...Cosmic flow plays a big part in the characteristics of the commanding pillars...From a relationship standpoint, they can become very sceptical about their partner and others around them during bad times" (from page 247 in Four Pillars of Destiny: A Guide to Relationships by Jerry King).

It is also interesting and instructive to note here his luck cycles. At around age 4, he entered into his first luck cycle, Yin Wood Snake. At around age 14, he entered his second luck cycle, Yang Fire Horse. Thus, beginning around age 9 to the present time, the element of fire was very operative in his luck cycle (and especially around age 19 when he entered the Horse cycle, which is comprised of Yin Fire). Now, if his flow follows the element of water (please notice the strong water structure comprised of the Dragon and Monkey--and that the year 2008 when he turned 16 was the year of the Rat!), then this leading flow of water would definitely be negatively affected by the clashing fire in his luck cycle.

It is also important to remember that an authoritarian, dictatorial, and oppressive nature can operate covertly as well as overtly. In other words, someone can be reserved, quiet, and even polite on the outside, and yet on the inside contain a skeptical, ready to explode Hitler.

Additionally, his Yang Earth Dragon Day Pillar also qualifies as a "Red Light" star. The "Red Light" star (also referred to as the Peach Blossom star) is "a problematic star for those who possess it in their cosmic system. This star can lead to relationship troubles and instabilities...Having such a star located in the day branch [as in Adam Lanza's chart] almost ensures that traumatizing relationship issues are bound to occur" (ibid., p. 227).

And in 2009, the year his parents divorced, transiting Saturn was opposing natal Mars, transiting Uranus was conjunct natal Mars, and transiting Pluto was conjunct his natal North Node...

I should also add that Adam Lanza has what is referred to as a Scholar star in his Bazi chart, due to the Monkey in his year branch. Lily Chung wrote, in her book entitled The Truth of Ups and Downs: Cosmic Inequality...

"People with a scholar star are either well-learned or enjoy artistic pursuits. Even a very weak scholar star will, at the very least, make one look or behave like a scholar--very civilized indeed" (page 47).

Additionally, Adam Lanza has 2 Talent stars, due to his 2 Dragons. Again, Lily Chung wrote, "Those with a talent star usually excel in literary endeavors or art..." (ibid., p. 35).

And all of this info without having a known birth time for Adam Lanza!!!

The Yin Water that is hidden in his month and day branches is what is referred to as Direct Wealth. Direct Wealth "indicates much more conformity to rules and laws rather than unity and loyalty [in a group setting]. People with Direct Wealth in their chart prefer orderly conduct and adherence to rules within the workplace. They do not like to make major changes to the processes...Structure is very important to those utilizing Direct Wealth...They do not like change and can be very stubborn. People with Direct Wealth also want others to follow their rules of the game. If their subordinates and colleagues are out of line in their work and bend the rules, they would become very frustrated and would take punitive action. Trust is very important to them, so violating trust with these people would greatly harm your relationship with them" (from pages 186-187 in Four Pillars of Destiny: Potential, Career, and Wealth by Jerry King.

Age 9, as I mentioned above on this thread, was when Adam entered the first of three continuous fire cycles in his luck cycle, beginning with the Yang Fire hidden in the Snake. The heat was turned up, so to speak, when he was around age 18 or 19, when he encountered the Yin Fire hidden in the Horse.

Firearms, burning himself with lighters, anger, violence, explosiveness, etc.

All symbolic of fire, and all too clear and too sad...

OK, perhaps it's time to summarize a bit here on Adam Lanza's Four Pillars of Destiny chart. Actually since we don't know yet his true time of birth, we are dealing with just 3 Pillars, but as we've seen from the comments above, they are more than enough...

Adam Lanza is a Yang Earth self, and Yang Earth "is dry by nature. Mixed with water, it is also moist. Good earth is productive, and it should be moist, warm, rich in nutrients and organisms, and porous enough for roots to breathe and water to circulate. To achieve this goal, the system first requires water and fire. Creating porous soil requires tree roots and minerals (metal). Tree roots comb through the earth; mineral crystals create pores in the soil and enlighten it, representing inspiration and education.

March [the lunar month Lanza was born] is rich with earth, so the self is strong...Kin [i.e., more earth] must be avoided to protect the self from overloading. Sunlight [Yang Fire] is essential to enliven the earth. Extra trees [wood] are welcome to comb the thick soil. Rain is beneficial, but not critical" (from pages 119-120 in The Path to Good Fortune: The Meng by Lily Chung, Ph.D.).

As we've seen, Lanza had a really tricky high wire balancing act incorporating the water and fire. He actually had too much water and not enough fire, especially Yang Fire or sunlight. And unfortunately, the self was too overloaded with Yang Earth (i.e., too many Friends, please see above).

Thus, if he could have found several "healthy" ways to incorporate more Fire (instead of burning himself with a lighter) and Wood (interestingly, I read that he nearly always wore greeen shirts to school, and green is the color of the element of wood) into his cosmic system, these would have helped to balance the overload of earth and water found in his Four Pillars of Destiny, or Bazi, astrological chart.