LAL KITAB , 6 th Topic


LAL KITAB------earlier discussed 5 topics on this great "RED BOOK" discussing the 6th topic...hope u will understand.

Kayam Graha or, Established Planet :----The planet which can give his results freely and without any hindrance is called aaan Established Planet....In other words, no enemy planet should occupy his houses of lordship, exaltation, debility and of his signification...He should also not be a Saathi planet or Comrade and he should have no aspect of any planet..

Dharmi Grahas or, Righteous Planets :----Saturn,Rahu and Ketu are known as Paapi planets but they also sometimes become the Dharmi or righteous planets...Rahu and Ketu become righteous in the 4th house or anywhere in the chart with Moon...Similarly Saturn becomes righteous when posited in the 11th house or anywhere in the chart with Jupiter..

By becoming Righteous they do not give good results or become benefics..They shall not simply afflict the house or the planet...They become neutral..They on their part will not promote or cause any bad effects.. They shall be least bothered if some other planet does it...In giving their results they will not be bad.....


Well-known member
lal kitab------earlier discussed 5 topics on this great "red book" discussing the 6th topic...hope u will understand.

kayam graha or, established planet :----the planet which can give his results freely and without any hindrance is called an established other words, no enemy planet should occupy his houses of lordship, exaltation, debility and of his signification...he should also not be a saathi planet or comrade and he should have no aspect of any planet..

dharmi grahas or, righteous planets :----Saturn,Rahu and Ketu are known as paapi planets but they also sometimes become the dharmi or righteous planets...rahu and ketu become righteous in the 4th house or anywhere in the chart with moon...similarly saturn becomes righteous when posited in the 11th house or anywhere in the chart with jupiter..

By becoming righteous they do not give good results or become benefics..they shall not simply afflict the house or the planet...they become neutral..they on their part will not promote or cause any bad effects.. They shall be least bothered if some other planet does giving their results they will not be bad.....

good explanation