True love true Sex connections based on matching Sun and Moon sign personalities


Hey fellow travellers, I published my baby, some weeks ago. LuckDrum connects people who have complementary Sun-Moon personality types. Right now desktop version only. Check it out and tell me what you think.

Meet the Controversy.....

The best way to describe LuckDrum's happiness mission is to shock you. Movers and Shakers like Whitney Houston, Athena Starwoman, Steve Jobs and similar others would still be here grander and more influential had they lived with complementary partners. That indeed, is how consequential a relationship is, which we all toy with. The person you sleep with and/or live with is meant to boost your happiness by consummating the catholic synergies of your mind's human creativity energy. Mind empowerment is the function of human relationship, which every sexual (true love) relationship consummates via genital fusion to by-produce great things including great children.

What the sexual (true love) relationship does for us is already sufficiently exposed as soon as you consider my take on the brain's human creativity function. At age sixteen when the mind is born, the head (brains) is turned into the base power station of the cell-phone tower the body becomes for the mind. The mind is the sex radiation waves (body) the cells produce at age sixteen to begin calling global terrestrial-celestial human creativity information synergies into the brain. It is why from age sixteen onwards, the head is made the base station the mind uses to propel its human creativity information calls into the universe. To turn the head (brains) into its creativity power-waves broadcasting base station at age sixteen when the mind is born, the mind produces ground wires (mires) in the brain.

To make my case for the sexual (true love) relationship, let us suppose that the ground wires/mires the mind produces in the brain at age sixteen are numbered. We say for instance that at age sixteen when your mind was born, it produced in your brains-head, 50 ground mires. Let us further suppose that these 50 ground wires-mires of yours not only defined your terrestrial-celestial creativity connectivity bandwidth but also your life-span. Now, I ask you? What two activities multiply the bandwidth/wavelength and the life span of your 50 ground wires/mires? You would be entirely right on the mark if you said work and sex.

Your love-work or work which loves you increases the bandwidth of your mind's 50 ground (brain) wires to double your life span from 50 to 100 years, hypothetically speaking of course. Work, which loves you grows in your brain the terrestrial wiring of your mind's celestial creativity connection. Sex via genital fusion does the same thing. But genital fusion is not sex. Genital fusion without sex is sin. Sin is the inversion of sex, which happens when the integrity of the mind's creativity brand is violated via genital accessing and harnessing of the mind's brain waves. The mind is violated every time the penis plies friction to mingle the brain-waves of dissonant minds inside the vagina. Thus, sin functions to blow out fuses of the mind's terrestrial creativity wiring in the brains. The blow-out is why a vast number of people come out of the "sin experience" darkened, dense, depleted, depressed, desperate, heavy, morose and often full of rage.

Sin murders the mind's earth-brain-path to heaven's collective unconscious (night-time) chalices of the mind's human creativity brand and power. Thus, the brain's connection to the body's ruling creativity organ is also disconnected to open the ruling organ to possession by parasites. In time, every organ so possessed losses its "capacity to organize human life or sex" as to cause the human spirit who inhabits the body to exit before its time. Every time that happens, the human creativity or love-work mission the human spirit undertook is aborted.

The loss is what some of us consciously bear every time a mover & shaker like Steve Jobs leaves us pre-maturely. Thanks but no thanks to liaisons, which produce "brain bombs" via the violence of harnessing the brain-waves of dissonant minds. But, what would have been had Steve not exited pre-maturely? Would he have used LuckDrum to connect to a complementary life partner had we been around when he was single? He probably would have laughed at our mission, uncertain about what to make of it. LuckDrum makes happiness happen for people everywhere is definitely sexier than let's make sex great again. Sure, Mr. president, pass me the ***.


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Hola, Abby83, you are welcome, I appreciate the "thank you". I too thank you. This is my love work, which gives me alot of energy.