What is he feeling about me?


Active member

Hello, the question is.. what is he feeling about me..
We should get together or not? :)
Thank you in advance for your answers!


Well-known member
I'm not seeing much of anything... are you in different countries to one another? Or is he at work..? Your secondary (luminary) significators are in each other's 9th houses, but your main sig's are both in the 10th.

His secondary (Sun) in Cancer suggests he might be interested in you physically but for now, Mars doesn't receive Venus at all. Nevertheless, it looks like you're going to pursue him.

Moon last conjoined Mars -- have you had some contact with him a few days ago? Perhaps which wasn't very satisfactory?

Moon about to oppose Mercury: L12 and L9. Mercury in L9 was heading towards the North Node but is prevented by refrenation -- there might have been some talk of travelling in the future, or having a future together, but Mercury changed it's might and went a different direction. I wouldn't think getting together is really on the cards right now