Tarot Spread - A Month Later


Well-known member
My work changed drastically with a new position at my company a month ago. Before I changed positions and was relocated, I did a Celtic cross spread to ask what this new position might hold for me. This was the outcome:

1(question/position)- X of Swords
2(cross/obstacle)- Queen of Swords
3(objective/conscious motive)- V of Swords
4(foundation/unconscious)- IV of Swords
5(recent past)- VIII of Cups
6(near future)- The Hermit
7(questioner)- VII Swords
8(surrounding factors)- King of Cups, reversed
9(hopes/fears)- King of Wands, reversed
10(final outcome)- X of Pentacles

This spread looked significant, and it seems to be playing out strongly. I wondered what someone else might see in this spread, and how accurate it would be compared to what has happened so far. It could be an interesting exercise to match the reading to reality, with someone not familiar with my situation. Thanks in advance for any input.