Random Thoughts, strictly Text


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"Random" means having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective. :biggrin:



1. Powers
Sun is heating and moderately drying
Moon is moistening and moderately cooling
Saturn is cooling and moderately drying
Jupiter is heating and moderately moistening
Mars is drying and burning
Venus is moistening and moderately heating
Mercury is alternating between drying and moistening

2. Qualities
Jupiter and Venus are beneficent
Saturn and Mars are maleficent
Sun, Moon and Mercury are common

3. Natures
Sun, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are masculine
Moon and Venus are feminine
Mercury is common

Morning planets are masculine
Evening planets are feminine

Eastern planets are masculine
Western planets are feminine

4. Sects
Sun, Saturn and Jupiter are diurnal
Moon, Mars and Venus are nocturnal
Mercury is diurnal as morning planet and nocturnal as evening planet

5. Phases
Moon is more moistening and moderately heating in first quarter
Moon is more heating and moderately drying in second quarter
Moon is more drying and moderately cooling in third quarter
Moon is more cooling and moderately moistening in fourth quarter

Morning additive planets are more moistening and moderately heating
Morning subtractive planets are more heating and moderately drying
Evening subtractive planets are more drying and moderately cooling
Evening additive planets are more cooling and moderately moistening

6. Rays
Black rays are cooling and moderately drying
White rays are heating and moderately moistening
Red rays are drying and burning
Yellow rays are moistening and moderately heating
Varied rays are alternating between drying and moistening

7. Places
Aries, Taurus and Gemini are moistening and moderately heating
Cancer, Leo and Virgo are heating and moderately drying
Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius are drying and moderately cooling
Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are cooling and moderately moistening

8. Qualities
Aries and Libra are equinoctial
Cancer and Capricorn are solstitial
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are solid
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are dual

9. Natures
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are masculine
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are feminine

10. Sects
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are diurnal
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are nocturnal

11. Ages
First age is moistening and moderately heating
Second age is heating and moderately drying
Third age is drying and moderately cooling
Fourth age is cooling and moderately moistening

12. Angles
Hour-Marker is drying and moderately cooling
Midheaven is heating and moderately drying
Setting is moistening and moderately heating
Anti-Midheaven is cooling and moderately moistening

13. Configurations
Assemblies are common
Hexagons and trigons are harmonious
Tetragons and diameters are disharmonious

Configurations within 1° are complete
Configurations within 3° are powerful
Configurations within 7° are operative
Configurations within 15° are moderate

14. Stars
Non-wandering stars present within 1° cooperate with their powers, qualities, natures and sects

15. Houses
Leo is summery house of Sun
Cancer is northern house of Moon
Capricorn and Aquarius are wintry houses of Saturn
Sagittarius and Pisces are windy houses of Jupiter
Aries and Scorpio are stormy houses of Mars
Taurus and Libra are temperate houses of Venus
Gemini and Virgo are changeable houses of Mercury

16. Elevations
Aries is heating elevation of Sun
Taurus is vernal elevation of Moon
Libra is cooling elevation of Saturn
Cancer is northern elevation of Jupiter
Capricorn is southern elevation of Mars
Pisces is moistening elevation of Venus
Virgo is drying elevation of Mercury

17. Depressions
Libra is cooling depression of Sun
Scorpio is autumnal depression of Moon
Aries is heating depression of Saturn
Capricorn is southern depression of Jupiter
Cancer is northern depression of Mars
Virgo is drying depression of Venus
Pisces is moistening depression of Mercury

18. Trigons
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are southern wind trigon of Sun by day and Jupiter by night
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are western wind trigon of Venus by day and Moon by night
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are northern wind trigon of Saturn by day and Mercury by night
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are eastern wind trigon of Mars

19. Bounds
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius by day give Sun 7.5°, Venus 7.5°, Saturn 7.5° and Mars 7.5°
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn by day give Venus 7.5°, Saturn 7.5°, Mars 7.5° and Sun 7.5°
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius by day give Saturn 7.5°, Mars 7.5°, Sun 7.5° and Venus 7.5°
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces by day give Mars 7.5°, Sun 7.5°, Venus 7.5° and Saturn 7.5°

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius by night give Jupiter 7.5°, Moon 7.5°, Mercury 7.5° and Mars 7.5°
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn by night give Moon 7.5°, Mercury 7.5°, Mars 7.5° and Jupiter 7.5°
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius by night give Mercury 7.5°, Mars 7.5°, Jupiter 7.5° and Moon 7.5°
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces by night give Mars 7.5°, Jupiter 7.5°, Moon 7.5° and Mercury 7.5°

20. Universe
Planets in their houses, elevations, trigons and bounds are powerful
Planets in houses, elevations, trigons and bounds of planets with the same sect are operative
Planets in houses, elevations, trigons and bounds of planets with the opposite sect are inoperative
Planets in their depressions are inoperative

Morning additive planets are powerful
Morning subtractive planets are operative
Evening additive planets are operative
Evening subtractive planets are inoperative

21. Nativity
Midheaven is powerful
Hour-Marker is powerful
Post-ascension of Midheaven is powerful
Post-ascension of Hour-Marker is powerful

Setting is operative
Anti-Midheaven is operative
Post-ascension of Setting is operative
Post-ascension of Anti-Midheaven is operative

Pre-ascension of Midheaven is inoperative
Pre-ascension of Hour-Marker is inoperative
Pre-ascension of Setting is inoperative
Pre-ascension of Anti-Midheaven is inoperative

22. Nations
Make universal investigations with the biology of nations

23. Regions
Make universal investigations with the geography of regions

24. Eclipses
Solar eclipses by day and lunar eclipses by night are the most powerful causes of events

25. Times
Equinoctial hours of solar eclipses indicate the years of events
Equinoctial hours of lunar eclipses indicate the months of events

Hour-Marker indicates beginning within two months and early powerful intensification
Midheaven indicates beginning within eight months and middle powerful intensification
Setting indicates beginning within twelve months and late powerful intensification
New moons and full moons indicate particular intensifications and relaxations

26. Classes
Places and angles of eclipses, predominators of eclipses and their angles with houses, elevations, trigons, bounds and configurations, and non-wandering stars present within 1° indicate events

Hour-Marker indicates foundations, crops and adolescence
Midheaven indicates kingship, worship and adulthood
Setting indicates transitions, diseases and elderhood

Aries, Taurus and Gemini indicate airy domains
Cancer, Leo and Virgo indicate fiery domains
Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius indicate earthy domains
Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces indicate watery domains

Aries and Libra indicate weather and worship
Cancer and Capricorn indicate weather and politics
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius indicate foundations and buildings
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces indicate kingship and multitudes

Powerful predominators indicate major parts of classes
Operative predominators indicate some parts of classes
Inoperative predominators indicate minor parts of classes

27. Qualities
Saturn predominating indicates destruction by cold, with long illnesses, consumptions, withering, disturbances caused by fluids, rheumatisms, quartan fevers, falling, exile, poverty, imprisonment, mourning, fears, and deaths, especially among those advanced in age, scarcity and destruction of useful animals by disease, fearful cold, freezing, misty and pestilential corruption of air, clouds, gloom, multitude of destructive snowstorms, abundance of harmful reptiles, storms, the wreck of fleets, disastrous voyages, scarcity and death of fish, high and ebb tides of the seas, the excessive floods of rivers and pollution of their waters, want, scarcity and loss of crops, especially of those grown for necessary uses, through worms or locusts or floods or cloud-burst or hail, and the like

Jupiter predominating indicates increase, fame, prosperity, abundance, peaceful existence, bodily and mental health, happiness, benefits and gifts from rulers, greatness and magnanimity of kings, multitude and abundance of useful animals, destruction of the opposite kind, temperate, healthy, windy and moistening air, favourable for the growth of what the earth bears, the fortunate sailing of fleets, the moderate rising of rivers, abundance of crops, and the like

Mars predominating indicates destruction through dryness, wars, civil faction, uprisings, capture, enslavement, the wrath of leaders, sudden deaths arising from such causes, fevers, tertian agues, raising of blood, swift and violent deaths, especially among those in the prime of life, violence, assaults, lawlessness, arson and murder, robbery and piracy, hot weather, warm, pestilential and withering winds, lightning, hurricanes, drought, sudden shipwreck of fleets through changeable winds, the failure of the water of rivers, drying up of springs, tainting of potable waters, scarcity of useful animals and things that grow from the earth, the loss of crops by drying as the result of hot weather, or by locusts, or by beating of winds, or by burning in places of storage, and the like

Venus predominating indicates increase, fame, honour, happiness, abundance, happy marriages, many children, satisfaction in every mutual relationship, the increase of property, neat and well conducted manner of life, paying honour to those things which are to be revered, bodily health, alliances with the leaders, the elegance of rulers, temperate air, moist and very nourishing winds, good and clear weather, generous showers of fertilizing waters, the fortunate sailing of fleets, full rising of rivers, abundance of useful animals, good yields of fruits, successes, profits, and the like

Mercury predominating indicates transitions, stimulating event, cleverness, events which concern the priestly code, worship, royal revenues, changes in customs and laws, robbery, theft, piracy, assault, unsuccessful voyaging when predominating with maleficent planets, occasional diseases of dryness, quotidian agues, coughs, raising, consumption, irregular, fierce and changeable winds depending on dryness, lightning, thunder, hurricanes, earthquakes, destruction of useful animals and plants, diminishment of waters when drying, filling of waters when moistening, and the like

28. Comets
Comets cause wars, hot weather, drought or winds, disturbed conditions and the accompaniments of these, the time which they last indicate the time of the events, their position relative to the Sun indicate the time of the beginning, morning comets indicate rapidly approaching events, evening comets indicate events which approach more slowly, and the formations of the heads indicate the class of the events, the greater the number of parts and the greater their size, the greater the effect

29. Climates
Make universal investigations with the climate of the region, tropical, dry, temperate, continental or polar, the rainforest regions have high rainfall and temperature, monsoon regions have rainfall season, tropical savanna regions have moderate temperature and humidity, the humid continental regions have variable weather pattern and large seasonal variance, oceanic regions have plentiful precipitation, Mediterranean regions have airy spring, fiery summer, earthy autumn and watery winter, while steppe regions have high variation of temperature, subarctic regions have very cold weather and little precipitation, tundra regions have permafrost, the polar regions have covering with ice, and desert regions have little precipitation, extremely low humidity and high variation between diurnal and nocturnal temperature, for equatorial regions, places must be disregarded in favour of angles, configurations and non-wandering stars, likewise proportionally therefrom with the reversal of places and winds for the southern hemisphere, and for polar regions, angles must be disregarded in favour of places, configurations and non-wandering stars, according to latitude

30. Seasons
Make seasonal investigations from the new moons and the full moons which most nearly precede the equinoctial and solstitial places, from their angles, and from their predominators that indicate intensification or relaxation of the seasonal powers according to the weather that they produce in their current places and winds, and from the non-wandering stars that are present within 1° of the Moon and the angle that indicate moistening, heating, drying, cooling, temperate, windy, stormy, snowy, misty, destructive, pestilential and tectonic effects, according to their brightness and rays

31. Months
Make monthly investigations from following new moons or full moons

32. Weeks
Make weekly investigations from new moons, half moons and full moons

33. Days
Make daily investigations from the Moon present with the Lot of Fortune

34. Hours
Make hourly investigations from the Moon present with the angles

35. Signs
When the Sun rises or sets clear, unobscured, steady, and unclouded, it signifies fine weather, but if its disk is varied, or reddish, or it sends out reddish rays either outwardly or circling back upon itself, or parheliac clouds on one side, or yellowish cloud formations while emitting long rays, it signifies heavy winds, and if it is dark or livid, being accompanied by clouds, or if it has halos at one side, or parheliac clouds on both sides while emitting dark rays, it signifies storms and rain

When the Moon three days before and three days after the quarters appears thin and clear and has nothing around it, it signifies clear weather, but if it is thin and reddish, and the whole disk of the unilluminated part is distinct and somewhat shaky, it signifies winds, in that direction in which it is particularly inclined, and if it is dark, or pale, and thick, it signifies storms and rain

When there is one single halo around the Moon that is clear and gradually fading, it signifies fine weather, but if there are two or three, they signify storms, if they are yellowish and broken, they signify storms and heavy winds, if they are thick and misty, they signify snowstorms, and if they are pale, dark, and broken, they signify storms with both winds and snow, and the more of them there are, the more severe the storms, and the halos that gather about planets and non-wandering stars signify what is appropriate to their colours, and the powers of the stars which they surround

When non-wandering stars which are close together in some number appear brighter and larger beyond their customary appearance, they signify the winds that blow from their region, when the star clusters appear dim, invisible, or thickened, they signify rain, if they are clear and constantly twinkle, they signify heavy winds, when shooting stars are coming from one angle, they denote the wind from their direction, if they are coming from diametrical angles, they signify confusion of winds, if they are coming from all four angles, they signify storms of all kinds with lightning, thunder and the like, when the clouds resemble tufts of wool, they signify storms, when rainbows appear, they signify storms after clear weather and clear weather after storms, and generally, all atmospheric phenomena signify effects according to their formations, magnitudes and colours

36. Nativities
When the moment of nativity is known, it can be examined instead of the moment of conception, the hours must be determined with knowledge of accidental qualities, and with one of the planets in perfect configuration with the Hour-Marker or the Midheaven at every conception and nativity

37. Parents
Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Venus predominate parents, Saturn predominates elders
Sun and Jupiter powerful and predominated by powerful planets indicate distinguished father
Sun and Jupiter operative and predominated by operative planets indicate moderate position
Sun and Jupiter inoperative and predominated by inoperative planets indicate low position

Sun, Jupiter and predominators in assembly, hexagon or trigon with the Lot give inheritance
Sun, Jupiter and predominators without configuration with the Lot give useless inheritance
Sun, Jupiter and predominators in tetragon or diameter with the Lot give harmful inheritance

Sun and Jupiter powerful and configured with each other and Venus cause excellent longevity
Sun and Jupiter operative and configured with each other and Venus cause fortunate longevity
Sun and Jupiter inoperative and configured with each other and Venus cause average longevity

Saturn and Mars powerful in assembly, tetragon or diameter with them cause short longevity
Saturn and Mars operative in assembly tetragon or diameter with them cause injuries or diseases
Saturn and Mars inoperative in assembly, tetragon or diameter with them cause bodily weakness

Saturn makes death or injuries and diseases by cold and moderate dryness
Mars makes sudden death or injuries and diseases by dryness and burning
Saturn and Mars make conspicuous death or injuries and diseases by burning, cutting and the like

Sun is Hour-Marker of the father by day
Jupiter is Hour-Marker of the father by night

Moon and Venus powerful and predominated by powerful planets indicate distinguished mother
Moon and Venus operative and predominated by operative planets indicate moderate position
Moon and Venus inoperative and predominated by inoperative planets indicate low position

Moon, Venus and predominators in assembly, hexagon or trigon with the Lot give inheritance
Moon, Venus and predominators without configuration with the Lot give useless inheritance
Moon, Venus and predominators in tetragon or diameter with the Lot give harmful inheritance

Moon and Venus powerful and configured with each other and Jupiter cause excellent longevity
Moon and Venus operative and configured with each other and Jupiter cause fortunate longevity
Moon and Venus inoperative and configured with each other and Jupiter cause average longevity

Saturn and Mars powerful in assembly, tetragon or diameter with them cause short longevity
Saturn and Mars operative in assembly tetragon or diameter with them cause injuries or diseases
Saturn and Mars inoperative in assembly, tetragon or diameter with them cause bodily weakness

Saturn makes death or injuries and diseases by cold and moderate dryness
Mars makes sudden death or injuries and diseases by dryness and burning
Saturn and Mars make conspicuous death or injuries and diseases by burning, cutting and the like

Venus is Hour-Marker of the mother by day
Moon is Hour-Marker of the mother by night

Saturn powerful and predominated by powerful planets indicate distinguished elders
Saturn operative and predominated by operative planets indicate moderate positions
Saturn inoperative and predominated by inoperative planets indicate low positions

38. Siblings
The Midheaven relative to the Hour-Marker of the mother predominates siblings
Moon, Jupiter and Venus configured indicate abundance of siblings
Mercury as morning planet configured indicates abundance of siblings
Sun, Saturn and Mars in assembly, tetragon or diameter indicate lack of siblings
Mercury as evening planet in assembly, tetragon or diameter indicates lack of siblings
Donative planets in dual places and predominating the Midheaven indicate even more siblings

Midheaven and donative planets in dual places and predominated by planets in dual places cause multiple births, the number is indicated by the number of the planets, and the sex by their natures

Masculine donative planets give male siblings
Feminine donative planets give female siblings
Morning and eastern donative planets give first-born siblings
Evening and western donative planets give later-born siblings

Donative planets powerful and predominated by powerful planets indicate distinguished siblings
Donative planets operative and predominated by operative planets indicate moderate positions
Donative planets inoperative and predominated by inoperative planets indicate low positions

Donative planets powerful and configured with Jupiter and Venus cause excellent longevity
Donative planets operative and configured with Jupiter and Venus cause fortunate longevity
Donative planets inoperative and configured with Jupiter and Venus cause average longevity

Saturn and Mars powerful in assembly, tetragon or diameter with them cause short longevity
Saturn and Mars operative in assembly tetragon or diameter with them cause injuries or diseases
Saturn and Mars inoperative in assembly, tetragon or diameter with them cause bodily weakness

Saturn makes death or injuries and diseases by cold and moderate dryness
Mars makes sudden death or injuries and diseases by dryness and burning
Saturn and Mars make conspicuous death or injuries and diseases by burning, cutting and the like

Donative planets in assembly, hexagon or trigon with the Hour-Marker indicate friendly siblings
Donative planets without configuration with the Hour-Marker indicate unsympathetic siblings
Donative planets in tetragon or diameter with the Hour-Marker indicate quarrelsome siblings

Donative planets in assembly, hexagon or trigon with the Lot indicate friendly siblings
Donative planets without configuration with the Lot indicate unsympathetic siblings
Donative planets in tetragon or diameter with the Lot indicate quarrelsome siblings

Donative planets are Hour-Markers of the siblings

39. Life
Hour-Marker, Sun and Moon predominate life
Hour-Marker, Sun and Moon masculine and predominated by masculine planets indicate males
Hour-Marker, Sun and Moon feminine and predominated by feminine planets indicate females

Hour-Marker, Sun and Moon predominated by powerful and operative maleficent planets while Sun and Moon are not configured with the Hour-Marker indicate teratogens, when the maleficent planets are powerful, they indicate irrational nativities, but when they are operative, while Jupiter and Venus are configured with Sun and Moon, they indicate rational and honourable nativities

Hour-Marker, Sun and Moon predominated by powerful and operative maleficent planets while in complete, powerful and operative assemblies, tetragons and diameters with them indicate that the children are born dead or half-dead unless beneficent planets have predomination over one of the places and are in moderate configurations with it, for then they live months, weeks, days, and hours, depending on the predomination and configurations of maleficent planets, and the method of temporal intervals with the corresponding times, but when the beneficent planets predominate while in complete, powerful and operative configurations with one of the places, they live years, and the method of temporal intervals with years indicates the length of life

Sun is releaser when powerful by day
Sun is releaser when operative by day while the Moon is operative or inoperative
Moon is releaser when powerful by day while the Sun is operative or inoperative
Moon is releaser when operative by day while the Sun is inoperative
Hour-Marker is releaser when Sun and Moon are inoperative

Moon is releaser when powerful by night
Moon is releaser when operative by night while the Sun is operative or inoperative
Sun is releaser when powerful by night while the Moon is operative or inoperative
Sun is releaser when operative by night while the Moon is inoperative
Hour-Marker is releaser when Sun and Moon are inoperative

Saturn and Mars destroy with assembly, tetragon and diameter
Jupiter and Venus prevent destruction with configuration

The number and the power of the planets indicate which group prevails in the particular ages, the predominators of the destructive places indicate the causes of death, when maleficent planets are predominating and are in assembly, tetragon or diameter with the Sun and the Moon, they cause unnatural deaths, when the destructive places are pre-ascending, deaths occur in foreign regions

40. Body
Hour-Marker and Moon predominate body
Saturn predominating as morning planet makes those who are dark-skinned, robust, black-haired, curly-haired, hairy-chested, with eyes of moderate size, of middling stature, with temperament of cold and moisture, and Saturn as evening planet makes them dark, slender, small, straight-haired, with little hair on their bodies, rather graceful, black-eyed, with temperament of cold and dryness

Jupiter as morning planet makes them light of skin, but in such way as to have good colour, with moderately curling hair and large eyes, tall, commanding respect, with temperament of heat and moisture, and Jupiter as evening planet makes them light, but without good colour, with lank hair or even bald in front and on the crown, of average stature, with temperament of moisture

Mars as morning planet makes them red and white of complexion, tall and robust, gray-eyed, and with thick and somewhat curly hair, with temperament of heat and dryness, and Mars as evening planet makes them simply ruddy, of middle height, with small eyes, with not much hair on their bodies, with straight yellow hair, with temperament of dryness

Venus has temperament similar to that of Jupiter, but is apt to make them more shapely, graceful, womanish, effeminate in figure, plump, luxurious, with eyes bright as well as beautiful

Mercury as morning planet makes them sallow, of middle height, graceful, with small eyes and moderately curling hair, with temperament of heat, and Mercury as evening planet makes them light, but without good colour, with straight hair and olive complexion, lean and spare, and with glancing brilliant eyes, somewhat ruddy, with temperament of dryness

Predominators configured with the Sun make more impressive and more robust bodies
Predominators configured with the Moon make better proportion and greater slenderness

Moon in first quarter and morning additive predominators make large bodies
Moon in second quarter and morning subtractive predominators make robust bodies
Moon in third quarter and evening subtractive predominators make small bodies
Moon in fourth quarter and evening additive predominators make weak bodies

Aries, Taurus and Gemini make them well-favoured in complexion, stature, robustness and eyes, with the temperament of moisture and heat, Cancer, Leo and Virgo make them with moderately good complexion and moderate height, robust, with large eyes and thick and curly hair, with the temperament of heat and dryness, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius make them sallow, spare, sickly, slender, with good eyes and moderately curling hair, with the temperament of dryness and cold, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces make them with dark complexion, moderate height, straight hair, with little hair on their bodies, somewhat graceful, with the temperament of cold and moisture

Saturn and Mars in assembly, tetragon and diameter with the Hour-Marker and the Moon or with their predominators cause bodily injuries and diseases, for the most part, injuries as morning and eastern planets, and diseases as evening and western planets, while the affected parts of the body are indicated by the powers of the planets and predominators of the Hour-Marker and the Moon

Sun predominates circulatory system, nervous system and visual system
Moon predominates female reproductive system, upper gastrointestinal tract and exocrine system
Saturn predominates skeletal system, immune system and lymphatic system
Jupiter predominates male reproductive system, respiratory system and integumentary system
Mars predominates muscular system, lower gastrointestinal tract and renal system
Venus predominates endocrine system, olfactory system and secondary sex characteristics
Mercury predominates vestibular system, auditory system and gustatory system

Hour-Marker and its predominators, or the Moon and its predominators, in assembly, tetragon or diameter with Saturn and Mars, and not configured with Jupiter and Venus, indicate that injuries and diseases are incurable and painful, particularly when the maleficent planets are powerful, but when they are in assembly, tetragon or diameter with the Hour-Marker or its predominators, with the Moon or its predominators, and Jupiter and Venus are configured with the same, then injuries are not disfiguring and do not entail reproach, and diseases are moderate and yield to treatment, and they are easily cured when the beneficent planets are powerful, Jupiter and Venus cause the injuries to be concealed, and the diseases to be mitigated, and when Mercury is configured with the places under consideration, they bring this about by medicine and the aid of good physicians


Well-known member

Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology Part I - Zodiac​

The zodiac completes a sidereal cycle in 23.93446 hours. The twelvefold circle has no beginning, but it is so-held to begin with Cancer.
The image of the Crab is feminine, nocturnal, changeable, watery, amphibian, notable, silent, fertile, digging, with many limbs, two-coloured, rising backwards, lying and of the west wind. It indicates household, travel, obstacles, water and celebrations. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Cancer are small, popular, ambitious, wealthy, travelling and wandering because the Crab and the Moon do not walk straight, lavish, mindful, public, cheerful, with large face, wide head, sunken eyes, higher lower part of the body, crooked teeth, shaggy hair, dark, theatrical, constantly changing, luxurious, pleasure-loving, party-giving, unsteady of mind, getting involved in the many activities, saying one thing, but thinking another, hucksters, retailers, moneylenders, gardeners and those who cultivate plants.

Domicile of Moon, exaltation of Jupiter, depression of Mars, it controls the chest, the respiratory system, the upper gastrointestinal tract and the eyesight, especially the left eye. It causes skin diseases on account of the rough skin and blindness on account of the Beehive Cluster. It is like-empowered with Taurus and like-ascending with Libra, tall in the Northern Hemisphere and short in the Southern Hemisphere. It is summery, hot and dry for the north, and wintry, cold and moist for the south. Cancer commands Scorpio for the north and obeys it for the south. Cancer controls Noumidia, Carthage, Africa, Bithynia, Phrygia and Colchica. The back and the first two feet are rising up to the 7th degree, the next two feet and the Beehive Cluster up to the 13th, the head and the next two feet up to the 19th, the last two feet and the arms up to the 26th, and the pincers up to the 30th.

The first 7° belong to Mars - hostilities, dangers, travel
The next 6° belong to Venus - passionate, graceful
The next 6° belong to Mercury - intelligent, trade, speech
The next 7° belong to Jupiter - good fortune, some are religious
The final 4° belong to Saturn - irregular, restless

Eyes - Mercury and moderately Mars
Claws - Saturn and Mercury
Beehive Cluster - Mars and the Moon
Asellus Borealis and Asellus Australis - Mars and the Sun

The image of the Lion is masculine, diurnal, solid, terrestrial, quadrupedal, feral, royal, vocal, semi-infertile, passionate, fierce, running and of the north wind. It indicates action, reputation, superiors, harsh matters and quarrels. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Leo are large, distinguished, independent, reliable, just, despising flattery, haughty, irascible, daring, with fine face, smooth, small ears because the Lion rarely listens to the talk of others, higher upper part of the body, thin-set teeth, rugged, flushy, bright, imperious, stable, haters of evil, beneficent and inflated with lofty thoughts. The front is robust, but the back is weaker.

Domicile of Sun, it controls the sides, the circulatory system, the nervous system and the eyesight, especially the right eye. It causes blindness on account of the Coma Star Cluster. It is like-empowered with Aries and like-ascending with Virgo, tall in the Northern Hemisphere and short in the Southern Hemisphere. It is summery, hot and dry for the north, and wintry, cold and moist for the south. Leo commands Libra for the north and obeys it for the south. Leo controls Italy, Gaul, Apulia, Phoenicia, Chaldaea and Orchenia. The head and Regulus are rising up to the 6th degree, the front up to the 11th, the belly up to the 18th, the back up to the 24th, and the tail up to the 30th.

The first 6° belong to Jupiter - elevation, friendships with superiors
The next 5° belong to Venus - good fortune, friendships with superiors
The next 7° belong to Saturn - magnitude, of many years, infertile
The next 6° belong to Mercury - intelligent, some are winners of games
The final 6° belong to Mars - misfortune, dangers, passionate

Head - Saturn and moderately Mars
Throat - Saturn and moderately Mercury
Regulus - Jupiter and Mars
Hip and Denebola - Saturn and Venus
Thighs - Venus and moderately Mercury

The image of the Maiden is feminine, nocturnal, double-bodied, human, winged, common, eloquent, infertile, incomplete, handsome, standing and of the south wind. It indicates exchanges, affairs, eloquence, trade and mysticism. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Virgo are large, well-proportioned and graceful, articulate, meticulous, popular, mystical, temperate, with fine face, fine straight body, round beautiful bright eyes, drawn nostrils, fine lips because the Maiden is charming in conversation, exchanging, thick chin, bright hair, useful, industrious, pure, modest, well-educated, lovers of learning, always ready to do everything when provoked, writers, physicians, business expediters, administrators of goods, stewards, secretaries, accountants, workers in fields, actors, astrologers, spendthrifts in youth, but who become prosperous over the course of time.

Domicile and exaltation of Mercury, depression of Venus, it controls the abdomen, the vestibular system, the gustatory system and the auditory system. It is equinoctial, like-empowered with Pisces, like-ascending with Leo and like-engirding with Gemini, tall in the Northern Hemisphere and short in the Southern Hemisphere. It is autumnal, cold and dry for the north, and vernal, hot and moist for the south. Virgo controls Babylonia, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Hellas, Achaia and Crete. The head and the shoulders are rising up to the 7th degree, the hands, the abdomen and the wings up to the 17th, the lower parts up to the 21st, the robe up to the 28th, the feet and Spica up to the 30th.

The first 7° belong to Mercury - teachers, philosophers, mathematicians
The next 10° belong to Venus - cheerful, freedom from oppression and care
The next 4° belong to Jupiter - notable and with friendships
The next 7° belong to Mars - brilliant, some belong to the military or tribunals
The final 2° belong to Saturn - ups and downs, notable, risks

Head and Zavijava - Mercury and moderately Mars
Southern Wing and Girdles - Mercury and moderately Venus
Vindemiatrix - Saturn and Mercury
Feet - Mercury and moderately Mars
Spica - Venus and moderately Mars

The image of the Scales is masculine, diurnal, changeable, human, truthful, economical, judicial, common, eloquent, semi-fertile, handsome, sitting and of the east wind. It indicates disputes, affairs, crafts, trade and changes. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Libra are well-proportioned and graceful, notable, noble, supervisors, artisans, encountering many vicissitudes because of the tipping of the Scales, covetous, average, youthful, with fine face, fine figure, beautiful eyes, poetical, thick lips, beautiful hair, white, merchants, judges, lawyers, supervisors of crops, vineyards, olive groves, aromatics, homesteads, measures, posts, crafts and grain supplies.

Domicile of Venus, exaltation of Saturn, depression of Sun, it controls the hips and the buttocks, the olfactory system, the reproductive organs and the secondary sex characteristics. It is like-empowered with Aquarius, like-ascending with Cancer and like-engirding with Taurus, tall in the Northern Hemisphere and short in the Southern Hemisphere. It is autumnal, cold and dry for the north, and vernal, hot and moist for the south. Libra obeys Leo for the north and commands it for the south. Libra controls Bactriana, Casperia, Serica, Thebais, Oasis and Troglodytia. The hand and the handle are rising up to the 6th degree, the balance beam up to the 14th, the chains and Alpha Librae up to the 21st, the weighing pans up to the 28th, and the base up to the 30th.

The first 6° belong to Saturn - destructive, grief from loved ones, reductions of wealth
The next 8° belong to Mercury - versatile, fertile
The next 7° belong to Jupiter - allotments, inheritances, gifts of land
The next 7° belong to Venus - good fortune, kind, musical, clean
The final 2° belong to Mars - strength, leadership, abundance

Extremities - Jupiter and Mercury
Middle - Saturn and moderately Mars

The image of the Scorpion is feminine, nocturnal, solid, terrestrial, creeping, servile, silent, fertile, poisonous, unchangeable, fierce, thievish, with many limbs, lying and of the west wind. It indicates inquiries, deception, lawsuits, fights and mysticism. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Scorpio are disproportioned and awkward, tricky, turbulent, base, covetous, lying, bitter because the Scorpion is stingy, competitive, powerful, with short head, delicate voice, round light green eyes, sharp nose, lower lip bent, coarse hair, dark, military commanders, generals, destroyers of property, thieves, murderers, traitors, burglars and haters of their own families. The front is weaker, but the back is robust.

Domicile of Mars, depression of Moon, it controls the reproductive organs, the muscular system, the urinary system, the lower gastrointestinal tract. It causes skin diseases on account of the rough skin and blindness on account of the sting. It is like-empowered with Capricorn, like-ascending with Gemini and like-engirding with Aries, and medium in both Hemispheres. It is autumnal, cold and dry for the north, and vernal, hot and moist for the south. Scorpio obeys Cancer for the north and commands it for the south. Scorpio controls Metagonitis, Mauritania, Gaetulia, Syria, Comangene and Cappadocia. The claws are rising up to the 7th degree, the head up to the 11th, the body and Antares up to the 19th, the back up to the 24th, and the sting up to the 30th.

The first 7° belong to Mars - embezzlements, dangers, travel
The next 4° belong to Venus - fortune, those who advance unexpectedly through others
The next 8° belong to Mercury - abiding, some become bankers and administrators
The next 5° belong to Jupiter - increase, advancement, inheritances
The final 6° belong to Saturn - necessity, constraint, infertile

Forehead - Mars and moderately Saturn
Body - Mars and moderately Jupiter
Joints - Saturn and moderately Venus
Sting - Mars and Mercury
M7 - Mars and the Moon

The image of the Archer is masculine, diurnal, double-bodied, terrestrial, human, quadrupedal, royal, eloquent, infertile, enigmatic, incomplete, with many limbs, running and of the north wind. It indicates governorship, action, fights, gifts and disputes. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Sagittarius are large, robust, well-proportioned and graceful, notable, ambitious, generous, versatile, changeable, prominent, mysterious because the Archer is unintelligible, gifted, crafty, with bald forehead, round small eyes, intentional, long-bearded, athletic, bragging, reddish, kingly, judges, just, loving their brothers and their friends, superior over their enemies, losing much of their possessions, gaining them back over the course of time. The front is weaker, but the back is robust.

Domicile of Jupiter, it controls the thighs, the reproductive system, the digestive system and the integumentary system. It causes blindness on account of the arrow. It is tropical, like-ascending with Taurus and like-engirding with Pisces, and medium in both Hemispheres. It is wintry, cold and moist for the north, and summery, hot and dry for the south. Sagittarius obeys Gemini for the north and commands it for the south. Sagittarius controls Tyrrhenia, Celtica, Spain, Arabia Felix, Elymais and Iberia. The arrow, the bow and the grip are rising up to the 12th degree, the head up to the 17th, the back up to the 21st, the cloak up to the 26th, and the tail up to the 30th.

The first 12° belong to Jupiter - powers, leaders, lords of life and death, undaunted, kingly
The next 5° belong to Venus - flow, distress, passionate
The next 4° belong to Mercury - notable, fond of frivolous conversation, well-grown
The next 5° belong to Saturn - high spirits
The final 4° belong to Mars - travel, dangers, lawsuits

Arrow Point - Mars and the Moon
Bow and Grip - Jupiter and Mars
Forehead - Mars and the Sun
Cloak and Back - Jupiter and moderately Mercury
Feet - Jupiter and Saturn
Tail - Venus and moderately Saturn

The image of the Goat-Horned One is feminine, nocturnal, changeable, watery, amphibian, servile, vocal, infertile, enigmatic, passionate, thievish, incomplete, missing limbs, two-natured, outrageous, sitting and of the south wind. It indicates inquiries, accusations, separations, water and property. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Capricorn are small, burdened, deviant, lying, pretentious, inventive, unattractive, mysterious because the Goat-Horned One is unintelligible, curious, with sloping face, fine figure, beautiful black eyes, black hair, thick lips, sharp chin, lean, misfortunate, toilsome, with unlucky mistakes, lame, shameful, two-faced, pretending goodness and sincerity, always criticizing, fickle, brutal, criminal, warped, bad, fond of jokes, insomniacs, hunchbacks, sculptors, farmers, with nautical bent and waterside trades, lovers of pleasures, business expediters, initiates in mysteries, plotters of great deeds and guardians of secret matters.

Domicile of Saturn, exaltation of Mars, depression of Jupiter, it controls the knees, the skeletal system, the lymphatic system and the immune system. It causes skin diseases on account of the rough skin and blindness on account of the spine. It is like-empowered with Scorpio, like-ascending with Aries and like-engirding with Aquarius, short in the Northern Hemisphere and tall in the Southern Hemisphere. It is wintry, cold and moist for the north, and summery, hot and moist for the south. Capricorn obeys Taurus for the north, and commands it for the south. Capricorn controls India, Ariana, Gedrosia, Thrace, Macedonia and Illyria. The front is rising up to the 7th degree, the head up to the 14th, the belly up to the 22nd, the back up to the 26th, and the tail up to the 30th.

The first 7° belong to Mercury - abdominal birth, dangers, intelligent
The next 7° belong to Jupiter - notable, preservative power
The next 8° belong to Venus - luxury, passionate
The next 4° belong to Saturn - summons, harsh, authoritative
The final 4° belong to Mars - concealments, bonds, flights

Horns - Venus and moderately Mars
Mouth - Saturn and moderately Venus
Feet and Belly - Mars and Mercury
Tail - Saturn and Jupiter

The image of the Water-Pourer is masculine, diurnal, solid, watery, human, servile, eloquent, semi-infertile, handsome, standing and of the east wind. It indicates inquiries, affairs, crafts, water and property. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Aquarius are burdened, envious, lying, occasionally generous because of the uncontrollable flow of the Water-Pourer, craftsmen, public, mystical, youthful, delicate, with beautiful figure and eyes, smooth hair, dizzy, beautiful manners, white, working with hard materials, troubled by athletic training, artisans, wealthy, malicious, haters of their own families, incorrigible, making living by waterside places, betrayers of reputation and truth, accusers, haters of mankind, godless and uncontrollable.

Domicile of Saturn, it controls the lower legs, the skeletal system, the lymphatic system and the immune system. It causes blindness on account of the water. It is like-empowered with Libra, like-ascending with Pisces and like-engirding with Capricorn, short in the Northern Hemisphere and tall in the Southern Hemisphere. It is wintry, cold and moist for the north, and summery, hot and dry for the south. Aquarius obeys Aries for the north and commands it for the south. Aquarius controls Sauromatica, Oxiana, Sogdiana, Arabia, Azania and Middle Ethiopia. The left hand and the head are rising up to the 7th degree, the body and the right hand up to the 13th, the pitcher up to the 20th, the water up to the 25th, and the falling water up to the 30th.

The first 7° belong to Mercury - mastery, lovers of wisdom
The next 6° belong to Venus - friendships with great women
The next 7° belong to Jupiter - notable, some are winners of games
The next 5° belong to Mars - lawsuits, injuries, some die violent deaths
The final 5° belong to Saturn - education, grief in youth

Shoulders, Left Arm and Cloak - Saturn and Mercury
Thighs - Mercury and moderately Saturn
Water - Saturn and moderately Jupiter

The image of the Fishes is feminine, nocturnal, double-bodied, watery, oceanic, notable, silent, fertile, passionate, missing limbs, two-coloured, mobile, lying and of the west wind. It indicates governorship, travel, wealth, water and summons. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Pisces are small, disproportioned and awkward, complicated because of the directions of the Fishes, changeable, restless, mystical, slight, wandering, popular, slightly sallow, delicate, with ruddy head, fish eyes, beautiful hair, soft hands, bright voice, white in complexion, traders, endowed with genius, unsteady, trustworthy, full of ideas, philosophers, commanders of fleets, marines, sailors and business expediters.

Domicile of Jupiter, exaltation of Venus, depression of Mercury, it controls the feet, the reproductive system, the digestive system and the integumentary system. It causes skin diseases on account of the rough skin. It is equinoctial, like-empowered with Virgo, like-ascending with Aquarius and like-engirding with Sagittarius, short in the Northern Hemisphere and tall in the Southern Hemisphere. It is vernal, hot and moist for the north, and autumnal, cold and dry for the south. Pisces controls Phazania, Nasamonitis, Garamantica, Lydia, Cilicia and Pamphylia. The southern fish body is rising up to the 12th degree, the southern fish tail up to the 16th, the southern cord up to the 19th degree, the northern fish up to the 28th, and the bond up to the 30th.

The first 12° belong to Venus - fertile, jealousy, with many enemies
The next 4° belong to Jupiter - advancement, elevation, commanding
The next 3° belong to Mercury - intelligence, well-grown, highly frivolous
The next 9° belong to Mars - violent, excessive, with many accusations
The final 2° belong to Saturn - virtuous, wise, dominant

Head of the Southern Fish - Mercury and moderately Saturn
Body of the Southern Fish - Jupiter and Mercury
Southern Tail and Cord - Saturn and moderately Mercury
Body of the Northern Fish - Jupiter and moderately Venus
Northern Cord - Saturn and Jupiter
Bond - Mars and moderately Mercury

The image of the Ram is masculine, diurnal, changeable, terrestrial, quadrupedal, royal, vocal, semi-infertile, passionate, intimidating, two-coloured, running and of the north wind. It indicates governorship, fights, wealth, family and lawsuits. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Aries are independent because of the horns of the Ram, bold, distinguished, intimidating, wealthy, boastful, restless, youthful, with long face, broad forehead, black eyes, drawn nostrils, thin lips, strong voice, sloping shoulders, reddish, fiery, governing, brilliant, procuratorial, authoritarian, quickly changing, two-toned, with decorations of clothing, just and hard on offenders. The front is robust, but the back is weaker.

Domicile of Mars, exaltation of Sun, depression of Saturn, it controls the head, the muscular system, the urinary system and the lower gastrointestinal tract. It is like-empowered with Leo, like-ascending with Capricorn and like-engirding with Scorpio, short in the Northern Hemisphere and tall in the Southern Hemisphere. It is vernal, hot and moist for the north, and autumnal, cold and dry for the south. Aries commands Aquarius for the north and obeys it for the south. Aries controls Brittania, Galatia, Germania, Palestine, Idumaea and Judaea. The front is rising up to the 6th degree, the head up to the 12th, the body up to the 20th, the hind foot up to the 25th, and the tail up to the 30th.

The first 6° belong to Jupiter - elevation from low conditions to greater
The next 6° belong to Venus - love, friendships and intercourse with distinguished women
The next 8° belong to Mercury - intelligent, well-grown, love of labour, advancement
The next 5° belong to Mars - grief, passionate, injuries, unprofitable entanglements
The final 5° belong to Saturn - two-faced, some are trustees, teachers, judges or administrators

Head - Saturn and Mars
Mouth - Mercury and moderately Saturn
Hind Foot - Mars
Tail - Venus

The image of the Bull is feminine, nocturnal, solid, terrestrial, quadrupedal, notable, vocal, semi-fertile, passionate, incomplete, missing limbs, rising backwards, sitting and of the south wind. It indicates celebrations, affairs, agriculture, family and property. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Taurus are disproportioned and awkward, energetic because of the hard-working strength of the Bull, industrious, supervisors, luxurious, wealthy, generous, distinguished, charming, with full face, broad forehead, large eyes, large nostrils, big lips, pointed chin, square neck and broad outward brows, prudent, skillful, pleasure-loving, music-loving, disturbing and enraging, priestly, brilliant and worthy of crowns and of the purple. The front is robust, but the back is weaker.

Domicile of Venus, exaltation of Moon, it controls the neck, the olfactory system, the reproductive organs and the secondary sex characteristics. It causes blindness on account of the Pleiades. It is like-empowered with Cancer, like-ascending with Sagittarius and like-engirding with Libra, medium in both Hemispheres. It is vernal, hot and moist for the north, and autumnal, cold and dry for the south. Taurus commands Capricorn for the north and obeys it for the south. Taurus controls Parthia, Media, Persia, Cyclades, Cyprus and Lesser Asia. The beginning of the truncated body and the Pleiades are rising up to the 8th degree, the Hyades up to the 14th, the face and Aldebaran up to the 22nd, the beginning of the horns up to the 27th, and the tips of the horns up to the 30th.

The first 8° belong to Venus - love, skilled in the arts, graceful
The next 6° belong to Mercury - peaceful, leadership, trustees
The next 8° belong to Jupiter - beauty, reputation, unexpected advancement
The next 5° belong to Saturn - relaxations, reduction of wealth
The final 3° belong to Mars - violent, condemnations, lawsuits, injuries

Beginning - Venus and moderately Saturn
Pleiades - Jupiter and the Moon
Hyades - Saturn and moderately Mercury
Aldebaran - Mars
Tips of the Horns - Mars

The image of the Twins is masculine, diurnal, double-bodied, human, common, eloquent, semi-fertile, rising backwards, handsome, standing and of the east wind. It indicates disputes, affairs, eloquence, trade and mysticism. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Gemini are sensible, changeable, curious, articulate, prudent, public, mystical, temperate, with fine face, good complexion, large beautiful eyes, open nostrils, fine lips because the Twins are charming in conversation, exchanging, broad shoulders, white, educated, scholars, poetical, music lovers, declaimers, stewards, receivers of trusts, translators, merchants, judges of good and evil, sensible, astrologers and guardians of secret matters. The front is weaker, but the back is robust.

Domicile of Mercury, it controls the shoulders, arms and hands, the vestibular system, the gustatory system and the auditory system. It is tropical, like-ascending with Scorpio and like-engirding with Virgo, medium in both Hemispheres. It is summery, hot and dry for the north, and wintry, cold and moist for the south. Gemini commands Sagittarius for the north and obeys it for the south. Gemini controls Hyrcania, Armenia, Mantinea, Cyrenaica, Marmarica and Egypt. The feet are rising up to the 6th degree, the lower legs up to the 12th, the lower parts up to the 17th, the higher parts up to the 25th, and the heads, Castor and Pollux up to the 30th.

The first 6° belong to Mercury - stillness, obstructions, rest
The next 6° belong to Jupiter - good fortune, kind
The next 5° belong to Venus - bloom, beautiful, fortunate from unexpected things
The next 7° belong to Mars - powerful, regulative authority, advancing
The final 6° belong to Saturn - subordination, bonds, reduction of wealth

Feet - Mercury and moderately Venus
Thighs - Saturn
Castor - Mercury
Pollux - Mars

Andromeda - Venus
Aquila - Jupiter and Mars
Auriga - Mars and Mercury
Boötes - Saturn and Mercury, Arcturus - Jupiter and Mars
Cassiopeia - Saturn and Venus
Cepheus - Saturn and Jupiter
Coma Berenices - Venus and the Moon
Corona Borealis - Venus and Mercury
Cygnus - Venus and Mercury
Delphinus - Saturn and Mars
Draco - Saturn, Jupiter and Mars
Hercules - Mercury
Lyra - Venus and Mercury
Ophiuchus - Saturn and moderately Venus
Pegasus - Mars and Mercury
Perseus - Saturn and Jupiter, Cluster - Mars and Mercury
Sagitta - Mars and moderately Venus
Serpens - Saturn and Mars
Triangulum - Mercury
Ursa Major - Mars
Ursa Minor - Saturn and moderately Venus

Ara - Venus and moderately Mercury
Argo - Saturn and Jupiter
Canis Major - Venus, Sirius - Jupiter and moderately Mars
Canis Minor - Venus, Procyon - Mercury and moderately Mars
Centaurus - Venus and Mercury, Equine Body - Jupiter and Venus
Cetus - Saturn
Corona Australis - Saturn and Mercury
Corvus - Saturn and Mars
Crater - Venus and moderately Mercury
Eridanus - Saturn, Achernar - Jupiter
Hydra - Saturn and Venus
Lepus - Saturn and Mercury
Lupus - Saturn and moderately Mars
Orion - Saturn and Jupiter, Shoulders - Mars and Mercury
Piscis Australis - Venus and Mercury

Such, then, are the observations of the effects of the stars as made by our predecessors. Let us now proceed with the seven-zone.

Ludwich, A. (Ed.). (1877). Maximi et Ammonis carminum De actionum auspiciis reliquiae: accedunt Anecdota astrologica. BG Teubneri. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/maximietammonisc00ludw/page/n3
Manilius, & Goold, G. P. (1985). Astronomica. BG Teubner.
Robbins, F. E. (1940). Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos. William Heinmann, London. Retrieved from http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Ptolemy/Tetrabiblos/home.html
Schmidt, R. The Astrological Record of the Early Greek Sages. Project Hindsight.
Valens, V. Anthologia. Translated by Mark Riley. Retrieved from https://www.csus.edu/indiv/r/rileymt/Vettius Valens entire.pdf


Are you saying that my post has no pattern, purpose or objectivity?

The sidereal post really does not have solid pattern or objectivity though. Here is the second part of the tropical post.

41. Mind
Moon and Mercury predominate mind
Saturn powerful makes them lovers of the body, strong-minded, deep thinkers, austere, of single purpose, laborious, dictatorial, ready to punish, lovers of property, avaricious, violent, amassing treasure, and jealous, Saturn inoperative makes them sordid, ignorant, indifferent, mean-minded, malignant, cowardly, diffident, evil-speakers, solitary, tearful, shameless, superstitious, fond of toil, unfeeling, devisers of plots against their friends, gloomy, and taking no care of the body

Saturn and Jupiter powerful make them good, respectful to elders, sedate, noble-minded, helpful, critical, fond of possessions, magnanimous, generous, of good intentions, lovers of their friends, gentle, patient, and wise, Saturn and Jupiter inoperative make them uncultured, easily frightened, mad, superstitious, suspicious, hating their own children, friendless, hiding within doors, without judgement, knavishly foolish, venomous, hypocritical, ineffective, unambitious, prone to change their minds, faithless, stern, solitary, cautious, but nevertheless foolish, and submissive to abuse

Saturn and Mars powerful make them neither good nor bad, industrious, outspoken, nuisances, cowardly braggarts, harsh in conduct, pitiless, contemptuous, rough, contentious, rash, deceitful, tenacious of anger, unmoved by pleading, tyrannical, grasping, fond of strife, malignant, active, impatient, blustering, boastful, injurious, unjust, not to be despised, inflexible, busy-bodies, but at the same time adroit and practical, not to be overborne by rivals, and generally successful with achieving their ends, Saturn and Mars inoperative make them robbers, pirates, adulterous, takers of base profits, submissive to disgraceful treatment, godless, without affection, insulting, crafty, thieves, perjurers, murderers, evildoers, homicides, poisoners, impious, and utterly depraved

Saturn and Venus powerful make them haters of women, lovers of antiquity, solitary, unpleasant to meet, unambitious, hating the beautiful, envious, stern in social relations, not companionable, of fixed opinions, prophetic, given to the practice of religious rites, mystics, religious addicts, but dignified and reverent, modest, philosophical, faithful in marriage, self-controlled, calculating, cautious, quick to take offence, and easily led by jealousy to be suspicious of their wives, Saturn and Venus inoperative make them loose, lascivious, the doers of base acts, undiscriminating and unclean in sexual relations, impure, deceivers of women and particularly their own kin, unsound, censorious, depraved, hating the beautiful, fault-finders, evil-speakers, drunken, servile, lawless in sexual relations both active and passive, both natural and unnatural, and willing to seek them with those barred by age, position, or law, or with animals, impious, faithless, deriding mysteries and sacred rites, slanderous, poisoners, and rogues who will stop at nothing

Saturn and Mercury powerful make them meddlers, inquisitive, inquirers into matters of law and custom, fond of the art of medicine, mystics, partakers in secret rites, miracle-workers, cheaters, living only for the day, facile, able to direct business, shrewd and bitter, accurate, sober, friendly, fond of practical affairs, and capable of gaining their ends, Saturn and Mercury inoperative make them frivolous talkers, malignant, given to toil, hating their own kin, harsh and fond of torment, gloomy, night-prowlers, layers of ambushes, traitors, unsympathetic, thieves, forgers, magicians, poisoners, unscrupulous, unfortunate, and usually unsuccessful

Jupiter powerful makes them magnanimous, generous, god-fearing, honourable, pleasure-loving, kind, magnificent, liberal, just, high-minded, dignified, minding their own business, affectionate, compassionate, fond of discussion, helpful, and with qualities of leadership, Jupiter inoperative makes them similar, but with difference in the direction of greater humility, less conspicuousness and poorer judgement, for instead of magnanimity, they are endowed with prodigality, instead of reverence, with superstition, instead of modesty, with cowardice, instead of dignity, with conceit, instead of kindness, with foolish simplicity, instead of the love of beauty, with love of pleasure, instead of high-mindedness, with stupidity, instead of liberality, with indifference, and the like

Jupiter and Mars powerful make them rough, pugnacious, military, managerial, restless, unruly, ardent, reckless, practical, outspoken, critical, effective, contentious, commanding, respectable, given to plotting, virile, fond of victory, and magnanimous, ambitious, passionate, judicious, and successful, Jupiter and Mars inoperative make them insolent, undiscriminating, savage, seditious, contentious, implacable, stubborn, slanderous, conceited, avaricious, rapacious, light and quickly changeable, readily changing their minds, unstable, untrustworthy, of poor judgement, unfeeling, active, querulous, prodigal, gossipy, and those who are in all ways uneven and easily excited

Jupiter and Venus powerful make them pure, pleasure-loving, lovers of the beautiful, of children, of spectacles, and of the arts, singers, fond of those who reared them, of good character, fond of learning, beneficent, compassionate, guileless, religious, wise, prone to athletic training, fond of competition, affectionate, charming in dignified way, and magnanimous, fair, charitable, of good judgement, moderate and decorous in matters of love, fond of their kinsfolk, pious, just, seekers after glory, and generally gentlemanly, Jupiter and Venus inoperative make them luxurious, fond of the dance, soft-livers, effeminate, lavish in expenditure, evil in relations with women, erotic, lascivious, lecherous, slanderous, and adulterous, lovers of ornament, rather soft, lazy, profligate, given to fault-finding, passionate, the adorners of their persons, womanly minded, infatuated by religious rites, panderers, frequenters of the mysteries, trustworthy however and not rascally, but gracious, easy of approach, and cheerful, and those who are inclined to liberality in misfortune

Jupiter and Mercury powerful make them learned, geometricians, mathematicians, poets, orators, fond of discussion, gifted, sober, intelligent, good in counsel, statesmen, benefactors, managers, good-natured, generous, lovers of the mob, shrewd, successful, leaders, reverent, religious, well brought up, affectionate, lovers of their own kin, philosophical, skilful in business, and dignified, Jupiter and Mercury make them simple, garrulous, prone to make mistakes, contemptible, those who are fanatical and religious enthusiasts, speakers of folly, inclined to bitterness, pretenders to wisdom, fools, boasters, students, magicians, somewhat deranged, but well informed and of good memory, teachers, and those who are pure in their desires

Mars powerful makes them noble, commanding, military, versatile, powerful, venturesome, rash, unruly, indifferent, keen, headstrong, contemptuous, tyrannical, active, spirited, easily angered, and with qualities of leadership, Mars inoperative makes them savage, insolent, bloodthirsty, the makers of disturbances, spendthrifts, loud-mouthed, quick-fisted, impetuous, drunken, rapacious, evil-doers, pitiless, unsettled, mad, haters of their own kin, and impious

Mars and Venus powerful make them pleasing, cheerful, friendly, soft-living, happy, playful, and graceful, fond of the dance, erotic, artistic, imitative, pleasure-loving, able to secure themselves property, masculine, given to misconduct in matters of love, but still successful, circumspect, and sensible, difficult to convict and discreet, passionate for both young men and young women, and spendthrifts, quick-tempered, and jealous, Mars and Venus inoperative make them leering, liars, lascivious, profligate, indifferent, slanderous, adulterous, insolent, deceivers, seducers of those both in their own families and in those of others, at the same time keen and insatiate of pleasure, the corrupters of women and maidens, venturesome, ardent, unruly, treacherous, perjurers, easily influenced and of unsound mind, fond of adornment, disposed to base practices, and shameless

Mars and Mercury powerful make them the leaders of armies, skilful, vigorous, active, not to be despised, resourceful and inventive, sophistic, painstaking, rascally, talkative, pugnacious, tricky, unstable, systematic workers, practising evil arts, keen-witted, deceitful, hypocritical, insidious, of bad character, meddlers, but nevertheless successful and capable of keeping contract and faith with persons like themselves and generally injurious to their enemies and helpful to their friends, Mars and Mercury inoperative make them spendthrifts, avaricious, savage, venturesome, daring, prone to change their minds, excitable, easily aroused, liars, thieves, impious, perjurers, ready to take the offensive, seditious, kindlers of fires, creators of disturbances, insolent, pirates, burglars, murderers, forgers, villains, wizards, magicians, sorcerers, and homicides

Venus powerful makes them pleasant, good, luxurious, eloquent, neat, cheerful, fond of dancing, eager for beauty, haters of evil, lovers of the arts, fond of spectacles, decorous, healthy, dreamers of pleasant dreams, affectionate, beneficent, compassionate, kind, fastidious, easily conciliated, successful, and charming, Venus inoperative makes them careless, erotic, effeminate, womanish, timid, indifferent, depraved, censorious, insignificant, and meriting reproach

Venus and Mercury powerful make them artistic, philosophical, gifted with understanding, poets, lovers of the arts, lovers of beauty, talented, of worthy character, seekers after enjoyment, those who are luxurious, happy, fond of friends, pious, sagacious, resourceful, intelligent, successful, quick to learn, self-taught, seekers after the best, the imitators of beauty, eloquent and pleasing in speech, commanding affection, of well-ordered character, earnest, fond of athletics, upright, of good judgement, magnanimous, restrained in their relations with women, but more passionate for boys, and jealous, Venus and Mercury inoperative make them pugnacious, resourceful, unstable, evil-speakers, of bad intentions, deceivers, agitators, liars, slanderers, perjurers, thorough rascals, plotters, faithless, unreliable, adulterous, the corrupters of women and children, adorners of their persons, rather effeminate, malicious in censure and in gossip, garrulous, villains, those who are sometimes feigning such acts, sometimes performing them in earnest, lending themselves to base acts and performing them, and subjected to all sorts of base treatment

Mercury powerful makes them wise, shrewd, thoughtful, learned, inventive, experienced, good calculators, inquirers into nature, speculative, gifted, emulous, beneficent, prudent, those who are good at conjecture, mathematicians, partakers in mysteries, and successful in attaining their ends, Mercury inoperative makes them utter rascals, precipitate, forgetful, impetuous, fickle, prone to change their minds, foolish rogues, undiscriminating, unstable, undependable, avaricious, unjust, witless, sinful, and generally unsteady in judgement and inclined to evil deeds

Sun powerful and configured with the predominators makes them more successful, honourable, distinguished, just, and religious, when inoperative and not configured with the predominators, it makes them less successful, more toilsome, more savage, more obstinate, and with harder lives

Moon increasing gives greater natural endowments, renown, firmness, and frankness, when it is decreasing, it gives greater sluggishness and dullness, less fixity of purpose, greater cautiousness, and less renown, within 15° of the nodes, it gives greater keenness, activity, and excitability, and within 15° of the bendings, it gives greater versatility, resourcefulness, and capacity for change

Moon and Mercury powerful and configured with their predominators make the nativities open, unimpeded, spontaneous, and effective, when they are inoperative and not configured with their predominators, they render them obscure, indistinct, imperfect, and ineffective in action

Moon in first quarter and morning additive planets make them liberal, simple, self-willed, strong, noble, keen, and open, Moon in second quarter and morning subtractive planets make them firm, calculating, patient, of good memory, intelligent, magnanimous, accomplishing what they desire, inflexible, robust, rough, not readily deceived, critical, practical, prone to inflict punishment, and those who are gifted with understanding, Moon in third quarter and evening subtractive planets make them easily changed, unstable, weak, unable to bear labour, emotional, humble, cowardly, deceitful, bullying, dull and slow-witted, and hard to arouse, Moon in fourth quarter and evening additive planets make them noble and wise, but with mediocre memory, not painstaking nor fond of labour, but investigators of hidden things and seekers after the unknown, magicians, adepts in the mysteries, the makers of instruments and machines, astrologers, philosophers, and the like

Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn make minds that are fitted for dealing with the people, fond of turbulence and political activity, glory-seeking, religious, noble, mobile, inquisitive, inventive, good at conjecture, and fitted for astrology, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius make them hard, just, unaffected by flattery, persistent, firm, intelligent, patient, industrious, stern, self-controlled, tenacious of grudges, and extortionate, contentious, ambitious, factious, grasping, and inflexible, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces make them complex, changeable, hard to apprehend, light, unstable, fickle, amorous, versatile, fond of music, lazy, and those who are easily acquisitive

Mars predominates the affairs of males, Venus predominates the affairs of females, Saturn makes cautiousness, hesitancy and frigidity, Jupiter makes decorum, restraint and modesty, Mars makes promiscuity, unrestraint and disgrace, Venus makes elegance, desire and beauty, Mercury makes notoriety, versatility and foresight, Saturn with Mars and Venus make impurity and abuse, when the predominators are powerful, they indicate distinguished individuals, when they are operative, they indicate moderate positions, and when they are inoperative, they indicate low positions

Predominators of the mind without configuration with each other and the Hour-Marker while in assembly, tetragon and diameter with maleficent planets cause diseases of the mind, particularly when the maleficent planets are powerful or in complete configurations, when beneficent planets are not configured with predominators, they cause incurable and conspicuous insanity, but when Jupiter and Venus are configured, diseases are latent, obscure, and mitigated, particularly when they are powerful or in complete configurations, they bring about treatment by medicine and the aid of good physicians, predominators of Moon and Mercury indicate diseases, Saturn and Mars cause early onset as morning and eastern planets, and later onset as evening and western planets

Saturn causes depressive disorders, anxiety disorders and sleep disorders
Jupiter causes dissociative disorders, addictive disorders and personality disorders
Mars causes disruptive disorders, impulse-control disorders and conduct disorders
Venus causes somatic disorders, sexual disorders and paraphilic disorders
Mercury causes neurodevelopmental disorders, psychotic disorders and neurocognitive disorders

Sun and Moon made masculine cause males to exceed in the natural qualities, and females in the unnatural qualities, when Mars and Venus are made masculine, males become addicted to natural intercourse, insatiate, adulterous, and ready on every occasion for base and lawless acts of sexual passion, while females become lustful for unnatural congresses and cast inviting glances of the eye, when one planet is made masculine, they do these things secretly and not openly, but when the two planets are made masculine, without reserve, so that sometimes they marry their women

Sun and Moon made feminine cause females to exceed in the natural qualities, and males in the unnatural qualities, when Mars and Venus are made feminine, females become depraved, lustful, and adulterous, with the result that they may be dealt with in the natural manner on any occasion and by any one soever, and so that they refuse no sexual act, though it be base or unlawful, while males become effeminate and unsound with respect to unnatural congresses, when one planet is made feminine, they do these things secretly and not openly, but when the two planets are made feminine, their shamelessness is outright and frank, so that they submit to general abuse and to every baseness until they are stamped with the reproach and insult that attend such usages

42. Livelihood
Lot of Fortune predominates livelihood
Lot of Fortune powerful and predominated by powerful planets make distinguished livelihood
Lot of Fortune operative and predominated by operative planets make moderate livelihood
Lot of Fortune inoperative and predominated by inoperative planets make low livelihood

Saturn predominating makes wealth from property, agriculture and shipping ventures
Jupiter predominating makes wealth from guardianships, banking and priesthoods
Mars predominating makes wealth from strength, command and military operations
Venus predominating makes wealth from grace, friendship and women
Mercury predominating makes wealth from intelligence, eloquence and trade
Saturn and Jupiter predominating make wealth from inheritances

Predominators configured with Jupiter and Venus indicate possessions without losses
Predominators in assembly, tetragon or diameter with Saturn and Mars indicate losses

43. Dignity
Sun and Moon predominate dignity
Sun and Moon masculine, powerful and predominated by powerful planets, and configured with Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury make kings, when planets are powerful and operative, they continue to be great, powerful, and world-rulers, and they will be most distinguished when all planets are powerful, when Sun is masculine, and Moon is feminine, and only one of the two is powerful or predominated by powerful planets, they will be merely generals, with power over life and death, when configured planets are operative and inoperative, they will be merely great and enjoy partial dignities, high priesthood, superintendence, and military command, not those of first rank, when Sun and Moon are not powerful or predominated by powerful planets, they will not attain the more conspicuous honours, but rather civil leadership or moderate advancement in their careers, when the configured planets are inoperative, they are rendered obscure and without preferment, and they will be entirely humble and insignificant when Sun and Moon are feminine, inoperative and predominated by inoperative planets, and not configured with beneficent planets

Sun, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury as morning planet give more independence and security
Moon, Saturn, Mars and Mercury as evening planet give more dependency and less security

Saturn gives wealth, property and shipping ventures
Jupiter gives governorship, honours and gifts from others
Mars gives governorship, command and fears of subordinates
Venus gives beauty, honours and gifts from others
Mercury gives intelligence, eloquence and trade

Predominators configured with Jupiter and Venus indicate dignity without downfall
Predominators in assembly, tetragon or diameter with Saturn and Mars indicate downfall

44. Action
Sun and Midheaven predominate action
Satun indicates property, agriculture, subordination, mining and seamanship
Saturn and Jupiter indicate property, agriculture, administration, management and philosophy
Saturn and Mars indicate seamanship, cooking, subordination, criminality and funerals
Saturn and Venus indicate merchandise, accommodation, weaving, religion and pharmacy
Saturn and Mercury indicate property, agriculture, measuring, religion and travel
Jupiter indicates magnanimity, governorship, administration, management and law
Jupiter and Mars indicate command, governorship, supervision, military operations and athletics
Jupiter and Venus indicate leadership, honours, banking, advancement from others and athletics
Jupiter and Mercury indicate eloquence, teaching, counseling, philosophy and law
Mars indicates strength, agriculture, construction, military operations and athletics
Mars and Venus indicate grace, cooking, winemaking, dancing and pharmacy
Mars and Mercury indicate command, medicine, surgery, criminality and athletics
Venus indicates grace, music, clothing, ornaments and beauty
Venus and Mercury indicate grace, music, poetry, theatre and beauty
Mercury indicates eloquence, teaching, science, interpretation and trade
Moon and Mercury indicate prophecy, magic, astrology, divination and sorcery

Powerful predominators configured with Jupiter and Venus make dignified, glorious, profitable, unerring and gracious action, inoperative predominators in assembly, tetragon and diameter with Saturn and Mars make humble, inglorious, profitless, fallible and toilsome action

Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn indicate agriculture, interpretation, trade and exchange
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius indicate foundations, property, command and stability
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces indicate grace, music, cooking and versatility

45. Marriage
Moon predominates marriage for men, Sun predominates marriage for women
Moon in first or third quarter makes men who marry young or marry younger women, in second or fourth quarter, it makes men who marry late or marry older women, when it is in solid places and predominated by planets in solid places, it makes them men of one marriage, but when it is in dual places and predominated by planets in dual places, it makes them marry more than once, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in configuration cause good marriage, Saturn and Mars in assembly, tetragon and diameter cause the opposite, Saturn makes the wives hardworking and stern, Jupiter makes them dignified and good managers, Mars makes them bold and unruly, Venus make them cheerful, beautiful and charming, Mercury makes them intelligent and keen, Venus with Saturn, Jupiter or Mercury make them thrifty and affectionate to their husbands and children, Venus with Mars make them easily roused to wrath, unstable and unfeeling, predominators indicate position

Sun as eastern planet makes women who marry young or marry younger men, as western planet, it makes women who marry late or marry older men, when it is in solid places and predominated by planets in solid places, it makes them women of one marriage, but when it is in dual places and predominated by planets in dual places, it makes them marry more than once, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in configuration cause good marriage, Saturn and Mars in assembly, tetragon and diameter cause the opposite, Saturn makes the husbands sedate, useful and hardworking, Jupiter makes them dignified and magnanimous, Mars makes them men of action, lacking in affection, and unruly, Venus makes them elegant and handsome, Mercury makes them thrifty and practical, Venus with Saturn make them sluggish and weak in sexual relations, and Venus with Mars make them ardent, impetuous and adulterous, Venus with Mercury make them infatuated with boys

Sun and Moon of both nativities in assemblies, hexagons and trigons indicate lasting marriages, particularly when the Moon of the husband is in assembly, hexagon or trigon with the Sun of the wife, divorces on slight pretexts and complete alienations occur when they are in disharmonious configurations or without configuration, when Jupiter and Venus are configured with the Sun and the Moon in favourable configuration, they keep the marriage pleasant, agreeable, and profitable, when Saturn and Mars are in assembly, tetragon and diameter with Sun and Moon in favourable configuration, the marriage will be quarrelsome, unpleasant, and unprofitable, when Jupiter and Venus are configured with Sun and Moon in unfavourable configuration, they do not completely terminate the marriage, but bring about renewals and recollections which preserve kindness and affection, but when Saturn and Mars are in assembly, tetragon or diameter with Sun and Moon in unfavourable configuration, they cause divorce with abuse and violence, Saturn and Venus cause incestuous marriage when predominating all predominators, Mercury adds notoriety to the above

46. Children
Midheaven predominates children
Moon, Jupiter and Venus configured indicate abundance of children
Mercury as morning planet configured indicates abundance of children
Sun, Saturn and Mars in assembly, tetragon or diameter indicate lack of children
Mercury as evening planet in assembly, tetragon or diameter indicates lack of children
Donative planets in dual places and predominating the Midheaven indicate even more children

Midheaven and donative planets in dual places and predominated by planets in dual places cause multiple births, the number is indicated by the number of the planets, and the sex by their natures

Masculine donative planets give male children
Feminine donative planets give female children
Morning and eastern donative planets give first-born children
Evening and western donative planets give later-born children

Donative planets powerful and predominated by powerful planets indicate distinguished children
Donative planets operative and predominated by operative planets indicate moderate positions
Donative planets inoperative and predominated by inoperative planets indicate low positions

Donative planets powerful and configured with Jupiter and Venus cause excellent longevity
Donative planets operative and configured with Jupiter and Venus cause fortunate longevity
Donative planets inoperative and configured with Jupiter and Venus cause average longevity

Saturn and Mars powerful in assembly, tetragon or diameter with them cause short longevity
Saturn and Mars operative in assembly tetragon or diameter with them cause injuries or diseases
Saturn and Mars inoperative in assembly, tetragon or diameter with them cause bodily weakness

Saturn makes death or injuries and diseases by cold and moderate dryness
Mars makes sudden death or injuries and diseases by dryness and burning
Saturn and Mars make conspicuous death or injuries and diseases by burning, cutting and the like

Donative planets in assembly, hexagon or trigon with the Hour-Marker indicate friendly children
Donative planets without configuration with the Hour-Marker indicate unsympathetic children
Donative planets in tetragon or diameter with the Hour-Marker indicate quarrelsome children

Donative planets in assembly, hexagon or trigon with the Lot indicate friendly children
Donative planets without configuration with the Lot indicate unsympathetic children
Donative planets in tetragon or diameter with the Lot indicate quarrelsome children

Donative planets in assembly, hexagon or trigon with each other indicate friendly siblings
Donative planets without configuration with each other indicate unsympathetic siblings
Donative planets in tetragon or diameter with each other indicate quarrelsome siblings

Donative planets are Hour-Markers of the children

47. Friendship
Hour-Marker, Sun, Moon and Lot of Fortune of two nativities in assemblies, hexagons or trigons with each other bring about secure and indissoluble sympathy unbroken by any quarrel, but when they are in tetragons or diameters, they produce the deepest enmities and lasting contentions, and there is greater benefit from friendship and greater success in the enmity in that nativity in which the authoritative placements are more powerful and have the configurations of Jupiter and Venus

Hour-Marker indicates friendship from pleasure
Sun and Moon indicate friendship from choice
Lot of Fortune indicates friendship from need

Saturn, Mars and Mercury as evening planet produce occasional spells of silence and disparaging talk in friendship when passing with assembly, tetragon or diameter, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury as morning planet produce truces and reconciliations in enmity when passing with configurations

Lot of Fortune predominates servants in nativities of masters and masters in nativities of servants
Lot of Fortune in assembly, hexagon or trigon with predominators indicate favourable sympathy
Lot of Fortune without configuration with predominators indicate unsympathetic relationship
Lot of Fortune in tetragon or diameter with predominators indicate unfavourable hostility

48. Travel
Hour-Marker predominates travel
Sun, Moon and Lot of Fortune pre-ascending cause travel
Pre-ascension of the Hour-Marker indicates travel to the eastern regions
Pre-ascension of the Midheaven indicates travel to the southern regions
Pre-ascension of the Setting indicates travel to the western regions
Pre-ascension of the Anti-Midheaven indicates travel to the northern regions
Solid places indicate occasional travel, dual places indicate continuous travel

Jupiter and Venus in configuration cause honourable and profitable travel, quick and unimpeded return, particularly when they are powerful, Saturn and Mars in assembly, tetragon and diameter cause laborious and dangerous travel, and difficult return, particularly when they are powerful

Jupiter and Venus make the journeys not only safe, but also pleasant, for the subjects will be sent on their way by the chief men of the country or by the resources of their friends, and favourable conditions of the weather and abundance of supplies will also aid them, with Mercury configured they indicate profits, gifts, and honours, particularly when they are powerful and predominating

Saturn and Mars make the results useless and will involve the subjects in great dangers, through lack of provisions and unhealthy conditions with equinoctial and solstitial places, through falling from heights and the assaults of winds with solid places, through piracy, plots and robberies with dual places, through hard going with airy places, through desert region with fiery places, through attacks of beasts and earthquakes with earthy places, through unfortunate voyages and shipwreck with watery places, with Mercury in assembly, tetragon and diameter they cause dangers through the weather, dangerous accusations, and with the bites of reptiles and other poisonous creatures

49. Times
Moon predominates infancy
Mercury predominates childhood
Venus predominates adolescence
Sun predominates early adulthood
Mars predominates middle adulthood
Jupiter predominates late adulthood
Saturn predominates elderhood

Hour-Marker predominates body and travel
Sun predominates dignity and marriage for women
Moon predominates mind and marriage for men
Lot of Fortune predominates wealth and property
Midheaven predominates action, children and friendship

Planets become general chronocrators with configurations in the temporal intervals
Planets become annual chronocrators with predomination in the solar revolutions
Planets become monthly chronocrators with predomination in the lunar revolutions

Hour-Marker favourably placed causes physical wellbeing and profitable travel
Sun favourably placed causes social wellbeing and happiness in marriage for women
Moon favourably placed causes mental wellbeing and happiness in marriage for men
Lot of Fortune favourably placed causes financial gain, prosperity and gifts from others
Midheaven favourably placed causes action, happiness from children and friendship

Hour-Marker unfavourably placed causes physical suffering and dangerous travel
Sun unfavourably placed causes social suffering and misfortune in marriage for women
Moon unfavourably placed causes mental suffering and misfortune in marriage for men
Lot of Fortune unfavourably placed causes financial loss, hardship and debts to others
Midheaven unfavourably placed causes inaction, misfortune from children and enmity

Beneficent chronocrators cause good effects, particularly when they are powerful
Maleficent chronocrators cause bad effects, particularly when they are powerful
Common chronocrators cooperate, particularly when they are powerful

Morning and eastern chronocrators cause quick effects
Evening and western chronocrators cause late effects

Saturn cooperates with general chronocrators
Jupiter cooperates with annual chronocrators
Mars cooperates with monthly chronocrators
Sun cooperates with monthly chronocrators
Venus cooperates with monthly chronocrators
Mercury cooperates with monthly chronocrators
Moon cooperates with intensifications and relaxations

Beneficent planets help with configuration
Maleficent planets harm with assembly, tetragon and diameter
Common planets help with configuration during beneficent chronocratorship
Common planets harm with assembly, tetragon and diameter during maleficent chronocratorship

Sun, together with the ambient, is always in some way affecting everything on the earth, not only by the changes that accompany the seasons to bring about generation of animals, productiveness of plants, flowing of rivers, and change of bodies, but also daily furnishing heat, moisture, cold and dryness in regular order and in correspondence with its current position relative to the zenith

Moon, too, as the heavenly body nearest to the earth, bestows its effluence most abundantly upon mundane things, for most of them, animate and inanimate, are sympathetic with it, and change in company with it, the rivers increase and diminish their streams with its light, seas turn their own tides with its rising and setting, and plants and animals in some part increase or decrease with it

Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury often cause hot, windy and snowy conditions of the air and mundane matters are affected accordingly, all configurations bring about many complicated changes, for though the power of the Sun prevails in the general ordering of the quality, the other heavenly bodies cooperate or deter in particular details, if these matters be so regarded, all would judge it to follow that not only must things already compounded be affected in some way by the motion of the heavenly bodies, but likewise the germination and the fruition of the seed must be moulded and conformed to the biological forces that are proper to the physical forces at the time, and such biological determinism dependent upon physical reductionism is easily comprehended

The following considerations might lead one to observe that criticism of the science on the score of impossibility is specious, but undeserved, in the first place, the mistakes of those who are not accurately instructed in its practice, and they are many, as one would expect in this important and many-sided subject, they have brought about the belief that even its true predictions depend upon chance, which is incorrect, for this is ineffectiveness not of the science, but of those who practice it, in the second place, most for the sake of gain, claim credence for another art with the name of this, and they deceive the vulgar, because they are reputed to foretell many things even those that cannot naturally be known beforehand, while to the more thoughtful they have thereby given the occasion to pass equally unfavourable judgement upon the natural science, nor is this deservedly done, it is the same with other sciences, there is no need to abolish them because there are some evident rascals among those that pretend to them, nevertheless, the most inquiring and legitimate astrologers may sometimes err, not for any of the reasons stated, but because of their weakness in comparison to the magnitude of the profession, however, just as people do not find fault with the physicians when they examine someone, for speaking both about the sickness itself and about the patient, so too they should not object to the astrologers using foundation for investigation, nation, region or any other already existing accidental qualities, particularly those concerning the origins

Unexpected good often grieves men as bad, and unexpected bad causes the greatest grief to those who have not trained their minds in advance, that foreknowledge is possible and that precautions can be taken in most instances is obvious from the fact that people warm themselves against cold in winter, and cool themselves against heat in summer, similar measures can prove effective with disproportionate amounts of moisture, heat, dryness and cold in the different matters of nativities


Well-known member
It is according to my estimation highly likely that a Salamander will eat worms/a worm if they get the chance on a hungry stomach.


david starling

Well-known member
Russia has been banned from competing in the 2020 Olympics!

Russia was found to be using forbidden "doping" techniques to give their athletes a competitive advantage, and had been warned to stop. It was determined that they were still doing it.

The ancient astrological connection is, the Greek Olympiad games were in honor of Zeus, with the same symbol used in today's Olympics (the 5 rings). Jupiter is derived from Zeus, and very recently ingressed Capricorn. Stricter adherence to rules and regulations where Zeus/Jupiter is concerned when it's in Saturn's Domicile.
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