Does she know?


Well-known member

I met my acquaintance today and she was acting strangely towards me. Nothing too special but weird tone in our meeting. Only thing that comes in to my mind is that she knows I have feelings toward his ex. Is that so? I’m at her 12th house so I’m hidden? But on the other hand she is at her 3th in sign of Mercury, communication. And I think his ex is Sun at her house but at my sign. So he likes me too? Moon is at 7th, so that would make me to say she is aware of the situation. What do you say?


Well-known member
I say, I'm completely confused by all of these different people. We've got:

1. You.
2. Your female acquaintance.
3. A man with an ex. How does he fit in?
4. The man's ex.

Since the moon is void of the course, I don't suppose it much matters.


Well-known member
I say, I'm completely confused by all of these different people. We've got:

1. You.
2. Your female acquaintance.
3. A man with an ex. How does he fit in?
4. The man's ex.

Since the moon is void of the course, I don't suppose it much matters.

He is her ex. There is no fourth person.


Well-known member
Your OP said "his ex". Should this have been "her (your female acquaintance's) ex?

If so: you're symbolized by Venus, a friend/acquaintance would be 11th house, symbolized by Mercury. If this is a man you're interested in, he is a 7th house matter.

Both Venus and Mercury are in his turned 12th house. I suspect both of you are being secretive about the situation.

Venus (you) applies to a sextile with Mars (him) but before it gets there, Venus bumps into a square with Saturn, which looks to me like a prohibition.