Mercury Conjunct Neptune - creativity and confusion


Well-known member
Shout out to any fellow Mercury Conjunct Neptune people out there! Just wondering what other people's experiences with this aspect are like. I'm a writer (journalism/poetry/fiction), a musician (trumpet and voice) and music especially for me is a powerfully deep and transcendent force, as are the literary arts. I'm also pretty in tune with the supernatural and have been told I have some psychic/clairvoyant tendencies, but haven't really tried to develop those.

But I do find that, while I love communicating with people, I often suffer from mental fog/"chatter" and sometimes have trouble separating fact from fiction and disentangling my inner world from the real world such that sometimes there seems to be no distinction. And that can get me in trouble!

(It might also be applicable that Mercury and Neptune are both also conjunct the Sun [Neptune/Sun conjunct almost exactly] in the 12th Capricorn with Mercury also conjunct Ascendant. I also have Uranus in the 12th house but in Sagittarius and not quite conjunct any of my other 12th-house stuff).

What are your guys' experiences with Mercury conjunct Neptune like? If you guys could tell where your Merc/Nep conjunct is located and if it's aspected by other stuff that'd be cool to talk about.

My Neptune-Mercury conjunction is also trine Moon, sextile Pluto, sextile Midheaven, semisextile Venus, and semisquare Mars.
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