New astrological software coming out


Well-known member
Lol when he talks about the charlatans and quacks being brought to justice because of Pluto entering Aquarius, a lot of people here will be punished here by Pluto for delivering bad advice (especially the ones who predicted the election wrong and use astrology to find faults in trump)
xoxoxo :whistling:
just kidding

other than that, looking through the website, the technology doesn’t seem to be that cutting edge. it has a cool looking interface, with a blue-black theme that reminds you of tron or some futuristic movie, but that’s about it. you can literally open up on your phone from a browser and it will be the same. the page is all about pretty graphics and marketing, just like how apple does it.

at this point, I don’t really see what other features this astrology software can add that others have not already. and it wasn’t right throwing Rob Hand under the bus for the video. wtf.

Calculate charts with exact geo-location using the power of Google Maps.
Manage birth records safely on the AstroCloud™ and never lose your charts again!
Network with astrologers and astrology lovers on our social platform.
Get free personalized generated reports for all of your charts.
Learn astrology and use our Predictionary™ for reference.

A cloud for a few bytes of information? Wut? :andy: