Does my husband still loves me and wants to be with me


Well-known member
Our marriage has been stressful. There is alot of hurt and distrust we are dealing with. Conversations of divorce have been brought up by me but it never goes anywhere.
I just want to know if he still loves me and wants to make our marriage work.


Well-known member
Uranus passed over the 7th cusp and moon over Neptune, both signs of what has been going on in the marriage, as you explained it. Both the distrust and the desire to break off. But these aspects have passed.
Mars and Venus are the two significators, and they aren't really relating to each other, except for Venus being in the triplicity of mars, which is not a very strong tie.
Venus is moving away from the opposition to pluto, and she received a trine from moon which was reinforcing, especially since they are both in water signs.
Mars leaves the square with Uranus, indicating that you too were looking for a way out.
Venus comes to a conjunction with mercury, ruler of his 2nd of values and self-esteem, and mars comes to a trine with Jupiter, ruler of your 2nd of values and self-esteem.
So, it would seem that each of you has personal identity issues to work out, internally, before relating to each other in the marriage.
You mars are in Leo, a rather self-centred sign, and the trine with spiritually minded, truth-seeking and knowledgeable Jupiter in sagittarius should help you to reach a better balance in your values and consequently in the relationship.
Chiron is in the 5th of children, do you have children that are stressing the relationship?
For the moment the marriage itself doesn't look threatened, and you are both in a psychological "holding" pattern.
You ask if he still loves you, do you still love him? To work, it has to be reciprocal.
You will probably carry on for the moment, until things take a more positive turn, so if you each prepare yourself to be loving and forgiving you should find each other again.