Algol during 2022


Well-known member
Has anyone seen Amazon's new TV Commercial for "Prime" ?

It highlights non other then
the "Medusa", and her hair of snakes....freezing men when she tires of them.

Check it out. Someone who wrote this, must know astronomy or Astrology:w00t:
some of the comments:
Bartender smiles at the ladies who look like they’re having a fun time. Medusa turns him to stone. “He was asking for it.”....what a chilling line to use


Never fall in love with a gorgon. She'll only leave you in ruin.
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Well-known member
Speaking of Medusa's head. When I visited Turkey in 2007 we went to the Hagia Sophia's underground Cistern built by the Romans during the Byzantine era.

for WitchyOne:
Another thought...for purposes of interpretation, it might be more useful to use the traditional interpretation of the Medusa myth (that she was a monster whose head was used to win a battle). It's impossible for me to view it through any other lens than seeing Medusa as a victim, and so that colors my interpretation, but that is not how the ancients interpreted it.
I suppose what you say is true, because the Romans sure seemed to use her image a lot when they built this city of Constaninople.

Directly across from the Hagia Sophia, (recently turned back into a Mosque), is the entrance to the Cistern. You go down the steps, and you are then "under the city of Istanbul" aka Constantinople when built.

Here is what greets you underground, having sat there for 1,700 yrs:

Its a unique place to visit, because it served then as the water for the entire city. It still leaks of course when it rains from the ground above it, but it has a large "pond" of water and surrounding the water are huge Roman columns with Medusa's heads on top of them, but "upside down" ..... These columns were the rejects for the city, and instead of above ground the rejects were used "below ground" to hold up the ceiling portion of the cistern.

In other words, you see Medusa's head, but "upside down" along with other gorgons. Going to parts of Turkey, is really reminiscent of going back to the way it was 2,000 y rs ago, since there are so many original Roman ruins hardly even ruined!

Very strange. :pouty: Kind of spooky but unique. They also have a "Cistern Cafe" under there if you get hungry I suppose.
The Cistern Basilica in Istanbul was an underground water reservoir built by the Byzantines in the 6th century. One aspect that has puzzled academics to this day is the reasons behind the existence of Gorgon heads within (see picture above) * you can see the snakes coiled in the hair *
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Premium Member
This is a chart for February 19 2022 at noon in Ottawa, Canada

Algol conjuncting the north node.

Toro apex midpoint of Mars/Venus and Neptune.

Pluto trine Algol.

Chiron apex midpoint of Jupiter Uranus.

Air and earth predominate.

AC/DC 25.20 and MC/IC 26.42

Wow! Ouch.

So, looking at Brady’s book and how the interaction of Algol goes with the planets and pivotal points.

Not as bad as I thought.🙂

With the nodes, represent intense sexuality in one’s community.
To give a passionate voice to the people.
A sexual, passionate life in society.
Freedom of the people.

With Pluto, working with the disreputable side of society.
Unfashionable subject’s.
Assassination, or to kill one’s enemies.

To the Pivotal Points, embracing a hard physical life, pitting oneself against the elements.
Seeking challenges.
Fighting against injustice. For oneself and others.



Premium Member
You should look Zosma too. If you don't know about it, read this:, also known as Dhur,at 11°20' Virgo.

Who will do such have dealt with deep suffering; Algol is that too.

A monster who brings despair...but what is a monster? Where's the line between a victim and a monster? I already mentioned such.

Thank you PsychoEclipse, nice link, I will definitely read up on Zosma, and check out where it hangs out in my natal. I know I have it in some books!

Are you going to take some courses?

Many times, they are one and the same. Algol/Medusa/Lilith were victims, I guess you could say they rose above it! 🙂😁😁 Especially Lilith as she flew away!


Well-known member
Thank you PsychoEclipse, nice link, I will definitely read up on Zosma, and check out where it hangs out in my natal. I know I have it in some books!

Are you going to take some courses?

Many times, they are one and the same. Algol/Medusa/Lilith were victims, I guess you could say they rose above it! 🙂😁😁 Especially Lilith as she flew away!
No, I'm not interested in any courses.

Zosma is one of my main stars, it's barely mentioned but I can assure you that is the literal manifestation of the concept "the worst monsters are created through pain".

I've it on my meridian - Zosma (Rise, 0°57') and conjunction with the North Node, it's something that brings good things but the cost of such is that, sometimes, you need to live with pain and deal with it until everything goes well.

It's the suffering that makes you fight for a better life; that's Zosma for me, at least.


Premium Member
No, I'm not interested in any courses.

Zosma is one of my main stars, it's barely mentioned but I can assure you that is the literal manifestation of the concept "the worst monsters are created through pain".

I've it on my meridian - Zosma (Rise, 0°57') and conjunction with the North Node, it's something that brings good things but the cost of such is that, sometimes, you need to live with pain and deal with it until everything goes well.

It's the suffering that makes you fight for a better life; that's Zosma for me, at least.

Well, you know how to pick them, it is on my MC. Also, charity work. Helping others. I will write more tonight.


Well-known member
Well, you know how to pick them, it is on my MC. Also, charity work. Helping others. I will write more tonight.
It can mean many things, like other fixed stars...but for me it has nothing to do with helping others or alike.

Zosma is in my 1th house, along with my Ascendant and my North Node in Virgo. Anything related in my chart clearly states how it wounds me to help others, badly. That's confirmed by the fact that my Sun is in Pisces and my South Node too, but my Sun is in the 6th house and my South Node is in the 7th house. I see the nodes as an "evolution" based on life experiences, something inside you that will bloom from such seed that was there since the beginning. The South Node is something that I see as a part of you that needs to change and the 7th house is related to anything about others. The only planet I've in my 7th house is Mars and it means other types of relationships. I've TD10 in my 7th house too, pretty obvious that it doesn't mean "I want to help!" at all. Another confirmation is that I've Ankaa in my 7th house; it's a fixed star that symbolizes the concept of a phoenix and so...what will be reborn after death. It have importance in my chart more than anything because of its connection to Venus (Set-Cul, 0°26',alh).
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Premium Member
Zosma represents the lumbar region of the back, where he sets on Leo the Lion’s constellation.

Zosma negatively affects the planets it touches. Generally not a star representing the well to do, excepting if they fall from grace.

It represents victims. Either the victim or working with them.

Charity work with victims.

With the points, persecuted, victims that help others, saving oneself and others.

With nodes enjoying the normalities, communication with many, pacifist. Community suffering personalized.
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Well-known member
Zosma represents the lumbar region of the back, where he sets on Leo the Lion’s constellation.

Zosma negatively affects the planets it touches. Generally not a star representing the well to do, excepting if they fall from grace.

It represents victims. Either the victim or working with them.

Charity work with victims.

With the points, persecuted, victims that help others, saving oneself and others.

With nodes enjoying the normalities, communication with many, pacifist. Community suffering personalized.
Well...I think that I fell from grace when I started to enjoy my true nature, probably I never had any.

Even so, if with "persecuted" you mean someone who is always hindered and hated no matter what...yeah, that's me and it's the reason of my very strong will.

I don't work, help, save or do charity with victims because what I feel towards humans is the same emotion they gave me for my entire life: HATE.

I'm not a pacifist AL ALL; if I desire something I can do ANYTHING it takes to achieve it, be it violence or more. I communicate because I have to, but I don't want to share ANYTHING with humans after what I've experienced and if I talk is because of totally different reasons than "being social" or whatever. I don't care about communities, because I don't need anyone to be fulfilled in my own life.


Premium Member
Well...I think that I fell from grace when I started to enjoy my true nature, probably I never had any.

Even so, if with "persecuted" you mean someone who is always hindered and hated no matter what...yeah, that's me and it's the reason of my very strong will.

I don't work, help, save or do charity with victims because what I feel towards humans is the same emotion they gave me for my entire life: HATE.

I'm not a pacifist AL ALL; if I desire something I can do ANYTHING it takes to achieve it, be it violence or more. I communicate because I have to, but I don't want to share ANYTHING with humans after what I've experienced and if I talk is because of totally different reasons than "being social" or whatever. I don't care about communities, because I don't need anyone to be fulfilled in my own life.

Defense mechanisms. I have had similar feelings. I do have Algol on the descendant, and Zosma on the MC, and they contact other entities. Anger lessened, and charity work began.

I can't change the past, but I can change my future.

My Mother nears her end. She tries to make amends, but she still wants to try to control me. That ship passed, so very long ago.

May she be at peace, for now, I am.

Charity work has been an important part of my life, and my healing.

Que Sera


Well-known member
How about Algol for a user name? :lol::

I've used it as part of my username before along with a pic of Medusa. Haaaa

It was mostly in response to people on a site making threads like this one. I thought it would be funny to label myself as the demon. Raaaar! Fear me!

I do have Algol conjunct my ascendant, but it's in a tighter conjunction with the Pleiades.

Edit: Found this about the Pleiades (Alcyon) on the Dark Star astrology website:
Alcyone Rising “The rising Pleiades are indicative of those who are homosexual, like to be flattered, and (with a poorly positioned Mercury) impudent in speech.” 4. “To have artistic or intuitive vision, but recognizing that such vision has the shadow side of giving and receiving harsh judgement”
• Rufus Wainwright, Jessica Savitch, Dionne Warwick, David Beckham, Jacky Chan, Anna Freud.

Well, okay, yeah. I'm not gay, though, just open-minded about it.
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Well-known member
Defense mechanisms. I have had similar feelings. I do have Algol on the descendant, and Zosma on the MC, and they contact other entities. Anger lessened, and charity work began.

I can't change the past, but I can change my future.

My Mother nears her end. She tries to make amends, but she still wants to try to control me. That ship passed, so very long ago.

May she be at peace, for now, I am.

Charity work has been an important part of my life, and my healing.

Que Sera

EXTREMELY important too! You did good Opal :love: Fixed stars like Zosma are simply vibrations that the soul has decided to take on in this lifetime if it's in the natal chart - but vibrations can cause (impel ) us to take wrong turns too.
People think that fate and destiny, kismet are the same but they are not. One can change his or her destiny, if not one's fate. We are fated to be born with natal charts (if human or animal), full of vibrations we earned from past lifetimes or alternate ones we are now working on. Because of this we see so much harm in the charts for people. They don't understand it can be changed, if not in this lifetime, then for eternity imo.

I started a post, with various saved charts having Zosma when born, and bang, along comes Tr Uranus, Tr Mars or what not, triggers tragedies.

From this quote (you have the book) see pg. below -

all of these charts I started the post for, crashed on me, (my stupid computer issues), is Mercury rx? :sad: YEP !!

Too much work to repeat, but had posted the natal info & transits for:

1) a baby born 2 weeks premature, whose mom was shot as well as the baby born with Ceres cj. Zosma, tr Mars triggered this place (along with other planets), and the baby died too. Baby's Moon was 0-1 Cancer.

2) Abu-al Zaqwari - 2006 in Iraq when Tr Uranus opposed Zosma, and tr Uranus was 9 Pisces (opposition place) took him down via his natal Mars was 10 deg. Virgo.

3) a woman astrologer has her n. Moon 11 Virgo when Tr Uranus in 2009, triggered the planet with the cj. of the fixed star, in opposition; and at the same time, Tr Ceres rx triggered the Moon, and she lost her son through a tragic snow accident.
Zosma Moon TR Ceres conj. Moon over 8th House of Death (Son died in ski accident)
Moon rules 7th of marriages, and her husband (11Virgo Moon) dies young

4) a young man born with asteroid Karma 09 Virgo commits suicide when tr Ceres in 2009 was retrograde, and triggered this place opposed to Tr Uranus, and he left this plane.

I always have hundreds of backup charts in my research available to me, (not easy to access during Mercury rx of course), because I want to prove to myself, these vibrations harm for whichever more noteworthy fixed stars we speak of or I write about.

As for the above examples: check out your Robson Fixed Star book under this star....(I lost the post I made regarding Elsbeth Ebertin pointing to suicides, Mars like actions, greater harm, etc. :sideways: However, I just put my hands on the older book "Fixed Stars and their Interpretation by Ebertin-Hoffman pg. 54 and check out Alioth too (On the Great Bear's Tail)

this is what I had from the Robson book- but I found it in her book now but not as long a quote:

"Quite a distance from the Ecliptic, BUT, if felt, will make an impact, as it's Mars-like and of a destructive kind,.
Associated with suicidal thoughts (*see above suicide), joined with the Moon (*see above baby) possible danger through pregnancy and delivery. (baby 2 weeks premature) but both mom & baby shot/died.

also: Potential for: bad fortune within the family circle; fiascos -
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Well-known member
Defense mechanisms. I have had similar feelings. I do have Algol on the descendant, and Zosma on the MC, and they contact other entities. Anger lessened, and charity work began.
It's NOT a defense mechanism; mine is called: "Enough!"

I don't want to lose time with individuals who means NOTHING to me.

There's no reason to keep trying to get a different result when you always get the same one, over and over again.

If you put your bare hands inside a burning fire and expect it to be cold then you're stupid.

I do whatever I desire without caring about how it affects others; humans hates me no matter what I do,'s pointless to even bother to avoid something alike.


Well-known member
I've used it as part of my username before along with a pic of Medusa. Haaaa

It was mostly in response to people on a site making threads like this one. I thought it would be funny to label myself as the demon. Raaaar! Fear me!

I do have Algol conjunct my ascendant, but it's in a tighter conjunction with the Pleiades.

Edit: Found this about the Pleiades (Alcyon) on the Dark Star astrology website:
Alcyone Rising “The rising Pleiades are indicative of those who are homosexual, like to be flattered, and (with a poorly positioned Mercury) impudent in speech.” 4. “To have artistic or intuitive vision, but recognizing that such vision has the shadow side of giving and receiving harsh judgement”
• Rufus Wainwright, Jessica Savitch, Dionne Warwick, David Beckham, Jacky Chan, Anna Freud.

Well, okay, yeah. I'm not gay, though, just open-minded about it.

I'm old enough to recall the TV personality, Jessica Savitch.
From Wiki:
Savitch's friend, WNBC anchor Sue Simmons, said in a 2013 retrospective article marking the 30th anniversary of Savitch's death, "When the books and the movie came out [after her death], they made her out to be this troubled character. Nobody ever talked about her big heart, her loyalty, her sense of humor, and her fabulousness as a person."[17]

On October 23, 1983, twenty days after her problematic NBC broadcast, Savitch had dinner with Martin Fischbein, vice president of the New York Post, in New Hope, Pennsylvania. Savitch and Fischbein had been dating for a few weeks. After eating at the restaurant Chez Odette, they began to drive home about 7:15 p.m., with Fischbein behind the wheel and Savitch in the back seat with her dog, Chewy. Fischbein may have missed posted warning signs in a heavy rainfall. He drove out of the wrong exit from the restaurant, and up the towpath of the old Pennsylvania Canal's Delaware Division on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware River. The car veered too far to the left and went over the edge into the shallow water of the canal. After falling approximately 15 feet and landing upside down in four to five feet of water, the station wagon sank into deep mud that sealed the doors shut. Savitch and Fischbein were trapped inside as water poured in. A local resident found the wreck at about 11:30 that night. Fischbein's body was still strapped behind the wheel, with Savitch and her dog in the back seat
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Well-known member
The Pleiades, also brings eye problems, and even blindness. I know a few who feared this, but it also was genetic and happened to one of these Astrologers - i.e. blindness early in life.

Ref: Edit:
Found this about the Pleiades (Alcyon) on the Dark Star astrology website:
Alcyone Rising “The rising Pleiades are indicative of those who are homosexual, like to be flattered, and (with a poorly positioned Mercury) impudent in speech.” 4. “To have artistic or intuitive vision, but recognizing that such vision has the shadow side of giving and receiving harsh judgement”
• Rufus Wainwright, Jessica Savitch, Dionne Warwick, David Beckham, Jacky Chan, Anna Freud.

Dionne Warwick was a famous singer in my early days, and her niece was the tragic singer with the big voice, singer Whitney Houston. Houston died from a drug overdose in a bathtub far from home where she was set to appear on stage later.