Please help me out!


Well-known member
Hi Magnolia. Namaste`.
Now, I'm afraid I'm not the kind of astrologer that can give dates when you will get a job, but I can provide greater understanding of just what it is that you should seek as pertaining to your occupation.

I rarely venture out of the degree Symbolism sub-forum and into the natal but every great once in awhile I see a thread title and or some reason I feel compelled to check it out.

As is always the case, there seems to be a good reason.

First off, i have to comment on the sign and degree of your Asc. The 19th degree of Pisces. That just so happens to be my Part of {Spiritual} Inheritance and Legacy. The Sabian Symbol given for that degree is as follows {from Dane Rudhyar's, "An Astrological Mandala".


This sign-degree-symbol also happens to be the Part of Fortune for a chart I produced a few years ago based on the date given by the renowned early 20th century American clairvoyant, Edgar Cayce, for that of Yeshu'a ben David, aka Jesus of Nazareth. [I have a book published on this and I have a thread in the degree symbolism sub-forum about it if you are at all interested. Not to worry, I'm not about to try to 'sell you' Christianity, in fact I am a Yogi, have been since 1968. I do, however, believe the Man to have been a genuine Avatar.]

Your natal Moon is in fact conjunct the same Sign and degree as His Asc., the 1st degree of Libra, which by Sabian symbolism represents 'The Perfect Form of Humankind'. His natal Moon is right next to that, in the 30th degree of Virgo, which by the same symbolism is representative of the beginning of the true path of discipleship and "The {start of the path to the true ...ptv} Conquest of Illusion" or Maya.

Your natal Mars shares the same Sign and degree as His Part of Mother {OM Namah Durgaya!}.

Your Jupiter shares the same Sign and degree as his Part of Personal Magnetism aka part of Influence {Asc. + Pluto - Moon, a 'Part" I've yet to confirm being of that which it is titled...but just the same, whatever it truly is, it must be quite a powerful 'Part'...and it just may very well be that which it is titled.}

Saturn, being in the 5th degree of Libra is quite auspicious. As you see, the progression of unfoldment of transformation through the 360 Divine Precepts that the Sabian Symbols represent need to be understood, to be followed, in the reverse order of the Zodiac. That is they follow the moons Nodes, Rahu and Ketu. I f you read the Sabian Symbols for the degrees Libra 5* in reverse to Libra 1* you will see in the symbols illustrated what in Christian lore is the last Supper, the Crucifixion, the absolution of karma and at Libra 1* the symbol given by Rudhyar is {and it is the Sabian Symbol for your Moon}.[ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The immortal archetypal reality that a perfect and dedicated life reveals

Just as the symbol for Aries 1° evoked the keynote of the entire first half of the cycle, i.e. differentiation out of the undifferentiated 'Ocean of potentiality,' this symbol for Libra 1° reveals to the intuitive consciousness the essential character of the second hemicycle. In the yearly cycle we have reached the fall equinox, the symbolic time -of bringing in the harvest in preparation for winter. It is the time consecrated to the seed, just as the spring equinox is consecrated to the germ, the new rise of life which in-forms the growth of individual organisms.
At this autumnal point, the drive toward individualization and self-assertion has lost much of its momentum, while a new trend is successfully and dynamically challenging its hegemony — the trend toward the formation of collectivities of individuals. But this new trend can be misunderstood if seen only superficially as the mere gathering together of individual persons. The process has a much deeper meaning, and indeed an inner source of power, for what is at stake is not merely an aggregation of separate units (simple or already complex, as in the case of 'families'). At the core of this "coming together," the 'descent' or externalization of archetypal realities is gradually occurring. At the Libra stage, these archetypal realities are 'Forms'; at the Scorpio stage they will be 'Powers.' The symbol for this degree of the fall equinox thus describes a 'perfect form' — the result of the metamorphosis of 'worm' into butterfly, a process the symbolism of
which has so often been used to indicate to man the possibility of his being transformed into 'more-than-man,' the transhuman being, the true Initiate, the Adept, the Perfect. The perfect butterfly is impaled by a fine dart; the symbol of 'dart of wisdom' was used in Marc Jones's mimeographed course, while the original notation of what the clairvoyant had seen indicated 'a butterfly made perfect by a dart through it,' suggesting a process of perfection through sacrifice.
As I see it, the dart can hardly be said to have made the butterfly perfect, but it keeps it perfect by killing the living organism. The impaled butterfly is preserved by the dart which 'fixes' it in perfection for a whole cycle, i.e. it makes an archetype of it. By thus escaping the normal process of dying and decay, the butterfly form (the 'perfection') is kept. It is kept in the mystical Shamballah, where it is said that the Pattern of Man is kept, just as the perfect bar measuring exactly one meter is (or was) kept in a crypt in Paris, where the metric system was originally devised.
The perfect butterfly thus represents the outcome of the process of occult discipleship symbolized by the sign Virgo. From then on, a new process begins, that of collectivization; at the very core of that new process the perfect Form of Man must remain as a standard of value if this process is to be valid and meaningful

This is the first statement in the thirteenth scene of the great ritual drama. It is an actional phase because in it the perfection of individual activity is revealed and immortalized. This is the symbolical Transfiguration; at the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus, the Son of Man, was 'impaled' by the ray of Divine Light, making of him a Son of God. It was at this very moment that he learned of the Crucifixion awaiting him. Thus the merely human individual is MADE SACRED, becoming the pure embodiment of an archetype."

Your natal Neptune is in the same Sign and degree as his Part of Praise aka Part of Sentiment {and it is a symbol of 'Imagining'... very Neptunian!}

Your natal Mercury, is conjunct my natal Venus and it is symbolized by [ibid.]:


KEYNOTE: Attunement to the potency of invisible forces, of nature."

I have some photos i took a little over 6 years ago of a number of these 'Nature Spirits', 'Sprites', as many of us in America call them. I have had few very close encounters with them. ...this might not mean anything special as to your natal Mercury, but then again... it just well might! {One has 'bonded' with me...and 'it' does have its' influence on my communication with others in this endeavor.}

Your natal Pluto is in the same Sign and degree as my natal Saturn {which is, although in the following degree, is conjunct my natal neptune by less that 30' of a degree.} The Sabian Symbolism [ibid.]

"CHANTICLEER'S VOICE HERALDS SUNRISE." ...please note that I have been faithfully [as faithfully as possible} performing Surya Pujas at dawn for over twelve years, presently. They Rock! I cannot emphasize enough, if you are of the Sanatan Dharm, to perform any of the Surya Pujas you are knowledgeable of.

I'm glad that you chose Placidus, as that has proven to be the appropriate house system for interpreting ones role symbolically as to the affairs of that particular House. The 12th House cusp reveals what your answer is to the greatest problem facing Humankind, World Society. Your 12th House cusp being at the 14th* degree of Aquarius, your answer is thus: [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The ability to short-cut the process of natural evolution by the exercise of will, mental skill and physical self-discipline.

In this symbol we see a condensation of what is implied in the three preceding ones. Man must be inspired by a vision of what is possible for him to achieve; he has to organize a schedule of necessary activities if the work is to be done in terms of successive moves, each requiring a specialized type of skill and strength (i.e. a hierarchy of functions); he has to find a propitious time for beginning the work. The end result is an acceleration of the evolutionary process, whether at the psychobiological level (that of yoga and other similar disciplines) or at the social level, i.e. the level at which, in its external aspect, civilization proceeds.

This fourth stage symbol presents a picture of what can be achieved by a combination of social and cultural, and even personal, techniques. It implies the possibility of shortening the length of time needed for progress by cutting through obstacles and delays. The Keyword is PENETRATION." let's get on to your problem!

Your Part of Fortune, that is symbolically that which by adopting as your attitude, action, state of mind, etc. {See what i wrote above about the Part of Fortune for Jesus of Nazareth} will provide you with the most "Fortunate" set of circumstantial outcomes in achieving the fulfillment of your Dharma.
Your Part of Fortune {diurnal formula only, please} is at 21* Leo 32' {and although in the following degree, it is conj. my natal Pluto at 20* Leo 48'} and its Sabian Symbol is: [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: Spirituality, in terms of training for service to mankind.

In contrast with the intoxicated chicken, we now have the successfully trained carrier pigeon delivering the message it was its function to carry. Here the domesticated bird is seen endowed with a special significance and purpose. This refers to spiritual energies which are being used constructively and which bring to the consciousness messages from other realms. Individual realizations acquire their true meaning only as they fulfill a collective function.

This second stage symbol clearly presents a contrasting alternative to what the preceding picture revealed. The 'release' of higher energies becomes effective and valuable to the extent to which it serves a higher, but concrete and definite, purpose. This is the ideal of the WORLD SERVER."

Your Part of Destiny [M.C. + Sun - Moon] is at 18* Cancer 37' [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The ritualization of productive interpersonal relationships.

This scene symbolizes the profound need for referring the interplay and the relatively permanent and productive union of all polarities to some third factor which either includes, or transcends and gives spiritual meaning to, the relationship. A conjugal union is essentially and traditionally the union of a man and a woman for the sake of producing progeny able to perpetuate the racial type, the family tradition and the way of life of a particular culture (or 'subculture'), including a set of religious beliefs. The married couple is the basic productive unit in our society - as it has been for millennia in all patriarchal societies. The purpose of any established religion (including tribal cults) is to glorify, sanction and bless with a super-personal meaning all personal and interpersonal activities. This occurs through the sacraments,' and indeed through most religious rites.

At this fourth stage of the five-fold sequence we are given the basic technique used in all processes of effectual social or group integration. It is the technique which takes the form of sociocultural, and thus business or religious, ritualization. Through this technique commonplace individual endeavors acquire SANCTION; that is, they are ritualized and indeed 'sanctified.'"

Your Part of Vocation aka Part of Status [M.C. + Moon - Sun] is at 25* Taurus 27' [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The ritualization of individual desires.

At this level we see the play of collective values as they affect the individual person and indeed confirm his individuality by giving it a solid basis in a tradition. The individual is still attached to these group-values; he 'belongs.' Nevertheless, this state is necessary for a safe and secure sense of differentiation within an enfolding whole. Music and the culturally acceptable rituals of love are cultural products, yet each person can use them for the spontaneous fulfillment of his very own desires.

This is the first symbol in the twelfth five-fold series. It reveals the individual human being making use of his personal status to find fulfillment and a sense of social identity. This is ROLE-PLAYING in its most enjoyable form."

Your Part of Sudden Advancement [Asc. + Part of Fortune - Saturn] is at 04* Aquarius 46', the 5th* degree of Aquarius: [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The Root foundation of past performances which power and sustain whatever decision is made in a crisis by an individual.

The whole past of mankind stands behind any individual effort, especially in times of critical decisions. The endeavor of the priests who built the California missions had behind it the whole past of Catholic proselytizing, i.e. the attempt to bring the 'Good News' to all people of the Earth. Every individual is far more dependent upon the strength of their ancestors' achievements — or oppressed by their failures and lack of vision — than they usually believe. This can mean a hidden foundation of individual strength, or the inertia of a tradition unable to transcend its limited origins.

This is the last symbol in the sixty-first five-fold sequence. It suggests that in many situations RELIANCE UPON PRECEDENTS will enable the aspirant to greatness to tap the power of their deepest roots."

Your M.C. at 22* Sag. 02' is the following degree {but possibly by gps rectification might be in the same degree} as the Part of {Spiritual} Inheritance and Legacy of that Man from Nazareth. The M.C. is the "HOW" of ones natal chart when interpreted in a 'Spiritually Evoluntionary' manner {that is when one reads the symbols in the reverse order. To read it in the other direction it becomes the "WHY", but in that direction it is a "Materially Involutionary" becomes more immersed/enmeshed in Maya.}
The 23* degree of Sagittarius is: [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: Consciously accepting the ways of a new stage of experience, in readiness for the opportunities it will present.

As we pass any threshold leading to a new realm of existence we have to meet certain requirements and the necessity to adjust to new ways of life – in action, thought and feeling. At times this may seem an ordeal but it is inevitable. Everything that will follow depends largely on how we cross this threshold, and on the spirit in which we meet unfamiliar and perhaps shocking experiences.

At this third stage of the fifty-third five-fold sequence we face a combination of the two preceding symbols. We find ourselves in a period of TRANSITION. We have to imitate, yet retain our inner integrity."

You see, the Asc. symbolism is "WHO" we are, and the Desc. the "WHERE-TO" {or "WHOM-TO", as it is sometimes more appropriate} and the M.C. is "HOW" this transition is to be accomplished {The Part of Fortune and Part of Sudden Advancement give one a 'boost'.}...and the I.C.. or Nadir, symbolizes "WHY"... and for you that is the 23* degree of Gemini {but please note what I said about the possibility of gps rectification and the M.C./I.C. being of the 22nd* degrees of Sag./Gemini...but regardless, as this is so very, very close to the cusp you should also take a measure of the symbolism for the 22nd* degree anyways. [and if rectified and is in the previous degree but still very close to the cusp you should still take a measure of each.

Here's the Sabian Symbolism for your I.C. in the 23rd* degree of Gemini {and please note that as Neptune is so close in conj. to the M.C., you should also take the Sabian Symbolism for the 25th degree of Sagittarius as it is applied to Neptune and then apply a measure of that, also, to the M.C. and its symbolism for "HOW"}

The symbolism for "WHY", i.e. the 23rd* of Gemini: [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The growth of spiritually creative processes in an at least relatively integrated mind.

In traditional symbolism birds usually refer to spiritual forces, or at least to the higher and freer aspects of the mind. Here we see only the very beginning of a process in what we might also call "'he upper chamber' of the consciousness where the creative power of the spirit can be received and assimilated. Fecundated by the spirit and supported by a deeply rooted cultural and vitalistic tradition, man can gradually develop an integral personality. It is essentially three-fold, reflecting the Divine Trinity, in India expressed as Sat-Chit-Ananda.

This is the third stage of a process which should lead to a deeper and more natural understanding of human existence. It suggests that the ambitious mass protests of aroused and largely blind desires should be transmuted through harmonization with natural drives and in terms of spontaneous responses attuned to the phases of natural evolution. Stressed here is CREATIVE INTEGRATION."

In addition your Chiron is exactly conj. my natal /sun and the preceding degree to my natal Desc.... your natal Nodes are the degree following those of my own and a couple of other gals that are members of this forum...and those for the natal of the USA.

A most auspicious chart for its Sabian symbolism, indeed!
As it is quite past my bed time here in California {almost 5:30 a.m.} I must retire, I would have written more.. but... if you have any questions or need any further clarification just let me know.



Thank you so much for your time to analyse my chart.

1. I actually follow vedic astrology so I dont understand natal chart so
some of the things u have written were not understood by me.

2. I am very spiritual and very inclined towards astrology

3. I am Hindu, so I believe in Hanuman ji and Durga ji and read the chalisas everyday and also offer water to Sun in the morning after taking bath.

4. I am struggling since last 10 years in my growth yet, and am jobless right now and feeling so lost and depressed.


Well-known member
Namaste` Magnolia.
I had forgot to point out last night [as the post i wrote turned into something a bit longer than I anticipated and was falling asleep. Then my internet was 'down' for 8 hours...] that your Part of Destiny is @ 18* Cancer 37' and that Jupiter will conjunct that on October 3rd. On the 3rd, also, Mars will be trine your M.C.
This is very auspicious. You should get some encouraging news on, or, soon after that day.
{That is what I meant by the timing of my intervention here, as this event is just a few days away.}

Your chart axis shows you to be a very spiritual person and that no matter what it is that you end up doing career wise, you will bring a certain amount of 'sanctity' into it.

Your Part of Fortune being symbolically; "A CARRIER PIGEON FULFILLING ITS MISSION" and Rudhyar's "Keynote" definition/interpretation being: "KEYNOTE: Spirituality, in terms of training for service to mankind" is the most wonderful of all! You have been "Called". Just remember the old adage, "Many are called but few are chosen". That is a Occidental adage because of the great lack of true spirituality here in the West the last 2000 years.
{Since the Guruampara came to America a hundred years ago, We have been making progress} By doing your sadhana with devotion you will be chosen.

The symbolism for your Part of Sudden Advancement shows you the action that will provide you with the biggest boost up that ladder to completing your dharma. That is the more spiritual you actually are the more it is quite literally that.
Your is, "A COUNCIL OF ANCESTORS IS SEEN IMPLEMENTING THE EFFORTS OF A YOUNG LEADER." it could mean quite literally that... or, as Rudhyar summated it, it could be rather; "It suggests that in many situations RELIANCE UPON PRECEDENTS will enable the aspirant to greatness to tap the power of their deepest roots."

You'll realize at some point in your life that is what gave you, or would have given you had you seized the opportunity, that greatest help that effort towards that action would have provided. As the Part of Sudden Advancement is also known as the part of Nemesis, it does mean that an extra effort of will is required to achieve it. It is a test with a reward.

I am basically a Hindu also. My last life was in India and it is said that I knew Gandhi. I have no memory of this. {I know of 7 of my past lives. Every one of them of a life led in spiritual pursuit.} I am a disciple of the bij-mantra, OM., as explained by Swami Sivananda in his book on Japa Yoga, Himalaya Press, 1977. I have no other Sat Guru than the bij-mantra itself. It is a 'reverse' yoga, in that one works through mastery of their chakras in the reverse order. It is a path that is not one of becoming an ascetic but one that requires me to remain in the world among all people.
It was by the Grace of Sri Rama that I was given my second revelation by making samyama on His Name 40 years ago. OM Sri Jai Ram, Hare Rama OM!. I do Surya Pujas daily, make Japa to Hanuman, the Durga Mother, Lakshmi, Ganesha, Mata Kali, Rama and, of course, Krishna. I also make japa to Yeshu'a, [Jesus] as I am also in service to his cause.

I also became a "protectorate" of the Sadhan order of Yoga in India under the care and watch of Sri Prabhu Ram Lal, as for the work I do be recognized for its importance.

OM Tat Sat OM
Hare Krishna Hare Rama OM.
Prema Nam,
Devananda, aka piercethevale.
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Thanks again to explain my chart further and better.

Glad to know and meet a fellow Indian from his past life. God bless you!