Job problem




My name is Joana, I was born in Lisbon in 29th October, 1976 at 20:25. I'm 28 years old and some people have told me that because of Saturn this could be a hard year. The truth is that I feel that nothing is happening in my professional life. I'm stuck in a difficult situation and he opportunities just don’t come. Can anyone see in my map if this situation will persist in the near future. Can in be caused by a planet?

Thank you


Staff member


I hope that your "career" has something to do with "self-expression" or drama or the theatre or performing arts or something with hobbies! The reason is your North node (future goals) is conjunct (energy is combined with) a stellium (collection of energy) in the 5th house (self-expression). So it is your goal in life to express yourself somehow.

You will very soon have your "Saturn return" when Saturn returns to the place it was at birth. At this time you are "tested" at achieving the Saturn energy indicated in your chart and on how well you have done at becoming an adult. With Leo (self-expression) (there's that term again!) modifying Saturn (duty, also career) focused in the 3rd house (thinking, also communicating), there is a strong need to have some sort of career that involves self-expressive communication.

Your Solar Return chart (energy of your birthday year) has Aries (being, also action) modifying North node (yearly goal) focused in the 10th house (duty, also career), so you have a focus on career this year, but it will take some action on your part. Keep working at your career, figure out new ways to express yourself and communicate, and see what happens. With transiting (planet in the sky) Jupiter (expansion) conjuncting (energy is combined with) your 5th house stellium, this could be a time of opportunity for you in your self-expression.

One other thing that may explain some of the challenges. Transiting Pluto (transformation, also power) is conjuncting your Descendant (others), forcing you to transform your relationships...keeping those which are useful to you and discarding the rest. It's a time of cosmic closet cleaning in the relationship area!

No gurantees, but you have strong energy and career focus. Things will change when you become fully master of your new energy and relationships.

Self-empowering others,



Thank You

Hi Tim,

Thank you very much for your answer. Unfortunately my job has nothing to do with self-expression or communication. I did management university and I've been working in a Finance Department since I finish the course. Maybe that's why I feel so lost and unhappy. The biggest problem is that I feel impotent to change the situation. To tell you the truth what I really feel like doing is firing myself and see what happens, but I don't have the courage right now to do it. Lets see how the planets will help me solving this big problem.

About the relationship's true.

Thank you


Staff member
Learn basic astrological chart interpretation


Now might be a good time to learn the basics of astrology. This would help "ground" you in your career choices and make decisions about your future which go best with your energies. Follow the six steps at this website and soon you will understand the basics of you:

You will also quickly see which I mean about "self-expression"!

Trying to help,
