Is there a black Magic on me

Fluffy Girl

Well-known member
Hello forum,

I'm here again after a long time, i read a thread here regarding black magic. I didnt actually know that we can ask it through horary. I wanted to ask this question on me because my life is very upset and I had a doubt due to few facts that some black magic is there.

my question is that Has someone doen the black magic on me? what is the objective if the answer is yes.?

I have attached the chart. Although I'm new to answering such question but im giving it a try.

The lord of first house is in the 12th, I'm saturn. The lord of 1st house is in the 5th, that is Mercury. Mercury is separating from Saturn by 2 units.
The magic was done 2 units back? 2 days back or 2 years back on me ?

As per Lilly if lord of the ascendant in the twelfth (many other possiblities were also mentioned in the book) then it is possible otherwise not. In my chart this applies.

If the Lord of the ascendant be an unfortunate Planet, as Mars or Saturn, and be in the twelfth house, Combust and infortunated by the Lord of the twelfth, it imports the man is bewitched by a common Witch.


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Well-known member
Probably it was. But Moon is leaving apart from Neptune now. And Saturn is exalted on the cusp of 1st, which gives strength against any black magic.

Good Luck


Well-known member
I never liked the term "black magic" there is no such thing as "black magic" or "white magic" imo it is the person doing the magic that makes it "bad" or "good".
If you're really worried about it, try this:

Protect me, protect me, protect me and (who/what is important to you)
From anyone and everyone
From anything and everything
That could or would
Can or will
May or might
Do (us/me) harm of any kind whatsoever.

Repeate it three times when you go to bed, and get some sleep. Everyone goes through a rough patch now and then.


Well-known member
Yank a hair from your head, root ball and all. get a bowl of water and drop the hair in the water, if it floats you're alright...if it sinks...well.
[I've been there...but it means things aren't just going wrong...things are getting weird...and weirder...]
If you're convinced of it one remedy I've heard of is called the Mexican egg trick. Take a raw egg still intact in the shell and in your hand roll it from the crown of your head down to your toes. Then take the egg put it in a brown paper bag fold the top over to close it and take it someplace far from your residence and leave it.
Stand in the Sunlight and repeat 5 times OM Surya Namah, then say OM at the conclusion. Now if you feel threatened by anything again ask God to fill you with his Eternal Holy Light and mentally picture yourself projecting it into a wall or shield between you and the threat. You can also think and project it as a bolt of force at any entity you perceive as Demonic and if they are they should jump like they've just been stuck with a large needled.

Say that Sun prayer [Mantra] every morning facing the sun and continue to use a Theourgic [a prayer to God or one of the Holy Archetypes]. Elemental Black Magic cannot stand up to Light all elements are made of Light and Energy [E = MC sq ...isolate for M [Matter] you get M = E/C sq...] Eventually it will cease on it's own as the instigator has to put a time limitation on the 'rite'...but If you've done a real good job of what I've given you it will even turn against the instigator, [often, as most 'Witches' are't good enough to really keep in control of what they've unleashed].
May God protect you with Gods' Eternal Holy Light and Eternal Energy [both represented by the word OM as both are one with the Logos, OM ]

I am also known as Devananda...and not for nothing..but, because I can invoke the Angelic ...

I should say that it is easier for me than most due to a Saturn/Neptune conj. of less than 30' of a degree.
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Well-known member
Also, get some Kosher Salt for protection. Smudge your residence and put a perimeter of the Salt across all ways of, doors, chimneys..etc...say names of God while doing so.
Reg salt will do...but Kosher Salt is ever more powerful than Holy water as Salt will protect to some degree even if not blessed but water won't. Imagine what happens when you bless salt. And the rites of the Rabbis are more correct and thus more powerful than any priests of Christian sects. Addendum 6/9 So as not to slight the 'Belief' or it's followers I have to be fair and add ...[Although I'm not considering the accomplished adepts/mystics of Christianity...I would assume that a Gnostic Christian of much study and practice will know all this and most likely more] A true Guru of Sanatan Dharm probably the most powerful of all.

[names of God to repeat: Sat Nam [Truth is Gods Name]
Prema Nam [Love is Gods Name] Say OM at the start and finish as that seals your prayer from being undone from either end.
OM May God Bless and Protect You OM

ps...take a spray bottle and dissolve some Kosher Salt in water put it in the bottle and spray the air of the rooms too. Especially around the ceilings and specifically the it in a systematic way of as if you were sweeping all the dirt out of your residence...after that use the Salt across the entries to seal up your residence. You also can set up a crystal grid, get some quartz crystals...cleanse them in an immersion of Kosher salt for 7 days and then put one at ever corner of every room in your residence
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Well-known member
Thanks! I love that! Said it three times already, am printing it out so I can do this at home when I get the heebie jeebies...
I came up with that when I was being harassed by a co-worker who was a bit loony. It is and always should be "first, do no harm". It worked. The other person was reprimanded and later, left for another job. I think we all need something that sets our minds at ease.


Well-known member
The main to to remember is that for every action possible in creation there is an equal and opposite possible action ...this is a universal law of physics.
What I getting at is if there is a 'rite'...a 'ritual' that causes you to be vexed....there is another rite or ritual that can undo it...all rites performed with elemental ingredients can be nullified by 'Light' rituals all elements are composed of light and Einstein stated with his famous equation...break down any piece of matter as completely as you can and all you have is light and energy. The light you are composed of is eternal and uniquely conscious...because of that you have the ability to control light. That is a true light worker.
Word and Light are one. [in Sanskrit the word is pronounced OM or AUM ptv]..learn the proper prayers/mantras/incantations that let you attune to the light and if you practice diligently eventually you'll find that the light is yours to project as you desire it to. [I discovered that the ancient Sanskrit mantras to the Light and the Sun do work...but that is what I'm inclined towards and feel natural and comfortable with. but I do have a Saturn/Neptune conj within 30' of a degree...which does give me a aptitude for doing it.] But until one masters that particular yoga remember your Kosher Salt, Sage for smudging, prayers to your Archetype...[names of God are very effective as I said]...the more you employ the more defense you'll's cumulative.
A word of warning...don't ever let anyone get ahold of some of your hair with the rootball attached, I know first hand what a wicked and or vindictive person can do with such to harm possibly even get you killed. I understand that fingernail or toenail clippings are just as potent. I don't know what to do with them...but someone does.
It's a combination of words and element [hair or nails] and probably some ritual actions...but it can be I said above.
Best yet...don't let yourself be compromised and find yourself in such a position....but if you ever do...remember...Your fear is their greatest weapon...they primarily try to get you to do harm to yourself.
Those that love Sri Ram might want to find a copy of the Hanuman Chalisa or better yet learn it and recite it oneself.

The following is from wikipedia from the page "The 36 Tattvas"
[as wiki is from no one author nor is it copyrighted I believe the 100 word rule doesn't apply here for copying text....[Whooopie!]

Articulation of speech
Depending on the position where the tongue articulates speech, there are a number of classes of sounds: velar, palatal, cerebral, dental and labial. In Kashmir Shaivism each class of phonemes is correlated with specific mantric energies of the sound.[23]. The full sequence of phonematic energies is called mātṛkā and contains 50 sounds, associated with the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. On a cosmic scale, the creation of the universe is described in Kashmir Shaivism as an evolution of sound, a descending process originating from the level of logos (pārāvak). Each phoneme represents a stage in the process of evolution, a tattva, a world in itself. Sounds are associated with energies and ultimately with aspects of consciousness. The magical power of sounds and words is derived from this association with energy (śakti) and consciousness (śiva). The study of these energies is an essential part of Kashmir Shaivism[24].
Vāk (speech) is seen as the result of the dynamic union of two parts that form the mouth (upper and lower), a complementary union of the opposites, yin and yang. There is always such a fusion of yin and yang at the basis of any creative process.
[edit]Speech as a creative power
Vak tattva plays a major creative role in the human being as the instrument of speech and as such, the origin of the interior world of thought. Speech acts as a mirror of the exterior reality, duplicating everything that exists outside into the mind. The word is the vehicle of the limited ego, ahamkara. The word as such is an imperfect tool though, because while it can reflect the exterior reality it always approximates. For example, when we say I saw a man we don't say much - what kind of man, what impressions did he give us, etc. The word is just an abstraction from reality. Thus language is at the same time a tool and an obstacle in knowledge.[25]
[edit]Three creative voids
Together with the mouth (the void that creates speech), two other creative aspects of the human body are the vulva (yoni) and the Heart (hṛdaya). Yoni creates both human life and of the energy of spiritual evolution (that is, the energy of transmuted sexual fluids and ascending kuṇḍalinī). The heart (hṛdaya, aham), as defined in Kashmir Shaivism, is a matrix of energies centered around the Self (atman), substrate and center for all the activities of consciousness. Yoni, heart and mouth represent three levels of the void and three centers of creative power.
In relation to sexual activity, both mouth and yoni are somewhat similar in form and role and sometimes their use is reversed (see the so called 69 sexual position). Kissing it begins a prelude to the sexual union and serves as a symbol of it. The mouth is the source of the exterior speech, but on the highest level, pārāvak (supreme word) is also named Logos Spermatikos in Greek - (spermatikos=seed, a sexual reference to its role as a creative power).[26] Thus we can see the multiple parallels and connections between mouth and yoni as both are expressions of the creative void, matrices of creation present in the human body.
[edit]Levels of speech
Speech is considered in Kashmir Shaivism to exist on multiple levels, but only the exterior (or spoken) speech is expressed through vak tattva. The full scale of speech is as follows:
vaikharī vāk - spoken word, exterior
madhyamā vāk - mental speech, interior
paśiantī vāk - pure intentionality, pre-speech
pārāvak - identical to the nature of the Spirit
As the self is expressed in three levels, ego, soul and spirit, so is speech expressed in three different ways:
at the level of the ego (ahaṃkāra), speech is fully differentiated; it includes madhyamā vāk and vaikharī vāk, thus the vehicle of speech is the word itself
at the level of the soul (jivatman, or puruṣa in Kashmir Shaivism) language is not ruptured from its real signification any more; it can be described as paśiantī vāk, the language of mantric syllables, symbols and non-sequential instant knowledge (intuition).
at the level of the spirit (atman), language is expressed as supreme word - pārāvak; in term of sound, it is represents silence[29]; here there is only one single reality and one single meaning and it is described in a multitude of concepts, all approximative, as conscious light (prakasa-vimarsa), compact mass of consciousness and beatitude (cid-ananda-Ghana), supreme freedom (svatantrya), atemporal vibration (spanda) and the spontaneous flash of conscious light that projects objects into reality (abhasa). Thus at this level there is absolutely no difference between the word and its significance.
On this scale vak tattva corresponds to the first level of speech, that of the ego and vaikharī vāk.
[edit]Limiting power of words
The power of words is that of creating a new world, a world of the mind. Words act as symbols of external reality, yet their very act of indicating (or reflecting the exterior reality) is imprecise. Being trapped into the prison of words, ruptured from direct experience, the western philosophy is limited to an edifice of mental speculation.[30] While philosophy relies solely on words it cannot be a true path to the absolute Truth, because words are imprecise, limited tools.[31] Thus in Kashmir Shaivism as in many other oriental spiritual schools, accent falls on direct experience and realization through the means of the various disciplines of yoga and meditation. In Shaivism, words play as references, mere guide marks or pointers for the consciousness in its endeavor of rediscovering its true nature.[32]
[edit]Occult power of the word
The word has spiritual, magical, mystical and even demoniac powers,
some of which are described in the following concepts:
mantra - the sacred syllable, both sound and spiritual energy, is a fundamental tool in tantra and consequently, in Kashmir Shaivism (see the practice of japa and uccara)
prayer and religious chanting - are essential instrument in religious rituals
casting a spell, incantation - speech is the principal magical instrument
scriptures - sacred words considered to be originated from God Himself
, such as agamas in Kashmir Shaivism; a notable difference between the occidental scriptures and the Kashmir Shaivism agamas is that the agamas are considered to be Shiva Himself, in the form of word, not just the mere words of Shiva
degraded speech - curses and profanities - associated with demoniac resonances
satya siddhi - the power of efficient speech - whatever one says, comes true - such a power is said to be the result of the practice of satya - truthfulness
nyasa - a magical ritual of imposing mantras with the hand on specific parts of the human body, thus awakening the latent occult powers within it


Well-known member
there a chart in christian astrology if one is bewitched

might want to look into that

Curious?...a chart?...are you implying some sort of Horary? and as to 'Christian Astrology" just what would that be? I've never heard the term least not before now and not at this forum [ I've heard of Magi astrology , Hermetic Astrology, Enochian Astrology, they could be called Christian I would surmise just from the title given to that type of astrology...why not?...or Esoteric Astrology of the Theosophists as they do believe in the man from Nazareth last time I checked and are Christians as to the purest sense of the definition...'i.e. 'Good Men"...]
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Well-known member
this is a horary board. the questor asked a question regarding black magic ... out of 10 replies, 0 horary input ..

we have been talking about Christian astrology book written by William Lilly from day 1 when the forum has been opened. you just found this? it is not Christianity book.. it is called Christian astrology / horary because back then anything astrology was considered a witchcraft. Remember inquisition? Rosicrucians used astrology heavily and they were very religious Christian fellowship. They are def protestants than roman catholics. There are still classes taught in Rosicrucian centers

yes there is a chart on that 12th house matters with an outcome i believe

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Well-known member
this is a horary board. the questor asked a question regarding black magic ... out of 10 replies, 0 horary input ..

we have been talking about Christian astrology book written by William Lilly from day 1 when the forum has been opened. you just found this? it is not Christianity book.. it is called Christian astrology / horary because back then anything astrology was considered a witchcraft. Remember inquisition? Rosicrucians used astrology heavily and they were very religious Christian fellowship. They are def protestants than roman catholics. There are still classes taught in Rosicrucian centers

yes there is a chart on that 12th house matters with an outcome i believe


:pinched:I figured that was it...just wanted to be sure that is what you were referring too...i din't think that you had much to do with Lilly...[I'm sure you don't need to hear my opinion of Lilly [again] or have the slightest desire to..and as far as using anything Lilly had to give for protection from witchcraft:rolleyes:...good luck with that...

Besides...if one has been targeted and by an don't need a Horary chart to tell you won't be questioning if it'll be asking 'what do i do now"...and rather urgently and hopefully not, as yet, desperately.
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Well-known member
:pinched:I figured that was it...just wanted to be sure that is what you were referring too...i din't think that you had much to do with Lilly...[I'm sure you don't need to hear my opinion of Lilly [again] or have the slightest desire to..and as far as using anything Lilly had to give for protection from witchcraft:rolleyes:...good luck with that...

A. i dont believe in witchcraft - no need for protectiion if nothing was done
B. I read and chewed Lilly's horary book still have questions with wording but otherwise quite comfortable after reading and rereading
c. the querent asked the question as horary it should be read as such. my answer to the querent is NO .. she is not cursed there is no black magic casted on her becaue saturn is in 1st house strong *5 degree rule) and moon is void nothing will come of the question so NO... Saturn retro in 1st hous - never good news - but then again you do not want any possitive signification in this chart
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Well-known member
A. i dont believe in witchcraft - no need for protectiion if nothing was done
B. I read and chewed Lilly's horary book still have questions with wording but otherwise quite comfortable after reading and rereading

I don't recall posting this at this forum's very very real...very disturbing and i try not to empower it by talking about it with those that are skeptical, not informed, not experienced...etc...[I have family in the intelligence that I mean they list their home office as located in Langley, Virginia...and not newcomers to the of whom has been been in service since the 40s'...albeit has recently retired in his 70s as was given an 'consultant' position in his later years.]
watch part 2 if no other segment...that's what I'm talking about..there are more witches covens in No.Calif than anywhere else on have no the least...many of the old gold rush towns in remote areas of the sierra foothills have been completely taken over...children go missing constantly...what goes on in the old mines presently is of such despicable and disturbing a thing as one would not dare to imagine...
I wish i was still a naive young man that I once was...ignorance can be bliss...if one doesn't have to rely on their ignorance...[and being ignorant is not something to be ashamed of...or need to get defensive about...but is painful to watch being clung to by one in peril.]

I don't know how correct he is as to his final assumptions/conclusions he does make...but, I do believe in his intelligence, training, sincerity and that He is forth right and honest...and I'm sure that he believes in his abilities, his soundness of mind and his logic...and I do too. [and like I said...i do have an 'informed' source as to the genuineness of Ted and the first rate caliber of his training, his intellect and his abilities.]
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Well-known member

i dont give a rat's azz if there are witches flying on a broom crossing the moon or what have you casing spells and etc.. Querent asked "Has someone doen the black magic on me? what is the objective if the answer is yes.?"

do you have anything astrological to add? seriously



Well-known member

i dont give a rat's azz if there are witches flying on a broom crossing the moon or what have you casing spells and etc.. Querent asked "Has someone doen the black magic on me? what is the objective if the answer is yes.?"

do you have anything astrological to add? seriously


Don't git yer bloomers in a bunch dear...I've already stated as much as i care too...any more would only scare the kiddies...besides, as effective as I'vce seen Horary charts and techniques to be...i certainly wouldn't useit or advise anyone else to use it to deal with something as great of a threat... as serious a mater as "Dark Rites" aka 'black magic' you your self said you don't believe in've already given all possible cause and reason to disregard your posts as nothing more than a side ways remark from just another observer... or innocent bystander...why you thought you had anything to contribute of useful value or that you felt a need to comment at all is the only matter concerning you that interests me at all as regarding this thread.
I take that did state your case as an astrologer trained and studied in Horary...and as to that, I do apologize...but I still believe it to be of no practical value as regarding the issue.
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