Accept job offer???

Lion o ness

Well-known member
I have worked for the same job for over 23 yrs, i just feeli like cant do it anymore. I have applied for 1 place, interviewd and have been offered the job.

My delimma is its a sales position, well sort of.
Its buying used cars for a dealership. My big concern is the hourly rate is extremely low compared to what i make now, however i woukd get a bonus for every car i purchased. Which means income can in the long run be so much more. But of course i have my worries. Im not sure what to do. Any help advice?

If it helps it would be going from car rental to car dealership.

Chart beliw, had a hard time posting

Lion o ness

Well-known member
Ok im a novice so bare with me. Im mars in new job is sun, which dont aspect. Jupiter is conjunct me but in rx its going back, my big concern is money jupiter which looks igood in h1.
Would h6 be my current job?

Honestly i have no clue how to read it :(