Spain (Super Cup => First Round) : Ath Bilbao vs Barca


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The issue here is to determine relevant related planets for each team :

Barca => Yellow Shirt , Blue Short , Red Strips in back (Mars or Merc)
Atl Bilbao => Red and Whit Shirt , Black Short (Saturn or Mars)

What do you think ?

Ehab Atari


Well-known member
If you look at Ecuador's kit (Yellow, Red, Blue) and then analyse their Copa America, you can trial it!

Red, White, Black? That's probably Saturn in my opinion.


Well-known member
I don't know I have a feeling Red/Yellow/Blue is Saturn (Look at Aquarius).

I know Saturn usually is Dark Colours.


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The first thing that I could tell that Atl Bilbao presented by Mars , in the next half , Aries became the ASC.

Barca in away kit was Merc.


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Athletic Bilbao must be MERCURY. Just look at mercury. It's starting in the 7th house, which is average strength, then moves into the 6th house it's natural house after 5 minutes into the match. Mercury is in Virgo, which is domicile. That's the most powerful powerful planet in this chart. (Red/white stripes are Mercury; Black is the Virgoan colour).

Barcelona? They played in Yellow + Navy Blue. Looking at the colour spectrum, they can be Aries, Gemini or Aquarius. Obviously Bilbao are Mercury, so they must be Mars or Saturn. Mars in 6th is house of joy, but not for long; and Saturn in 8th must be a weak placement.

Bilbao ==> Mercury.
Barcelona ==> Saturn.