Aspects of being a bully, or being bullied at school


Well-known member
Mars in the 12th indicate bullying and having mars neptune aspects indicate being bullied
I also consider sun hard aspect to pluto being bullied and dominated by other I witness many cases with sun pluto native. They were bullied a lot and that only to get them tough


Well-known member

I disagree.

Im sorry but people read things superficialy sometimes. Are bullies strong people? no,bullies are extremely,more often than not,insecure, cowardly people that need a pack to back them upo otherwise they are litztle people on their own. when someone picks on another,they have a problem within themselfes,not with the other person as we all know,and do you know anz really strong mars or whatnot that needs to do that? not very much. the weak attack the strong.

there is only one planet very much tied to bullying since bullying is about power..PLUTO. and no,tthe bullies dont have Pluto,the bullied do. I analized manz charts of bullied kids,even those bullied to death,and most of them had a strong scorpio-pluto influence in them,which is what Pluto does...those who are bullied are noticed in a crowd,no matter where they trz to hide,if they hid in the back of the room with 50 people the bullies would sniff them out because there is something in them that makes them different than anyone else...why is one girl with glasses and a strange looking outift not gettin picked on,yet the girl sitting right next to her looking exactly the same no different from any other getting hell every day she walks threw the school doors? because of Pluto. It give charisma,but mind u charisma is not ''loved by all'' its when u cant escape the reflector lights no matter where u run...sadly Ive noticed in some rape-murder victims strong Plutos,which is again the ''thing'' in them which makes them stand out in a crowd...

My father was abully,and an all star in his high school,the ring leader or what not,and he has mars in gemini,and afflicted,whilst my mother was bullied by the men in her life and she has a mars in leo,venus in scorpio,moon I think in aries not sure etc. Its not the strong that hurt,its the weak. sadly,until u learn to use your pluto power, other people will excersize it above u, trying to take or destroy the power what the bullied has. if you dont become your Pluto,others will be your Pluto,because that is the nature of Pluto,execution style.

btw I was bullied and later turned bully :) though I never insulted put anyone down,rather I just became very very mean and agressive,and intimidating,I hurt when I needed to.

Many parts of what you have said is true. But how do you maintain power in these situations. The answer has still not being discovered. The main thing the bullied have in common is that they stand out and that they want a bit of time on their own. If a bully is spending every second of their day thinking of how to mess you over, and you have no idea what their trigger is, how are you meant to beat it. I remember a girl in my class would eavesdrop on my conversations, manipulate the teachers and students, gang up on me with them, and then win in the end. Ignoring her didn't work. Bringing up the issue didn't work. She was always in my face no matter what I did. I looked at her chart. She had wonderful strong aspects at that time, a good chart and things going well for her at that time. There was no reason for her to do it other than the thrill of it and competition. Some people are looking for it and no matter what way you deal with it, they keep going.


Well-known member
There are so many different types of bullies. Im discovering there are the strong ones with good charts also, not just the insecure ones. The strong ones are most annoying because they have absolutely no idea what it is like to have a weakness, not the slightest. So when they see a person is going through adversity, this type of person makes fun of the other because they have no idea why they are struggling so much, and they never will understand. My mother in law is exactly this. She would always brag about how she can do anything she wants, how easy her life is, how easy her labour was during pregnancy, how she is capable of doing this that whatever. Highly competitive and full of herself. Has never gone through adversity... ever. I looked at her chart.... brilliant. I thought it would show some kinds of insecurities, but no, she really does have an amazingly strong chart which is why looks down at ppl who have struggles in life. If someone is sick, instead of caring she will abuse the person and call them a nuisance. Sad but true. In her chart she has mars conjunct sun conjunct venus in pisces with a trine to the moon, Saturn and Jupiter. No oppositions. Only one moon square mars which makes her even more aggressive and demanding.


Well-known member
I have read that the star Zozma is associated with the tendency to get picked on and victimised. Thus having to develop resistance to it.

I have it close to my 11th house Saturn, and was bullied at school. I also have a lot of Pluto and Scorpio in my chart.

There used to be a bully at my work who had Sun in Pisces. He abused his wife at home, and I believe she was Pisces as well.


Well-known member
I was bullied in school (to the point that I couldn't take the school bus and my mother had to drive me), but I also did the bullying when I was very young (5 or 6)... but not bullying so much as just being dominating over other children. It's not that I was a total victim of bullying. I just seemed to rub kids the wrong way all the time by being weird, hyperemotional and stubborn; so it was like their defense mechanism to make fun of me or throw things at me or whatever. I was pretty hard to get along with. I have Sun/Mercury square Pluto, and Moon square Pluto.

Of course, what figures strong here with Pluto and other outer planets is it is generational... so in grade school, where everyone is the same age, all the other kids have their Pluto square your planets as well... or Neptune, or Uranus.

I think when talking about bullying, authority figures also are important to note.

My mother told me my father bullied me when I was toddler (Sun square Pluto, Sun/Moon opposed?). I do remember being afraid that he'd make fun of me if I did things wrong or said something stupid. He could be very cruel verbally to others (very witty, sharp minded and sharp tongued if people didn't meet his standards), but after my mother left him and I apparently hated him when I was 3, he never directed his verbal assaults towards me again.

My father has Mercury/Venus conjunct in early Leo, conjunct my Mercury in Leo; and Mars/Jupiter conjunct in late Cancer, conjunct my Sun in Cancer.
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Well-known member
I'm sorry about the bullying. It sounds awful. People who are bullies have lots of garbage, and are taking it out by being mean to other people.

I forgot to say that that bully who used to be at my work who had Sun in Pisces was a fraud - he had lied about his experience and qualifications. I suppose he was acting out that least attractive quality of Pisces - deceit.


Well-known member
I was bulled really nasty at junior high. :wink: I don't think I really found a way to overcome everything that this bullling have done to me psychologicaly, but I am still struggling. I mean, that's why I am into astrology so much and I have overcome a lot of things.

My Sun is opposition Neptune and Uranus/ my Moon is conjuct Neptune and Uranus. My natal Pluto is in the third house and I always thought it has something to do with it. Pluto energy is kind of violent so it's no wonder that I have experienced something violent in early education (3rd house).
During this period the transiting Saturn conjucted my natal Sun. Then it moved to Mercury (which rules the first and the tenth house) and opposed my Cap planets at the same time (Moon, north node, Uranus, Neptune).
I changed a lot during this period. I became cynical Capriorn and before that I was little loving naive Cancer. I kinda combine those two things now. :)


Well-known member
I don't think that being a Bully and a victim it is only about a "MARS thing" in all its extension.....

The Bully Kid is someone:
-who lacks "empathy" <-- keyword. Perhaps a Moon and/or Jupiter with very bad aspects from malefics.

-Who is shallow

-Who is aggressive and controller. <--- OK! Mars and Pluto here.

The bullied Kid:

-It is overprotected by parents and family, he cannot defend him/herself from the outer world alone, he/she needs someone else there to resolve their problems.

-Parents are control freaks with them, sometimes their parents doesn't let them to go out and socialize because of the fear about something could happen to their kids. Parents don't let this kids live freely.... So this kids feel insecure, helpless, and fearful outside the home: school.


Well-known member
virgo18, I like the first part of what you wrote a lot.

However, if it is substantively correct, then the bullied child need not be the "overprotected", incompetent child of control-freak parents, &c. This is a real blame-the victim mentality. Or Blame Mom, which psychology has had quite enough of.

Sometimes boys get bullied simply because they are physically small. Girls get picked on because they are "too tall" or not beautiful by Hollywood standards. Sometimes kids get picked on because they belong to the "wrong" ethnic group or religious faith. I spent a year in a foreign country, and my then-7 year old son got picked on because he was from another country and didn't speak the language. As I recall from both sides of my own childhood, sometimes girls are mean to other girls simply because they can be.

Bullying can become physically violent. Cyber-bullying has led otherwise emotionally well girls to commit suicide. Their only mistake was in being different-- and perhaps having parents who were not protective enough. They didn't know what kids were posting on social media or sending via text messages. There is no excuse or rationale to blame the victim.


Well-known member
Yeah, sorry I forgot to add being different from the majority as another factor of being a victim, and having a peculiar physical characteristic. Example: obesity, big nose, to tall, to short etc etc.

The thing about controlling parents, was because, in some articles I read, they blame the family of the kid who is a victim as being overprotective. (in 50% of the cases).... The other falf is definitely what you said about being different, Waybread.
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Staff member
I read this thread several times before finally being ready to post in it.

I'm also a survivor of bullying. For me, it started as soon as I started school, and while the really bad stuff had dropped off by the time I started high school (it helped that I didn't go to the same high school as many of the kids I'd known before, so I got a fresh start then), there have been lingering effects. Most notably, I'd say it affects my entire sense of self in relation to others... and relation to others is one of the key themes I've picked out of my birth chart.
I'm bullied in school for 5 years. I call it psychological violence. It causes a depression in me which won't leave me for years. I live a nightmare. I tried to die for escape.
Of course it's psychological violence. Peer abuse isn't just kids being kids, it's abuse. Why don't we call it what it is?

On the subject of aspects, I can't respond to everything everyone said, of course, but to pick out a few highlights:
Sorry for being so stubborn...
but I think is fault of Chiron in the 5th. In general.
I don't have Chiron in the 5th. I have it in the 4th, right at my IC. I had a stable home life growing up, but a nightmare outside of home.
I was bullied because:
Sun/Neptune in natal 11th house
Uranus in MC

Transiting Uranus/Neptune were transiting my 11th/12th houses at that time.
Transiting Pluto was transiting my 10th house at that time.

I do have some of those same aspects. Neptune is in my natal eleventh house, at the cusp of the twelfth, conjunct the moon, which is in the twelfth. My sun isn't in that part of the chart, but it does trine the moon, from the eighth house.

I also have Uranus at the MC... I think that's the jackpot right there. And Pluto in the ninth house, so when I was school age, it would have been transiting my tenth house, and maybe my eleventh by high school. I would've had those same eleventh and twelfth house Uranus and Neptune transits during those years... and I just looked up Saturn transits for those years and discovered that Saturn was transiting back and forth over my midheaven throughout the early 1980s. Those were my early grade school years, when the bullying was the worst.

I couldn't find a specific post to quote, but it seems that several people have mentioned aspects involving Saturn, Mars, and/or Pluto. Looking at my birth chart, I have a sextile between Saturn and Mars (and a square between Saturn and Uranus/MC, which are points on a t-square), and a trine between Pluto and Mars (plus a sextile between Pluto and Neptune, which opposes Mars).

And then one post really gave me an aha moment, but I need a whole separate post for that....


Staff member
Of course, what figures strong here with Pluto and other outer planets is it is generational... so in grade school, where everyone is the same age, all the other kids have their Pluto square your planets as well... or Neptune, or Uranus.
Excellent point that these are generational planets. Your pointing that out really hit home to me, and it led me to do some research.

Several of those key generational planets were forming a t-square during the period when I was born. My natal chart has a cardinal t-square consisting of Uranus in Libra, Saturn in Cancer, and Jupiter in Aries. Since those are all relatively slow moving planets, many of my classmates would've had that same t-square, and those who didn't have the exact t-square would still have some energies of that configuration.

Uranus and Pluto are the planets that get mentioned again and again during this bullying discussion. My entire generation has Pluto in Libra... Pluto's powerful shakeup energies in the sign that has most to do with relationship to others... and Uranus is perhaps even more telling. From November 1974 to September 1975, which was the period when most of my classmates were born, Uranus was transiting back and forth between Libra and Scorpio (I was born in August 1975, shortly before it settled back into Scorpio). When we were in grade school, Saturn was transiting that same place!

So everyone must've had that energy affecting them. Why or how that might've made me the bullies' target, I'd like to explore....


Well-known member
I'm still in school

what makes me be intimidated is moon trine Neptune,uranus conj.ruler of asc, Neptune and Uranus square sun and saturn in 5 house

what to do intimidating is... Mars in the first house?
Mercury in Scorpio makes me speak aggressive things I suppose.

I suffered bullying
I still suffer, but now people talk as if he were joking, I look like smoking pot and i'm lonely. okay
in the childhood I suffered many insults because of my ethnicity and felt hurt, but I also knew how far i could endure and fought hard in school, I insulted who insulted me, and beat if it were not a bunch,when I do not take it anymore, I took an English punch and I remember when I was expelled from school for breaking the nose of a guy

I had a fighting last year and before that, some people still afraid of me, I hope it stays that way,because I have an underlying afraid

I hate school,one of worst things in my life
to improve, I repeated one year omggg
Usually a huge indicator of someone who's a bully is a mars in cancer(fall)
people with huge anger managements issues have usually mars in cancer
with bad aspects to personal planets.

or mars on the 1st house doing hard aspects with personal planets

or sometimes mars in aries doing hard aspects to personal planets

usually bullying is an aries thing...
the biggest tough guys i ve ever seen in my life were usually aries sun

Aries are the most violent,war-friendly zodiac sign ,and they also tend to have a bad language

i have mars in aries in 3rd house and in high school,not to say my whole school years

i took part in many street fights along with bully childhood friends

but truth is i didnt wanted to beat or hurt people,i was a nice guy in general who didnt liked the violence(capricorn sun and rising)

but they were always people in my neighborhood and in my school that provoked me and i grew up in a bully neighborhood
so i had to be a bully too for surviving this mess.

i had problems with my parents as a child-teenager so that didnt helped the situation i was always mad because my home was a battlefield
this made me more mad angry and prone to violence ,because my parents were somehow controlling and manipulators when i was a kid
so i was always mad because of my home and school life

so i never wasnt able to control my anger so the result was to become agressive and violent to the people who tried to hurt me
and the final result was to send someone to the hospital

in high school i got dropped from the school for 2 weeks ,and my parents have been called by the directors

because i broked an empty glass into someones head,
it was a wannabe tough guy-bully boy who deserved that by the way

but since i became 20 years old the were no problems anymore i transformated into a responsible mature adult who takes control of his actions

btw my mars makes hard aspects with personal planets and ascendant
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Staff member
Did you check your moon or Chiron perhaps?
What do you mean? Are you talking about the moon and Chiron in my natal chart, or transits, or progressions when I was grade school age? How does that relate to those generational planets affecting everyone in my grade?


Well-known member
What do you mean? Are you talking about the moon and Chiron in my natal chart, or transits, or progressions when I was grade school age? How does that relate to those generational planets affecting everyone in my grade?

Yes, I refered to other natal placements in your chart (Chiron and maybe some other planets). It seemed to me that you want to explore in other direction, away from generational planets affecting everyone because here is no logic - since all clasmates were under the same influence of generational planets there has to be something else that made someone a target.

There is somewhere a thread about Chiron conjunct Ascendant connected with experiences with bullying at school. So, I was wandering if anybody here has this placement or any other significant indication of abuse in natal chart (besides Pluto and Uranus transits).

But it seems I totally messed everything. Just forget it. Sorry. :unsure:


Staff member
Yes, I refered to other natal placements in your chart (Chiron and maybe some other planets). It seemed to me that you want to explore in other direction, away from generational planets affecting everyone because here is no logic - since all clasmates were under the same influence of generational planets there has to be something else that made someone a target.

There is somewhere a thread about Chiron conjunct Ascendant connected with experiences with bullying at school. So, I was wandering if anybody here has this placement or any other significant indication of abuse in natal chart (besides Pluto and Uranus transits).

Interesting. I don't have Chiron conjunct my AC, but I do have it conjunct my IC, and conjunct Jupiter. That Chiron/IC/Jupiter conjunction is the third point in the cardinal t-square, opposing Uranus and square to Saturn. So when Saturn and Pluto were transiting my MC, they were also in opposition to my natal Chiron (and Jupiter) and squaring natal Saturn.

I have Capricorn rising, so Saturn is my chart ruler. Someone told me somewhere on these boards that because of that, I would feel Saturn transits more strongly than most people.

We're getting somewhere with this! :biggrin:
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Well-known member

Iam not an expert on this subject but I recognized a few things in this matter.
Sun in hard aspect to Saturn I found often in charts of people who become victims rather than the opposite. In general I consider Saturn more with getting bullied rather than bully someone else.
Neptun and Moon is probably also on the losing end.
Aries and Leo ACs, Mars and Suns I would think of as more into bullying others than the opposite but one has always to look at the whole chart.
Pluto in hard aspect to Mercury can cause people to verbally abuse others, in hard aspect to Mars it can lead to physical violence. Pluto likes to take things to the extrem.
I have a Pluto-Mars sesquisquare and a Pluto-Mercury conjunction, and I've hit others in my school, and verbally abused people because of my IED... (and I have Pluto square Saturn, and I'm heavily bullied at school as an autistic biracial anarcho-communist).


Well-known member
I'm still in school

what makes me be intimidated is moon trine Neptune,uranus conj.ruler of asc, Neptune and Uranus square sun and saturn in 5 house

what to do intimidating is... Mars in the first house?
Mercury in Scorpio makes me speak aggressive things I suppose.

I suffered bullying
I still suffer, but now people talk as if he were joking, I look like smoking pot and i'm lonely. okay
in the childhood I suffered many insults because of my ethnicity and felt hurt, but I also knew how far i could endure and fought hard in school, I insulted who insulted me, and beat if it were not a bunch,when I do not take it anymore, I took an English punch and I remember when I was expelled from school for breaking the nose of a guy

I had a fighting last year and before that, some people still afraid of me, I hope it stays that way,because I have an underlying afraid

I hate school,one of worst things in my life
to improve, I repeated one year omggg
That sounds like me now, as I exploded in front of my bullies, and I fought with them, even though I'm disabled. Mars sextile Moon, Mars trine Sun vibes.