Will this translation of light be successful?


Premium Member
Looking at accidental dignity of L1 and L7, that actually makes sense.

I appreciate your comments and find them instructional, muchacho.
I see Saturn in the 6th. Beyond that would you mind to say a bit more about which other, if any, accidental dignity are referring to?
Thank you.


Well-known member
i will also add that muchacho's posts are well written. like they are edited and thought out, and if they are not they are even more impressive.


Well-known member

If you see Saturn in the 6th then you are probably using whole sign houses. I use whole sign houses as well, but mostly for sidereal charts only. For tropical charts, I think Placidus or Regiomontanus is best.

If we look at accidental dignity as the power to act, then Saturn in 5th (almost opposite 12th, its joy) and basically stationary is lacking that power. Sun in 9th (its joy) and regular speed is quite powerful in comparison. If we add to this essential dignities (power of intention or motivation), then exalted Sun beats Saturn in own sign as well. So if she would have waited for him to get into gear, that would have taken a while (probably forever). So I think she did the right thing. She cleared some things up as well. She mentioned that there have been some misunderstandings which we could actually see when looking at receptions.

I think we've been focusing too much on the messages and ignored the force behind the messages (the people involved). So the fact that she took the initiative and went ahead anyway came as a surprise (to me as well).
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Premium Member
If we look at accidental dignity as the power to act, then Saturn in 5th (almost opposite 12th, its joy) and basically stationary is lacking that power. Sun in 9th (its joy) and regular speed is quite powerful in comparison.

Thank you for this clarification, muchacho.