Impact of change in communication


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Me and my love interest live in separate states. So far since last 3 years we have been connected through internet (when we cannot meet) texting app.

On Tuesday out of no where he told me his decision to stop using our usual app and told me to continue talking at another app. Tuesday was in a way horrible night for me as I received other family bad news. Possibly impact of New Moon in Scorpio.

Switching to a different app impacted the dynamics of our conversation tremendously (it's been a day) .... It feels a downhill. We used to never stop texting but now I feel struggle in catching up with him... communication gap is introduced.. If I did not follow, I could see us not talking. I also feel hurt that my opinion was not asked while taking a decision when we knew that we have been using this one app just to talk to each other only.

I really did not want to ask this question but I am unable to sleep since last two nights, I am having horrible dreams that we are going to end now whatever we were able to build between him and I. If this chart could tell, I just want to know what would be the impact of this change between him and I... (if this question is bogus, I will disregard/delete this thread)

I do not know which house to read. 11th or 3rd or 7th? I, myself, is Venus - in Scorpio, almost entering Sagittarius. Moon in 3rd house of communication - trines sun (this chart was cast in the morning but I have been busy with work, it's afternoon ATM so this aspect must have separated now). 7th house is Mars which is in Libra - no aspect between Venus and Mars :( Moon & Mars - No. Sun and Venus - No. There are no aspects. Why are we changing our communication style out of no where when we both have a crazy habit to use one particular app.... sigh. I gave so much efforts to build a strong communication between him and I and yet I am seeing this falling apart.

House of communication is ruled by Jupiter and it is sitting in its own house. No aspect with Sun/Moon/Venus but Mars. I see Venus moving towards 3rd house too.

So far with chart readings, I am naive in spotting objects but I still do not know how to decipher anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
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As an update: We spent whole Saturday fighting... and then did not talk at all on Sunday. He went MIA. I do not know how suddenly this disturbance got introduced between him and I. I want to fix it but it all is going downhill instead...


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You are Venus, he is Mars. Venus is in it’s fall in Scorpio, but so is Mars, being in Libra. There is a mutual reception between the 2, but no aspect being made. So no ability to use that mutual reception productively.
That might indicate a mutual frustration. Knowing there is a positive reception but there is an inability to experience that positivity because of difficult or limiting circumstances.

But he , Mars, is in your sign and in your house, so he receives you and hears you. But with no aspect and you both debilitated, it seems you are both in weak positions.

You, as Venus, in a critical degree, 29th, are at the end of your rope. Maybe things will improve when Venus enters Sag. But right now you are in semisquare to Saturn, so you may feel inhibited and blocked somehow. Mercury is going retro, away from you, Venus, so communication may not improve until late December?

He is Mars, in it’s fall, in his 7th and your 1st. So his actions concerning relationships are affecting you greatly. But that Mars is squaring the Sat/Pluto/IC and it appears he is having intense emotional battles at home. Family, authority figures, challenging him and it is overwhelming.

Maybe that is the stress he is feeling and it may be why he appears to be pulling away for now. Maybe you could give him some space so he could work these issues out. The Moon trine Uranus is exact and the Moon is in applying sextile to the Sun.

I think things will work out if you wait it out and dont overreact?


Well-known member
Thank you katydid for writing to me and showing the back side of the situation.

I do not want to over-react either. I am not good in handling changes and this change was introduced to me suddenly without any prior notice.

He was MIA on me for 12 days, talked to me one day telling how he is done with this texting app. I did not want to argue but I became so terribly upset with this forced change to terminate, I became quiet. He is again MIA its been 2 days.

I have no other option than to wait. I may not have enough importance in his life than I actually believed. He can have as much time as he wants.....


Well-known member
You are Venus, he is Mars. Venus is in it’s fall in Scorpio, but so is Mars, being in Libra. There is a mutual reception between the 2, but no aspect being made. So no ability to use that mutual reception productively.
That might indicate a mutual frustration. Knowing there is a positive reception but there is an inability to experience that positivity because of difficult or limiting circumstances.

But he , Mars, is in your sign and in your house, so he receives you and hears you. But with no aspect and you both debilitated, it seems you are both in weak positions.

You, as Venus, in a critical degree, 29th, are at the end of your rope. Maybe things will improve when Venus enters Sag. But right now you are in semisquare to Saturn, so you may feel inhibited and blocked somehow. Mercury is going retro, away from you, Venus, so communication may not improve until late December?

He is Mars, in it’s fall, in his 7th and your 1st. So his actions concerning relationships are affecting you greatly. But that Mars is squaring the Sat/Pluto/IC and it appears he is having intense emotional battles at home. Family, authority figures, challenging him and it is overwhelming.

Maybe that is the stress he is feeling and it may be why he appears to be pulling away for now. Maybe you could give him some space so he could work these issues out. The Moon trine Uranus is exact and the Moon is in applying sextile to the Sun.

I think things will work out if you wait it out and dont overreact?

He did contact me on Monday. But we are not on the same page anymore. He talks very less to me now... I do see him passing time more on social media.. so I am accepting the way it is :) Thank you for the reading